
made this Oracle cheat sheet as I see so many questions about starting and stoping Oracle:

Oracle URL Links

Oracle Enterprise Manager: http://host.domain:5500/em/

Oracle IsqlPlus Manager: http://host.domain:5560/isqlplus

Oracle IsqlPlus Manager DBA : http://host.domain:5560/isqlplus/dba

Oracle UltraSearch : http://host.domain:5620/ultrasearch

Oracle UltraSearch Admin : http://host.domain:5620/ultrasearch/admin

Oracle HTMLDB : http://host.domain:7777/pls/htmldb/htmldb

Oracle Apache : http://host.domain:7777

Stopping/Starting Oracle Database
Enter the following commands to shut down the instance:
1. $ sqlplus /nolog
2. SQL> CONNECT SYS/sys_password as SYSDBA

1. Enter the following commands to start the instance:
2. $ sqlplus /nolog
3. SQL> CONNECT SYS/sys_password as SYSDBA

Stopping/Starting Oracle Net Listener

1. Enter the following command to stop the Oracle Net listener:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop listenername

1. Enter the following command to start the Oracle Net listener:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start [listenername]

Stopping/Starting iSQL*Plus
1. Enter the following command to stop iSQL*Plus:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/isqlplusctl stop

1. Enter the following command to start iSQL*Plus:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/isqlplusctl start

Stopping/Starting Oracle Ultra Search

1. Enter the following command to stop Oracle Ultra Search:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/searchctl stop

1. Enter the following command to start Oracle Ultra Search:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/searchctl start

Stopping/Staring Enterprise (EM) Database Control

1. Enter the following command to stop the Database Control:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop dbconsole

1. Enter the following command to start the Database Control:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start dbconsole

Stopping/Starting Oracle Management Agent

1. Enter the following command to stop Oracle Management Agent:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/agent/bin/emctl stop agent

1. Enter the following command to start Oracle Management Agent:
$ $ORACLE_HOME/agent/bin/emctl start agent


Posts: 82
OTN Member Since: Mar, 2000

Re: Oracle Cheat Sheet ( In Reply To : Oracle Cheat Sheet )  Jul 8, 2004 10:24 AM  

This is a really good list.

A couple things, I have on my cheat sheet are the following:

LSNRCTL STATUS listenername

