

Are you looking for the best WordPress theme for events?


Websites for events and conferences require a professional WordPress theme where you can add everything that attendees will need. You’ll want to include your event calendar, tickets, location map, and other details.

活动和会议的网站要求使用专业的WordPress主题,您可以在其中添加与会者所需的一切。 您需要包括事件日历,门票,位置图和其他详细信息。

In this article, we will share some of the best WordPress themes for events and conferences.



使用WordPress构建活动或会议网站 (Building an Event or Conference Website with WordPress)

WordPress is the perfect tool for event managers and organizers to build their websites. It integrates with third-party platforms to allow you to sell tickets, add event calendars, offer live chat support, and more.

WordPress是活动经理和组织者建立网站的理想工具。 它与第三方平台集成,可让您出售门票,添加事件日历,提供实时聊天支持等等。

Note: There are 2 types of WordPress and it’s important to know the difference. WordPress.com is a limited hosting solution and WordPress.org is a self-hosted platform. You can check out our complete article on WordPress.com vs WordPress.org for more details.

注意: WordPress有2种类型,知道它们之间的区别很重要。 WordPress.com是一个有限的托管解决方案,而WordPress.org是一个自托管平台。 您可以在WordPress.com和WordPress.org上查看完整的文章,以了解更多详细信息。

For your events website, you will need self-hosted WordPress.org. It gives you easy access to all the powerful features of WordPress.

对于您的活动网站,您将需要自托管的WordPress.org。 它使您可以轻松访问WordPress的所有强大功能。

To get started, you will need a domain name for your event or conference website. This is your site’s address on the internet.

首先,您将需要一个用于活动或会议网站的域名 。 这是您网站在互联网上的地址。

You’ll also need a WordPress hosting account. All websites have to be stored on a web host’s servers so they can be accessed 24/7.

您还需要一个WordPress托管帐户。 所有网站都必须存储在网络主机的服务器上,以便可以24/7全天候访问它们。

We recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the largest web hosting companies and an official WordPress hosting partner.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是最大的网络托管公司之一,也是WordPress的官方托管合作伙伴。

For WPBeginner readers, Bluehost offers a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a 65% discount on web hosting. Simply go through our link to Bluehost and this great deal will be automatically applied. You don’t need to enter a coupon code.

对于WPBeginner读者, Bluehost提供了一个免费域名,免费SSL证书以及Web托管65%的折扣。 只需通过我们到Bluehost的链接,这笔大量交易将自动应用。 您不需要输入优惠券代码。


After purchasing hosting, you’ll then need to install WordPress. Follow our complete article on how to make a website for step by step instructions.

购买主机后,您将需要安装WordPress。 按照我们有关如何制作网站的完整文章进行分步说明。

Once you’ve made your site, you can install a WordPress theme. Let’s take a look at our experts’ pick of the best WordPress themes for events and conferences that you can use.

建立网站后,您可以安装WordPress主题 。 让我们来看看我们的专家为您可以使用的活动和会议选择的最佳WordPress主题。

1. Divi (1. Divi)


Divi is a popular WordPress theme and an ultimate page builder. It has a multipurpose approach, so you can create a website for your events and conferences easily.

Divi是一个受欢迎的WordPress主题,并且是最终的页面生成器。 它具有多种用途,因此您可以轻松地为您的活动和会议创建网站。

The theme has 1200+ fantastic pre-made page designs. It comes with masonry and grid layouts to showcase your images, events, speakers, and testimonials stylishly.

主题有1200多种出色的预制页面设计。 它带有砖石结构和网格布局,以时尚的方式展示您的图像,事件,演讲者和推荐 。

Divi is designed with SEO (search engine optimization) in mind. This helps your WordPress website rank highly in Google and other search engines.

Divi在设计时就考虑了SEO(搜索引擎优化)。 这可以帮助您的WordPress网站在Google和其他搜索引擎中排名很高。

2.阿斯特拉 (2. Astra)


Astra is a fast WordPress multipurpose theme designed for any kind of website. It comes with dozens of starter sites that you can import to set up your event site quickly.

Astra是为任何类型的网站设计的快速WordPress多功能主题。 它带有许多入门站点,您可以导入它们以快速设置活动站点。

Astra lets you sell event tickets and accept payments online using WooCommerce. You can also use drag and drop page builders to design custom landing pages for organizers, sponsors, speakers, and your events schedule.

Astra允许您使用WooCommerce出售活动门票并在线接受付款。 您还可以使用拖放页面构建器来为组织者,赞助者,发言人和活动时间表设计自定义登录页面。

3.超 (3. Ultra)


Ultra is a modern WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with a built-in website template for music and instrumental events.

Ultra是现代WordPress多功能主题。 它带有用于音乐和乐器事件的内置网站模板。

It includes a fullscreen custom background image, featured event space, social sharing icons, and more. Ultra has support for eCommerce plugins to make online ticket sales easy.

它包括全屏自定义背景图片,特色事件空间,社交共享图标等。 Ultra支持电子商务插件 ,使在线机票销售变得容易。

Ultra also has a responsive layout, meaning your event website will look great on all devices.


4. Gallery Pro (4. Gallery Pro)


Gallery Pro is a minimalist WordPress theme suitable for an event, conference, or meetup website.

Gallery Pro是一种简约的WordPress主题,适用于活动,会议或聚会网站。

It has a beautiful layout with eye-catching colors, crisp typography, an attractive image gallery section, and more. The theme also includes custom page templates to design your event pages easily.

它具有醒目的颜色,清晰的版式,引人入胜的图像库部分等漂亮的布局。 该主题还包括自定义页面模板 ,可轻松设计事件页面。

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

StudioPress现在是WP Engine的一部分, WP Engine是最受欢迎的托管WordPress托管公司。 当您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站时,您可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

奖励: WPBeginner用户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。 立即开始使用WP Engine !

5. OceanWP (5. OceanWP)


OceanWP is a free WordPress multipurpose theme. It has 100s of free and premium website templates and a 1-click demo content importer to launch your website quickly.

OceanWP是一个免费的WordPress多用途主题。 它具有100多种免费和高级网站模板,以及一键式演示内容导入器,可快速启动您的网站。

It integrates with WordPress page builders to let you create beautiful pages for events. It also offers an image gallery, contact form, and blog. The theme is highly optimized for speed and performance.

它与WordPress页面构建器集成,可让您为事件创建漂亮的页面。 它还提供一个图片库,联系表和博客。 该主题针对速度和性能进行了高度优化。

6. OpenEvent (6. OpenEvent)


OpenEvent is a powerful WordPress theme designed specifically for events like conferences, workshops, meetings, and more. It has a modern homepage layout and comes with a frontend editor to edit your website easily.

OpenEvent是一个功能强大的WordPress主题,专门用于会议,研讨会,会议等事件。 它具有现代的首页布局,并带有前端编辑器,可轻松编辑您的网站。

It includes a 1-click event importer to display Facebook events on your WordPress site. You can also show RSVPs and engage your audiences on Facebook to increase your website traffic.

它包括一键式事件导入器,可在WordPress网站上显示Facebook事件 。 您还可以显示RSVP并在Facebook上吸引观众,以增加您的网站流量。

OpenEvent also lets you easily import your event details from Eventbrite or Facebook. You can even add a list of attendees to your site, from Facebook.

OpenEvent还使您可以轻松地从Eventbrite或Facebook导入事件详细信息。 您甚至可以从Facebook向您的站点添加与会者列表。

7.会议 (7. Meeting)


Meeting is an ultra-responsive WordPress theme for events and conferences. It features a sophisticated modern homepage layout with a large fullscreen slider, event countdown timer, and call to action buttons.

会议是用于事件和会议的超响应WordPress主题。 它具有复杂的现代首页布局,带有大的全屏滑块, 事件倒数计时器和号召性用语按钮。

It comes with a one-page template as well as a multi-page theme. Inside, you will find tons of options for social media integration, custom widgets, colors, and more. Plus, you’ll get the popular plugin Visual Composer included for free.

它带有一个一页模板以及一个多页主题。 在内部,您将找到大量用于社交媒体集成 ,自定义小部件,颜色等的选项。 另外,您将免费获得流行的插件Visual Composer。

8.尼芙 (8. Neve)


Neve is a stylish WordPress multipurpose theme. It comes with dozens of built-in website templates, including a template for your WordPress event site.

Neve是一个时尚的WordPress多功能主题。 它带有许多内置网站模板,其中包括适用于WordPress事件网站的模板。

It integrates with popular drag and drop page builders such as Elementor for customization. You can also use these page builders to design beautiful landing pages for your events.

它与流行的拖放页面构建器(例如Elementor)集成在一起以进行自定义。 您还可以使用这些页面构建器来为事件设计漂亮的登录页面 。

9. Conference Pro (9. Conference Pro)


Conference Pro is a flexible and modern WordPress theme for events and conferences. It comes with a drag and drop event builder that allows you to set up a beautiful event website and landing pages easily.

Conference Pro是用于事件和会议的灵活而现代的WordPress主题。 它带有拖放事件生成器,可让您轻松设置漂亮的事件网站和登录页面。

It includes multiple sections to add event date, venue, sponsors, speakers, and testimonials. It’s compatible with WordPress event management plugins, Google Maps, third-party ticketing websites, and more.

它包括多个部分以添加活动日期,地点,赞助商,演讲者和推荐书。 它与WordPress事件管理插件 ,Google Maps,第三方票务网站等兼容。

10.活动 (10. Event)


Are you looking for a more trendy WordPress theme for entertainment-related events like concerts, clubs, or music festivals? The Event theme might be just right for you. It is ideal for music events, clubs, and lifestyle events.

您是否正在为与娱乐相关的活动(例如音乐会,俱乐部或音乐节)寻找更时尚的WordPress主题? 活动主题可能恰好适合您。 它是音乐活动,俱乐部和生活方式活动的理想选择。

It supports an event management system, audio, video, photo galleries, and built-in social sharing. It comes with the Themify Page Builder, a 1-click demo content importer, and powerful customization options through the theme customization panel.

它支持事件管理系统,音频,视频, 照片画廊和内置的社交共享。 它带有Themify Page Builder ,一键式演示内容导入器以及通过主题自定义面板提供的强大自定义选项。

11.最低专业 (11. Minimum Pro)

Minimum Pro is a classic WordPress theme with a spacious layout and graceful design. It is an SEO friendly theme that lets you create a powerful WordPress event site.

Minimum Pro是一个经典的WordPress主题,具有宽敞的布局和优美的设计。 这是一个SEO友好主题,可让您创建功能强大的WordPress事件网站。

It has a widgetized homepage where you can drag and drop content widgets and set up your website quickly. You can also add shortcodes to your widgets and to posts or pages on your site. Minimum Pro includes custom page templates, a fully customizable header, and background colors.

它具有一个小部件化的主页,您可以在其中拖放内容小部件并快速设置网站。 您还可以将短代码添加到窗口小部件以及网站上的帖子或页面上。 Minimum Pro包括自定义页面模板, 完全可自定义的标题和背景色。

You can get Minimum Pro and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

当您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站时,您可以获得Minimum Pro和所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

12. Speakersumo (12. Speakersumo)


Speakersumo is one of the best event WordPress themes designed for public speakers and keynote speakers. It allows you to showcase events that you attended as a speaker, plus your upcoming events. It also lets you add a booking form for future events.

Speakersumo是为公众演讲者和主题演讲者设计的最佳活动WordPress主题之一。 它使您可以展示作为演讲者参加的活动以及即将举行的活动。 它还可以让您添加预订表以备将来使用。

Speakersumo comes with multiple homepage sections for events, presentations, and call to action buttons. Setting it up is easy, and you even get a 1-click demo content importer to launch your site quickly.

Speakersumo带有多个主页部分,用于事件,演示和号召性用语。 设置很容易,您甚至可以通过单击一下演示内容导入器来快速启动站点。

13.活动 (13. Event)


Event is a free event WordPress theme built specifically for events, conferences, and event planners. It includes custom widgets, multiple sidebars, a header widget area, and upcoming events.

Event是一个免费的活动WordPress主题,专门为活动,会议和活动计划者而构建。 它包括自定义小部件,多个边栏, 标题小部件区域和即将发生的事件。

You will also get beautiful templates for your blog, full-width pages, large header images, and more. It is compatible with the Polylang plugin to create a multilingual website easily.

您还将获得用于博客,全角页面,大页眉图像等的漂亮模板。 它与Polylang插件兼容,可以轻松创建多语言网站 。

14.洞察力 (14. Insight)


Insight is a magazine-style WordPress multipurpose theme suitable for content-rich event websites. It comes with several custom widgets and a fully widgetized homepage layout.

Insight是杂志风格的WordPress多功能主题,适用于内容丰富的活动网站。 它带有几个自定义窗口小部件和完全窗口化的首页布局。

It has 3 color schemes, a visual customizer, and grid and list styles for posts. All theme options are easily accessible within the WordPress live customizer and a theme options panel.

它具有3种配色方案,可视化定制器以及帖子的网格和列表样式。 所有主题选项都可以在WordPress实时定制器和主题选项面板中轻松访问。

15.振荡器 (15. Oscillator)


Oscillator is a flexible event management WordPress theme for music events, bands, and musicians. It supports artists, discography, event management, galleries, and videos.

Oscillator是适用于音乐事件,乐队和音乐家的灵活事件管理WordPress主题。 它支持艺术家 ,唱片,事件管理,画廊和视频。

It has a beautiful music player that you can display on your homepage or landing pages. It also includes a drag and drop homepage with custom widgets for content discovery, social networking, and more.

它具有漂亮的音乐播放器 ,您可以在首页或登录页面上显示它们。 它还包括一个带有自定义小部件的拖放主页,用于内容发现,社交网络等。

16.亚努阿斯 (16. Januas)

Januas is an excellent event WordPress theme designed specifically for events and event organizers. It comes with an advanced event management system to add multiple events and conferences on your website easily.

Januas是一个出色的活动WordPress主题,专门为活动和活动组织者设计。 它带有先进的事件管理系统,可轻松在您的网站上添加多个事件和会议。

The theme includes an event management portal to manage all your events from a single dashboard. It lets you customize each event page separately to add photos, videos, an event schedule, and more.

该主题包括一个事件管理门户,可从单个仪表板管理所有事件。 它使您可以分别自定义每个事件页面,以添加照片, 视频 ,事件时间表等。

17. Hestia专业版 (17. Hestia Pro)

Hestia Pro is a modern one-page WordPress theme for any kind of website. It comes with a beautiful event layout and is compatible with page builders like Beaver Builder for quick customization.

Hestia Pro是适用于任何类型网站的现代一页WordPress主题。 它带有漂亮的事件布局,并且与Beaver Builder之类的页面构建器兼容,可以快速自定义。

It has advanced settings for header styles, multiple layout choices, sidebars, and a widgetized homepage. It is WooCommerce ready, letting you take payments via Paypal, Stripe, and other payment gateways. It also works well with essential WordPress plugins.

它具有标题样式,多个布局选择,侧边栏和微件化主页的高级设置。 WooCommerce已准备就绪,可让您通过Paypal,Stripe和其他付款网关进行付款。 它也可以与基本的WordPress插件配合使用 。

18.电子赛事 (18. E-event)


E-event is a premium WordPress theme for events and conferences. It has a beautiful crisp white layout that makes your content stand out.

电子事件是用于事件和会议的高级WordPress主题。 它具有漂亮的白色清晰布局,使您的内容脱颖而出。

The theme features include homepage sections, an events counter, a carousel slider, and more. It comes with a stylish events calendar to display your events professionally.

主题功能包括主页部分,事件计数器, 转盘滑块等。 它带有时尚的活动日历,可以专业地显示您的活动。

19.投影仪 (19. Projektor)


Projektor is a highly flexible conference WordPress theme. It’s suitable for many types of conferences, events, and event bloggers. It offers 30+ custom controls to set up your website’s header and footer.

Projektor是一个高度灵活的会议WordPress主题。 它适用于多种类型的会议,事件和事件博客。 它提供30多种自定义控件,用于设置网站的页眉和页脚 。

You also get global sections and support for page builders to design your landing pages quickly. The Projektor theme has multiple layout choices, including 1-column, 2-column, 3-column, and masonry layouts.

您还将获得全局部分,并支持页面构建器来快速设计目标页面。 Projektor主题有多种布局选择,包括1列,2列,3列和砖石布局。

20. Vertoh (20. Vertoh)


Vertoh is a beautiful WordPress theme for any kind of events website. It is designed to help you sell more tickets and generate leads for your event.

对于任何类型的活动网站, Vertoh都是一个漂亮的WordPress主题。 它旨在帮助您出售更多门票并为您的活动产生销售线索 。

It comes in 16 color schemes and 4 header styles to give your site a unique look. It includes custom post types to add speakers, sponsors, testimonials, attractions, and more.

它具有16种配色方案和4种标题样式,可为您的网站带来独特的外观。 它包括自定义帖子类型,以添加发言人,赞助者,推荐书,景点等。

21.代理专业版 (21. Agency Pro)


Agency Pro is a professional WordPress Genesis theme. It comes with multiple layout options that you can use to design your events website.

Agency Pro是一个专业的WordPress Genesis主题。 它带有多个布局选项,可用于设计事件网站。

Other notable features include 3 homepage widget areas, custom page templates, unlimited color styles, and more. It lets you showcase your featured events on the homepage stylishly.

其他值得注意的功能包括3个首页小部件区域,自定义页面模板,无限的颜色样式等等。 它使您可以在首页上时尚地展示特色活动。

22.泽勒 (22. Zelle)


Zelle is a stunning WordPress multipurpose theme that you can use for your event or conference website. It offers beautiful and eye-catching animations, parallax effects, and seamless content sliders.

Zelle是一个令人惊叹的WordPress多功能主题,可用于您的活动或会议网站。 它提供了精美而引人注目的动画, 视差效果以及无缝的内容滑块。

The theme includes custom content blocks for events, speakers, testimonials, portfolio, and more. Zelle supports WooCommerce to sell tickets and accept payments online.

主题包括事件,演讲者,推荐词,作品集等的自定义内容块。 Zelle支持WooCommerce在网上出售机票并接受付款 。

23.泰勒 (23. Tyler)


Tyler is a WordPress event theme made for event professionals and organizers. Its homepage has a large image with a clear call to action button for event date and venue.

泰勒(Tyler)是为活动专业人士和组织者制作的WordPress活动主题。 它的主页上有一个很大的图像,并带有清晰的号召性用语按钮,用于显示活动日期和地点。

It includes built-in sections to add sponsors, testimonials, sessions, and more. It works with third-party event ticketing platforms, and you can also sell tickets using WooCommerce.

它包括一些内置部分,用于添加赞助者,推荐书,会议等。 它与第三方事件票务平台配合使用,您也可以使用WooCommerce出售票证。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for events and conferences. Next, make sure you take a look at our ultimate step by step WordPress SEO (search engine optimization) guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到活动和会议的最佳WordPress主题。 接下来,请确保您了解针对初学者的终极WordPress SEO(搜索引擎优化)指南 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-themes-for-events/

