From Rails to Erlyweb - Part III

3. The Magic Behind Erlyweb

With dynamic typing, hot code swapping, built-in parsing and compilation tools, Erlang is also suitable for dynamic meta-programming. Erlyweb uses a small convenient tool smerl to generate db record CRUD code automatically.

The music example on shows the magic:

Define a simple musician.erl module (just one line here):


Then, you will get a long list functions for musician module after erlyweb:compile("apps/music"). Sounds similar to Rails.

I like to watch magic show, but I can't stand that I do not know the things behind magic in programming. For Rails, the magic behind it always makes me headache, it's too difficult to follow who, where, some code are injected into a class or module. But in Erlang, it's super easy.

I add a simple function to erlyweb_app.erl (please see my previous post):


decompile(AppName, Beam) when is_atom(AppName) ->
    decompile(atom_to_list(AppName), Beam);
decompile(AppName, Beam) when is_list(AppName) ->
    BinFilename = "./apps/" ++ AppName ++ "/ebin/" ++ atom_to_list(Beam),
    io:format("Beam file: ~s~n", [BinFilename]),
    {ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {_, AC}}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(BinFilename, [abstract_code]),
    SrcFilename = "./apps/" ++ AppName ++ "_" ++ atom_to_list(Beam),
    {ok, S} = file:open(SrcFilename ++ ".erl", write),
    io:fwrite(S, "~s~n", [erl_prettypr:format(erl_syntax:form_list(AC))]). 

Now type erlyweb_decompile(music, musician) under the Erlang shell, I get a file: music_musician.erl under folder myproject/apps/ (I put these decompiled source files under /myproject/apps/ to avoid that they are auto-compiled to beams by erlyweb again ):

-file("musician", 1).


-export([relations/0, fields/0, table/0, type_field/0,
   db_table/0, db_field/1, is_new/1, is_new/2,
   get_module/1, to_iolist/1, to_iolist/2,
   field_to_iolist/2, new/0, new_with/1, new_with/2,
   new_from_strings/1, set_fields/2, set_fields/3,
   set_fields_from_strs/2, field_from_string/2, save/1,
   insert/1, update/1, update/2, delete/1, delete_id/1,
   delete_where/1, delete_all/0, transaction/1,
   before_save/1, after_save/1, before_delete/1,
   after_delete/1, after_fetch/1, find/2, find_first/2,
   find_max/3, find_range/4, find_id/1, aggregate/4,
   count/0, get/2, set_related_one_to_many/2,
   find_related_one_to_many/2, find_related_many_to_one/4,
   find_related_many_first/4, find_related_many_max/5,
   find_related_many_range/6, aggregate_related_many/6,
   do_save/1, do_delete/1, field_names_for_query/0,
   field_names_for_query/1, field_to_iolist/1, set/3,
   db_pk_fields/0, get_pk_fk_fields/0, get_pk_fk_fields2/0,
   db_fields/0, db_field_names/0, db_field_names_str/0,
   db_field_names_bin/0, db_num_fields/0, id/1, id/2,
   name/1, name/2, birth_date/1, birth_date/2,
   instrument/1, instrument/2, bio/1, bio/2, new/4,
   driver/0, count/3, count/1, count/2, count_with/2,
   avg/3, avg/1, avg/2, avg_with/2, min/3, min/1, min/2,
   min_with/2, max/3, max/1, max/2, max_with/2, sum/3,
   sum/1, sum/2, sum_with/2, stddev/3, stddev/1, stddev/2,
   stddev_with/2, find/0, find/1, find_with/1,
   find_first/0, find_first/1, find_first_with/1,
   find_max/1, find_max/2, find_max_with/2, find_range/2,
   find_range/3, find_range_with/3]).

relations() -> erlydb_base:relations().

fields() -> erlydb_base:fields().

table() -> erlydb_base:table().

type_field() -> erlydb_base:type_field().

db_table() -> erlydb_base:db_table(musician).

db_field(FieldName) ->
    erlydb_base:db_field(musician, FieldName).

is_new(Rec) -> erlydb_base:is_new(Rec).

is_new(Rec, Val) -> erlydb_base:is_new(Rec, Val).

get_module(Rec) -> erlydb_base:get_module(Rec).

to_iolist(Recs) ->
    erlydb_base:to_iolist(musician, Recs).

to_iolist(Recs, ToIolistFun) ->
    erlydb_base:to_iolist(musician, Recs, ToIolistFun).

field_to_iolist(Val, _Field) ->
    erlydb_base:field_to_iolist(Val, _Field).

new() -> erlydb_base:new(musician).

new_with(Fields) ->
    erlydb_base:new_with(musician, Fields).

new_with(Fields, ToFieldFun) ->
    erlydb_base:new_with(musician, Fields, ToFieldFun).

new_from_strings(Fields) ->
    erlydb_base:new_from_strings(musician, Fields).

set_fields(Record, Fields) ->
    erlydb_base:set_fields(musician, Record, Fields).

set_fields(Record, Fields, ToFieldFun) ->
    erlydb_base:set_fields(musician, Record, Fields,

set_fields_from_strs(Record, Fields) ->
    erlydb_base:set_fields_from_strs(musician, Record,

field_from_string(ErlyDbField, undefined) ->
    erlydb_base:field_from_string(ErlyDbField, undefined).

save(Rec) -> erlydb_base:save(Rec).

insert(Recs) -> erlydb_base:insert(Recs).

update(Props) -> erlydb_base:update(musician, Props).

update(Props, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:update(musician, Props, Where).

delete(Rec) -> erlydb_base:delete(Rec).

delete_id(Id) -> erlydb_base:delete_id(musician, Id).

delete_where(Where) ->
    erlydb_base:delete_where(musician, Where).

delete_all() -> erlydb_base:delete_all(musician).

transaction(Fun) ->
    erlydb_base:transaction(musician, Fun).

before_save(Rec) -> erlydb_base:before_save(Rec).

after_save(Rec) -> erlydb_base:after_save(Rec).

before_delete(Rec) -> erlydb_base:before_delete(Rec).

after_delete({_Rec, Num}) ->
    erlydb_base:after_delete({_Rec, Num}).

after_fetch(Rec) -> erlydb_base:after_fetch(Rec).

find(Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find(musician, Where, Extras).

find_first(Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_first(musician, Where, Extras).

find_max(Max, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_max(musician, Max, Where, Extras).

find_range(First, Max, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_range(musician, First, Max, Where,

find_id(Id) -> erlydb_base:find_id(musician, Id).

aggregate(AggFunc, Field, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, AggFunc, Field, Where,

count() -> erlydb_base:count(musician).

get(Idx, Rec) -> erlydb_base:get(Idx, Rec).

set_related_one_to_many(Rec, Other) ->
    erlydb_base:set_related_one_to_many(Rec, Other).

find_related_one_to_many(OtherModule, Rec) ->
    erlydb_base:find_related_one_to_many(OtherModule, Rec).

find_related_many_to_one(OtherModule, Rec, Where,
       Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_related_many_to_one(OtherModule, Rec,
           Where, Extras).

aggregate_related_many_to_one(OtherModule, AggFunc, Rec,
            Field, Where, Extras) ->
                AggFunc, Rec, Field, Where,

add_related_many_to_many(JoinTable, Rec, OtherRec) ->
    erlydb_base:add_related_many_to_many(JoinTable, Rec,

remove_related_many_to_many(JoinTable, Rec, OtherRec) ->
    erlydb_base:remove_related_many_to_many(JoinTable, Rec,

remove_related_many_to_many_all(JoinTable, OtherTable,
        Rec, Where, Extras) ->
            OtherTable, Rec, Where, Extras).

find_related_many_to_many(OtherModule, JoinTable, Rec,
        Where, Extras) ->
            JoinTable, Rec, Where, Extras).

aggregate_related_many_to_many(OtherModule, JoinTable,
             AggFunc, Rec, Field, Where, Extras) ->
                 JoinTable, AggFunc, Rec, Field,
                 Where, Extras).

find_related_many_first(Func, Rec, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_related_many_first(Func, Rec, Where,

find_related_many_max(Func, Rec, Num, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_related_many_max(Func, Rec, Num, Where,

find_related_many_range(Func, Rec, First, Last, Where,
      Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_related_many_range(Func, Rec, First,
          Last, Where, Extras).

aggregate_related_many(Func, AggFunc, Rec, Field, Where,
           Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate_related_many(Func, AggFunc, Rec,
               Field, Where, Extras).

do_save(Rec) -> erlydb_base:do_save(Rec).

do_delete(Rec) -> erlydb_base:do_delete(Rec).

field_names_for_query() ->

field_names_for_query(UseStar) ->
    erlydb_base:field_names_for_query(musician, UseStar).

field_to_iolist(Val) ->

set(Idx, Rec, Val) -> setelement(Idx, Rec, Val).

db_pk_fields() ->
    erlydb_base:db_pk_fields([{erlydb_field, id, "id",
             <<105, 100>>, int, 11, integer, text_field,
             false, primary, undefined, identity}]).

get_pk_fk_fields() ->
    erlydb_base:get_pk_fk_fields([{id, musician_id}]).

get_pk_fk_fields2() ->
    erlydb_base:get_pk_fk_fields2([{id, musician_id1,

db_fields() ->
    erlydb_base:db_fields([{erlydb_field, id, "id",
          <<105, 100>>, int, 11, integer, text_field, false,
          primary, undefined, identity},
         {erlydb_field, name, "name", <<110, 97, 109, 101>>,
          varchar, 20, binary, text_field, true, undefined,
          undefined, undefined},
         {erlydb_field, birth_date, "birth_date",
          <<98, 105, 114, 116, 104, 95, 100, 97, 116, 101>>,
          date, undefined, date, text_field, true, undefined,
          undefined, undefined},
         {erlydb_field, instrument, "instrument",
          <<105, 110, 115, 116, 114, 117, 109, 101, 110,
          [<<103, 117, 105, 116, 97, 114>>,
           <<112, 105, 97, 110, 111>>,
           <<100, 114, 117, 109, 115>>,
           <<118, 111, 99, 97, 108, 115>>],
          binary, select, true, undefined, undefined,
         {erlydb_field, bio, "bio", <<98, 105, 111>>, text,
          undefined, binary, text_area, true, undefined,
          undefined, undefined}]).

db_field_names() ->
    erlydb_base:db_field_names([id, name, birth_date,
        instrument, bio]).

db_field_names_str() ->
    erlydb_base:db_field_names_str(["id", "name",
            "birth_date", "instrument", "bio"]).

db_field_names_bin() ->
    erlydb_base:db_field_names_bin([<<105, 100>>,
            <<110, 97, 109, 101>>,
            <<98, 105, 114, 116, 104, 95, 100, 97, 116,
            <<105, 110, 115, 116, 114, 117, 109, 101,
              110, 116>>,
            <<98, 105, 111>>]).

db_num_fields() -> erlydb_base:db_num_fields(5).

id(Rec) -> erlydb_base:get(3, Rec).

id(Rec, Val) -> setelement(3, Rec, Val).

name(Rec) -> erlydb_base:get(4, Rec).

name(Rec, Val) -> setelement(4, Rec, Val).

birth_date(Rec) -> erlydb_base:get(5, Rec).

birth_date(Rec, Val) -> setelement(5, Rec, Val).

instrument(Rec) -> erlydb_base:get(6, Rec).

instrument(Rec, Val) -> setelement(6, Rec, Val).

bio(Rec) -> erlydb_base:get(7, Rec).

bio(Rec, Val) -> setelement(7, Rec, Val).

new(name, birth_date, instrument, bio) ->
    {musician, true, undefined, name, birth_date,
     instrument, bio}.

driver() ->
      [{last_compile_time, {{1980, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}},
       {outdir, "apps/music/ebin"}, debug_info, report_errors,
       report_warnings, {erlydb_driver, mysql}]}).

count(Field, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, count, Field, Where,

count(Field) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, count, Field, undefined,

count(Field, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, count, Field, Where,

count_with(Field, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, count, Field, undefined,

avg(Field, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, avg, Field, Where,

avg(Field) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, avg, Field, undefined,

avg(Field, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, avg, Field, Where,

avg_with(Field, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, avg, Field, undefined,

min(Field, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, min, Field, Where,

min(Field) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, min, Field, undefined,

min(Field, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, min, Field, Where,

min_with(Field, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, min, Field, undefined,

max(Field, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, max, Field, Where,

max(Field) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, max, Field, undefined,

max(Field, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, max, Field, Where,

max_with(Field, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, max, Field, undefined,

sum(Field, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, sum, Field, Where,

sum(Field) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, sum, Field, undefined,

sum(Field, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, sum, Field, Where,

sum_with(Field, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, sum, Field, undefined,

stddev(Field, Where, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, stddev, Field, Where,

stddev(Field) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, stddev, Field,
        undefined, undefined).

stddev(Field, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, stddev, Field, Where,

stddev_with(Field, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:aggregate(musician, stddev, Field,
        undefined, Extras).

find() ->
    erlydb_base:find(musician, undefined, undefined).

find(Where) ->
    erlydb_base:find(musician, Where, undefined).

find_with(Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find(musician, undefined, Extras).

find_first() ->
    erlydb_base:find_first(musician, undefined, undefined).

find_first(Where) ->
    erlydb_base:find_first(musician, Where, undefined).

find_first_with(Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_first(musician, undefined, Extras).

find_max(Max) ->
    erlydb_base:find_max(musician, Max, undefined,

find_max(Max, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:find_max(musician, Max, Where, undefined).

find_max_with(Max, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_max(musician, Max, undefined, Extras).

find_range(First, Max) ->
    erlydb_base:find_range(musician, First, Max, undefined,

find_range(First, Max, Where) ->
    erlydb_base:find_range(musician, First, Max, Where,

find_range_with(First, Max, Extras) ->
    erlydb_base:find_range(musician, First, Max, undefined,

With this decompiled file, you get all things clearly behind the magic, such as, you have pair getter/setter functions for each field, for example:

Musician = musician:find({name, 'like' "Caoyuan Mus"}),
%% get the 'name' field of record Musician
Name = musician:name(Musician), 
%% set the 'name' field to "new name" and bind to a new record Musician1.
Musician1 = musician:name(Musician, "new name"),
%% Or,
Musician2 = musician:set_fields(Musician, {name, "new name"}, {birth_day, "1940/10/9"}),
%% then save one of them

Finally, some notices for new comer to Erlang and Erlyweb:

  1. In Erlang, the Variable can only be bound(set value) once , so, only Musician1 and Musician2 have the "new name", Musician will keep the original value
  2. For efficiency reason, if the field is varchar/text type, the getter will return a binary rather than string, which can be printed on browser directly in Erlyweb, but, if you want to use it as a string, you can apply binary_to_list(Name) on it.
