



** The type for a callback function.

** This is legacy and deprecated.  It is included for historical

** compatibility and is not documented.



typedef int (*sqlite3_callback)(void*,int,char**, char**);



** CAPI3REF: One-Step Query Execution Interface


** The sqlite3_exec() interface is a convenience wrapper around

** [sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_step()], and [sqlite3_finalize()],

** that allows an application to run multiple statements of SQL

** without having to use a lot of C code. 

**sqlite3_exec()接口包装了[sqlite3_prepare_v2()], [sqlite3_step()], and [sqlite3_finalize()],方便使用,允许应用程序执行多语句的SQL,无使用大量C代码

**sqlite3_exec()符合UTF8编码要求 ,用分号分隔的SQL语句为它的第二个

**参数,database connection数据 库连接为第一个参数,做为第三个参数的回调函数如果非空,则SQL执行结果的每一行都会调用该函数

** ^The sqlite3_exec() interface runs zero or more UTF-8 encoded,

** semicolon-separate SQL statements passed into its 2nd argument,

** in the context of the [database connection] passed in as its 1st

** argument.  ^If the callback function of the 3rd argument to

** sqlite3_exec() is not NULL, then it is invoked for each result row

** coming out of the evaluated SQL statements.  
