drone | CI/CD | 基于容器技术的持续交付平台


Drone is a continuous delivery system built on container technology. Drone uses a simple YAML build file, to define and execute build pipelines inside Docker containers.



  • Overview | Drone

Drone 分为 Server 和 Runner 两部分

1. Server 安装

需要与 源代码控制 相结合, 这里与 GitHub 相结合
参考: GitHub | Drone

2. Runner 安装

Drone Runners are standalone daemons that poll the server for pending pipelines to execute. There are different types of runners optimized for different use cases and runtime environments. Once the server is successfully installed you must install one or more runners. 参考: runner | Overview | Drone

这里选择使用 Docker Runner
参考: Docker Runner | Overview | Drone

The Docker runner is a daemon that executes pipelines steps inside ephemeral Docker containers. You can install a single Docker runner, or install the Docker runner on multiple machines to create your own build cluster.

我这里是 Linux,
参考: Install On Linux | Drone





  • harness/drone: Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform
