第十四周The Frog King第三次课


when the day was very warm, the King’s child went out into the forest and sat down by the side of the cool fountain, and when she was bored she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught it, and this ball was her favorite plaything.

Now it so happened that on one occasion the princess’s golden ball did not fall into the little hand which she was holding up for it, but on to the ground beyond, and rolled straight into the water. The King’s daughter followed it with her eyes, but it vanished, and the well was deep, so deep that the bottom could not be seen. At this she began to cry, and cried louder and louder, and could not be comforted.


第一部分:when the day was very warm, the King’s child went out into the forest and sat down by the side of the cool fountain

第十四周The Frog King第三次课_第1张图片

本部分教学重点:理解warm;理解两个动作go out into the forest 以及 sit down by the side of the cool fountain;以及理解cool fountain与之前的well之间的相同意义;


when she was bored she took a golden ball, and threw it up on high and caught it, and this ball was her favorite plaything.

Now it so happened that on one occasion the princess’s golden ball did not fall into the little hand which she was holding up for it, but on to the ground beyond, and rolled straight into the water. 

本部分教学重点: 理解bored的多种情绪状态以及小公主此时应有的情绪状态;通过画图理解一系列动作: took a golden ball, threw it up on high, caught the golden ball, fall on to the ground, roll straight into the water.

第十四周The Frog King第三次课_第2张图片


The King’s daughter followed it with her eyes, but it vanished, and the well was deep, so deep that the bottom could not be seen. At this she began to cry, and cried louder and louder, and could not be comforted.


作业: 听力本部分故事内容,期待学生能够听得懂并理解

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