The Epic Journey


        In my point of view, "culture shock" not only take place when you go abroad or somewhere you are not familiar with and have different culture in contract with yours,but also being encountered when your are at home. There are millions of rules in my hometown that I don't know when I first came across with them. To be honest, implicit rules to me is what reef under the see to an unexprienced captain and I had been shocked a million times.Let me picture my sad story on the table. Since I was invited with my parents to aunt's home for a big meal, I had an extremely unpleasant memory which was haunted me. It is our custome to entertain guests with elaborated cuisine you will not taste in daily meals when they have big occasions,such as marriage,birthday and so on.

  There are many dining rules too complex and irksome to an only 8-year-old girl who are naive and innocent. It still carve on my mind's eyes deeply annd profoundly because I was bitterly critizised by my mother and gossiped by my relatives. How this event had happened? Let me describe: when i was young , I was picky about what I eat and this situation triggered my parrents worries, so there is only a small amount of food I was willing to eat. When I see them, I will not easily let it go and that leads to my embarrasing fate. Although I was picky about food,I was burning with curiosity just like other children will do. It is universal acknowledged that you have to wait seversal centuries before a big meal.Thus I was idling around here and there and at length lost my patience. Suddenly, it drawn on me that I can spy on the food on the table just like soliders spy on their enemies before make a strategy. Burning to do what I am thinking, I acted myself as a soldier to have a essential mission to fulfill and prowled on to the dining table.On the process, I managed escaped every obstacles and ditchs and soon my destination was close at hand, then I knew the cusine will be served. Like a martyr accomplished her mission,I strided out of the room and retured my idle state.

    The time lapsed by, everybody sat together and celebrate the big occasion. I sat straight and stared at the cusine but not dare to take up chopsticks due to the rule that it is rule to eat before elders. I waited my time patiently and pretended a look of ignorance. Looking at me, my mother smiled and I knew her can read my mind and know what expression I was wearing in my heart. I considered I avoided the invisible trap,but the dining rule is far beyond my imagination,they are hide in the shadow and wait their victims sneakily. I knew every cusine and none can catch my eyes and my appetite. Mom behold this and passed me a crab. Intrigued by its grotespue shape,I decided gave it a shot. If it had been usual, I would not have done that. But I had nothing to eat,so I excised the crust with care. Unfortunately, I was pricked by its sharp parts and its made me eager to cope with it. Just as you see, I was struggling the crab and finally I got a upper hand. My efforts gained its compensations and before my eyes was a bowl of creamy crab meat and a rosy meat which my mom told me its the essence of the whole crab. I appreciated my award withmy heart dancing and my spirit soaring. The fact is I eat many crabs. Seeing my ravenous behavior my mom shot a strict look and I was chilled to the marrow.At the same time,some derisive laughter was echoing in the room and I realized I became the victim of invisible dining rules.

  After my miserable feast, I was reprimanded by my mom and she told me that some dishes should shared with others and every one aroud the table have a chance to taste it rather than swallowed by one person and also these dishes should served to elders first and then descends can eat it. Hearding this, I rememebled my rube behavoir and accepted mom's advise.

  From then on,I learnt many lessons.Frist, I knew the dining table is a battle on which people being tested of their mannars and cultivition. Second, I realized people behaviors is a mirror on which judged by others of their family's education. Third, the dining table was considered as a tool to maintain blood connection between the big family and emotional bond. It is incredible for a dining table to have so many functions. The dining table inherited copious Chinese culture and glorious history and it function can date back to Han Dynastry, when a famous dining take placed and changed the course of history.Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, who were apple and orange at peace,but it was war. They both had their land and they both want to swallow each others land and unitied China. In other words, there were born rto enemies. When Xiang Yu had an upper hand,he invited Liu Bang to have a feast with him but his real intention is to kille Liu Bang. During the feast , Xiang Yu's several actions is in vain and Liu Bang avoided his fate and latter unified China. This dramatic feast is famous in Chinese history, which broaden dining table's function of dealing with political strategy.

  Only a long and influencial history hide behind the dining table does make it too charming to bring decessors not to inherit and follow. Having shared my story on the dining table,I suddenly have the.desire to tell other stories about a real culture shock.

  When I was 9 year old,I was forced to leave my happy haunt which was buried deeply in my heart of my childhood and little childish happiness toa strange place called wild desert from my point of view(from Liao Ning to Zhe Jiang). For a 9 years old girl,it is a huge shock and this experience can change my trace of life. Thunderstruck and confused, I was transported million miles to a strange place where my parents called home, but to me, it wasn't. Nowhere can surplant the place I had left and it often flickers in my mind's eye as though films played itself, and many cherish and valuable mermories flashing by. However,there is so much haze and mist clouded there that I can't see clearly and even touch it. When I opened my eyes, it broke like colorful bubble and splanshed in every direction. Drenched by dismay and despair, I snuggled into the blanket for warm. This terrible period is above my measure and imagination,but it was fleeting.

    At length, I pull through it, and I teared my eyes and attention from self-comfort to my new surroundings. The more I devoted my energy and time to manage my new life, the more rays of hope I gained. At the bottom of my heart, I often brood over the whole thing and a smile crept over my corner of lips. Wouldn't it be a treat to embrace the new life ? I thought. The moonlight stealth its way into the window and strawed its silver silky confetti over my body. Soaked with moonlight, I felt a feeling of happiness and content surging up my chest and reach its brim. From then on, I made new friends and chat merrily with them. When I opened my eyes, there was new life approaching me; when I closed my eyes, there was memorable past dancing and singing in my dreams and called me now and then in order to bring inspiration and pleasant to me.

    Culture shock is an epic journey: there full of ups and downs. We can be plunged into the endless darkness; we can encounter obstacles and adversities ominously; we can covered with confetti and we can drenched with pouring rain. In this path, roses and thorns are both exsiting and flourishing . The hand hold intoxicatingly fragrant and breathtakingly charming roses is the hand cutted by thorns. In other words, the rose is feeding at our misery and are nourished by our perseverance and positive personalities.


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