Timespan: 1.28 – 1.29
Michael R. Hines and Kartik Gopalan. 2009. Post-copy based live virtual machine migration using adaptive pre-paging and dynamic self-ballooning. In Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS international conference on Virtual execution environments (VEE '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 51-60. (gs:94)
作者Michael R. Hines写这篇论文的时候是S.U.N.Y. Binghamton大学的博士生,毕业后去了IBM Watson Research Center工作,研究兴趣为“creating and analyzing experimental, networked systems”。他参与了“IBM Cloud Rapid Experimentation and Analysis Tool”项目,这是个开源项目,主要作用:“a framework that automates IaaS cloud benchmarking through the running of controlled experiments”。目前支持的Iaas平台有:Amazon EC2、OpenStack、IBM SCP and IBM SCE等。
Pre-copy是Xen中VM动态迁移的默认方法,本文提出了Post-copy方法,并与Pre-copy方法进行了各方面的比较(pages transferred, total migration time and network overhead)。
Post-copy migration:“defers the transfer of a VM’s memeory contents until after its processor state has been sent to the target host.”
1. Post-copy可以确保memory page最多被传输一次;但是本文中的post-copy方法在desination node出现故障时不具有容错性。(S1)
2. 使用了adaptive pre-paging来降低“network page faults (major faults)” (S1)
* 关于minor/major faults, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_fault:
3. 使用了dynamic self-ballooning (DSB) 来处理free pages以降低总迁移时间(S1)
本文中的DSB每隔5秒钟触发一次,“responds directly to OS memory allocation requests”。
* ballooning: allows a guest OS to reduce its memory footprint by releasing its free memory pages back to the hypervisor.
* memory footprint (内存占用): the amount of main memory that a program uses or references while running.
4. (S2)介绍了相关工作,分为以下几个方向
5. (S3)中介绍本文Post-Copy方法的设计,结合了4种技术:
6. (S4)中则讨论了几个实现方面的问题:
(1) 如何“trap page faults at the target VM”:介绍了三种方法(shadow paging, page tracking, pseudo-paging),本文用到的是第三种,这种方式实现最快(S4.1)
(2) DSB的实现(S4.2)
实验的平台基于Xen 3.2.1和para-virtulaized Linux
7. (S6) 结论部分提到了要改进的地方