
M:Eric,this box is just for you.It's a secret box for you to keep secret things in.Do you know what things you can put in it?

E:I know what i Can put in it.

M:Only you can decide that! It's your secret box.

/Good,But don't tell me! It's a secret!

/This box is empty, you have to find some things to put inside!

E:ok!I have put my secret things in it.Can you try to guess what It is?

M:Ok,Let me try!Have you put ...inside?

/is It 颜色类

/is It a 形状类

圆形 Round 方形Square 三角形 Triangle

长方形 Rectangle 五边形 Pentagon

菱形 Diamond 椭圆形 Oval 梯形 Trapezoid

十字形 Cross 月牙形 Crescent 星形 Star

silly~,you must have a proper guess.

nope, and that's all your guesses,used up!

Maybe,if you showed me one thing From your box,then i could show you one thing From mine.

But we must do It at the same time!

on the count of three,we each show what's in your boxes.

ready?one two three ...

i have a ...and you have a...

do you have anymore secret things?

mommy has a custard doughnut !and i know a very good place to hide my custard doughnut.Can you guess where?

are you going to hide It in the fridge?

No somewhere much more special,my tommy !

I am going to hide mine in my tommy!

me too
