[Deep Learning] 特征工程

特征工程(Feature Engineering)是从原始数据中创造新的特征以提升算法学习效果的过程。

  • feature engineering: This process attempts to create additional relevant features from the existing raw features in the data, and to increase the predictive power of the learning algorithm.
  • feature selection: This process selects the key subset of original data features in an attempt to reduce the dimensionality of the training problem.
    Normally feature engineering is applied first to generate additional features, and then the feature selection step is performed to eliminate irrelevant, redundant, or highly correlated features.

Google可视化数据集分析工具 Facets

  • 对于数值型特征(numeric values)
    i.e. age与income为非线性关系

    [Deep Learning] 特征工程_第1张图片


[Deep Learning] 特征工程_第2张图片
using bucket for different weights


age_buckets = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column{
  boundaries=[31, 46, 60, 75, 90]
  • 对于类别型特征(categorical values)
    For small vocabulary: use the raw value

    [Deep Learning] 特征工程_第3张图片
    feature crossing

For larger vocabulary: use hash or embedding

occupation = tf.feature_column_categorical_column_with_hash_bucket('occupation', 1080)


Dense vectors vs One-hot(Sparse)
tensorflow projector可视化网站

  • Word Embeddings
    • word2vec
      • skipgram
      • CBOW
      • GloVe
    • Word Regularities
    • Doc2vec
  • Image Embeddings
    • Single layer embeddings
      • DeCAF
      • CNN Features off-the-shell
    • Studies of transferability
      • Transferability of features
      • Factors of transferability
    • Multiple layer embeddings
      • Full-Network embedding
  • Multimodal Embeddings
    • Introduction
    • Image and Text Multimodal Embeddings
      • Two separate embeddings
      • Pairwise Ranking Loss
      • Available datasets for Image Captioning
      • Applications today
    • Other multimodal combinations

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