My GrokTalk-十分钟内十种工具

They are still editing my TechEd GrokTalk which was called "10 Tools in 10 Minutes." It was a quick list of the tools I use to be productive (I'm still working on an updated Ultimate Tools List - possibly done this weekend).

他们仍在编辑我的TechEd GrokTalk ,它被称为“ 10分钟内的10个工具”。 这是我用来提高工作效率的工具的快速列表(我仍在研究更新的Ultimate Tools List(可能在本周末完成)。

Here's details and links to the tools I used in random order. I'll update this post and include the actual video as soon as it's edited.

这是详细信息,以及指向我随机使用的工具的链接。 我将更新此帖子,并在编辑后立即包含实际视频。

These are just 10 great tools that I picked from my list. There are a hundred more, so I'm sorry if your favorite isn't here.

这些只是我从清单中选择的10种出色工具。 还有一百多个,所以很抱歉,如果您的最爱不在这里。

  • Notepad2 (Scite also uses the codebase) - A great text editor. First class CR/LF support, ANSI to Unicode switching, whitespace and line ending graphics and Mouse Wheel Zooming. A must. Here's how to completely replace notepad.exe. Personally I renamed Notepad2.exe to "n.exe" which saves me a few dozen "otepad"s a day. Here's how to have Notepad2 be your View Source Editor. Here's how to add Notepad2 to the Explorer context menu.

    Notepad2 ( Scite也使用代码库) -一个出色的文本编辑器。 一流的CR / LF支持,从ANSI到Unicode的切换,空格和行尾图形以及鼠标滚轮缩放。 必须的。 这是完全替换notepad.exe的方法。 我个人将Notepad2.exe重命名为“ n.exe”,这一天为我节省了几十个“ otepad”。 这是如何使Notepad2成为您的“查看源代码编辑器” 。 这是将Notepad2添加到资源管理器上下文菜单的方法。

  • Cropper - A fabulous screen capture applet. I usually pick simple tools that do their job elegantly. Cropper does just that and it's written in .NET.

    Cropper-出色的屏幕捕获小程序。 我通常会选择简单的工具来优雅地完成工作。 Cropper就是这样做的,它是用.NET编写的。

  • Lutz's Reflector and it's AddIns - The tool that changed the world and the way we learn about .NET. Download it, select and interesting method and hit the space bar. Take the time to install the Add-Ins and check out the amazing static analysis you can do with things like the Diff and Graph.

    Lutz的Reflector及其AddIns-改变世界和我们学习.NET的工具。 下载它,选择一种有趣的方法,然后按空格键。 花点时间安装外接程序,并检查一下您可以使用Diff和Graph之类的惊人静态分析。

  • SlickRun - A free floating dynamic "command prompt" with alias support that continues to amaze. My tips for effective use: read the instructions, edit the slickrun.ini file and bind it to Window-R. Also set ChaseCursor so when you hit Win-R, you'll have a floating transparent command line anywhere your mouse is. I recommend you also use larger fonts! :

    SlickRun-具有别名支持的自由浮动动态“命令提示符”,继续令人赞叹。 有效使用的技巧:阅读说明,编辑slickrun.ini文件并将其绑定到Window-R。 还要设置ChaseCursor,这样当您按下Win-R时,无论鼠标在哪里,都会有一个透明的浮动命令行。 我建议您也使用较大的字体! :

  • Windows Desktop Search - The betas were rough and tended to lock up, but the free final edition is tight. I can finally bring up a file almost as fast as I can think about it. One important note that sets it apart from Google Desktop Search is that the items appearing in the result window are first-class Explorer Items. Right click on them and you'll not only have all your context menu extensions, but also Open Containing Folder.

    Windows桌面搜索-Beta粗糙且倾向于锁定,但是免费的最终版本很严格。 我终于可以以几乎可​​以想到的速度打开文件。 与Google桌面搜索不同的一个重要说明是,结果窗口中显示的项目是一流的Explorer项目。 右键单击它们,您不仅会拥有所有的上下文菜单扩展,而且会拥有“打开包含文件夹”。

  • TaskSwitchXP and TopDesk - Two better ways to ALT-Tab and Task Switch in Windows. Don't confuse TaskSwitchXP with the old PowerToy. This one is fast and powerful. If you envy the Mac's Expose, then use TopDesk. Personally, I use both and set a cursor hotspot in the lower-right corner to tile my windows. Be sure to have DirectX9 installed.

    TaskSwitchXPTopDesk -Windows中用于ALT-Tab和任务切换的两种更好的方法。 不要将TaskSwitchXP与旧的PowerToy混淆。 这是快速而强大的。 如果您羡慕Mac的Expose,请使用TopDesk。 就个人而言,我同时使用了两者,并在右下角设置了一个光标热点来平铺窗口。 确保已安装DirectX9。

  • Magnifixer - My ZoomIn tool du jour. Be sure that you have SOME kind of ZoomIn tool installed. I like this one because it automatically follows your cursor and your typing and saves settings without asking. It also has a nice eye-dropper for the RGB in you. Learn how to use this tool if you present at all.

    Magnifixer-我的放大工具。 请确保您已安装了某种ZoomIn工具。 我喜欢这个,因为它会自动跟随您的光标和您的输入,并保存设置而无需询问。 它还为您的RGB提供了不错的滴管。 如果有的话,请学习如何使用此工具。

  • CodeRush and Refactor! (and DxCore) - Apparently my enthusiasm for CodeRush has been noticed by a few. It just keeps getting better. However, the best kept secret about CodeRush isn't all the shiny stuff, it's the free Extensibility Engine called DxCore that brings VS.NET plugins to the masses. Don't miss out on free add-ins like CR_Documentor and ElectricEditing.

    CodeRush和重构! (和DxCore )-显然我对CodeRush的热情已经被一些人注意到。 它只是不断变得更好。 但是,关于CodeRush的最佳机密并不是所有闪亮的东西,而是称为DxCore的免费扩展引擎,将VS.NET插件带入了大众。 不要错过免费的插件,例如CR_Documentor和ElectricEditing 。

  • SysInternals - I showed specifically ProcExp and AutoRuns, but anything these guys do is pure gold. ProcExp is a great Taskman replacement and includes the invaluable "Find DLL" feature. It can also highlight any .NET proceses. AutoRuns is an amazing aggregated view of any and all things that run at startup on your box.

    Sysinternals的-我特意表明ProcExp和自动运行,但任何这些家伙做的是纯金的。 ProcExp是Taskman的绝佳替代品,并包括宝贵的“查找DLL”功能。 它还可以突出显示任何.NET过程。 AutoRuns是在盒子上启动时运行的所有事物的惊人汇总视图。

  • TestDriven.NET - The perfect integration of Unit Testing with Visual Studio.NET. Right click and "Run Test." The output window says "Build" then switches to "Test." The best part, though, is "Test With...Debugger" as a right click that automatically starts up an external process runner, loads and starts your test. Compatible with NUnit, MBUnit and Team System.

    TestDriven.NET-单元测试与Visual Studio.NET的完美集成。 右键单击并“运行测试”。 输出窗口显示“ Build”,然后切换到“ Test”。 最好的部分是右键单击“ Test With ... Debugger”,它会自动启动外部流程运行器,并加载并启动测试。 与NUnit,MBUnit和Team System兼容。

