

一、李大钊《今》 2

二、胡适《我对运动会的感想》 4

三、鲁迅 5

1. 《聪明人和傻子和奴才》 5

2. 《立论》 7

四、叶圣陶 8

1. 《看月》 8

2. 《没有秋虫的地方》 9

五、瞿秋白《儿时》 11

六、冰心 12

1. 《我的童年》 12

2. 《梦》 16

七、周作人《初恋》 18

八、郭沫若 19

1. 《菩提树下》 19

九、庐隐 23

1. 《异国秋思》 23

2. 《吹牛的妙用》 26

3. 《雷峰塔下》 28

十、谢冰莹 30

1. 《饥饿》 30

2. 《刹那的印象》 32

3. 《我爱作文》 33

4. 《海恋》 34

5. 《黄昏》 36

6. 《粉笔生涯》 37

十一、丰子恺《渐》 38

十二、矛盾《雾》 39

十三、巴金 40

十四、何其芳《雨前》 41

十五、季羡林《加德满都的狗》 42

十六、萧红《祖父死了的时候》 43

十七、萧乾《古城》 43

十八、唐弢 44

1. 《书愤》 44

2.《故乡的雨》 44

十九、柯灵《书的抒情》 45

二十、端木蕻良 46

1. 《黎明的眼睛》 46

2. 《耐力》 47

二十一、师陀《邮差先生》 47

二十二、张闻天《生命的急流》 47

二十三、艾青《偶像的话》 48

二十四、冯亦代《忘了过去就是犯罪》 48

二十五、廖沫沙 49

1. 《师说》解 49

2. 《要培养新的杂文作家》 50

二十六、散文佳作108篇 50

1. 朱自清《荷塘月色》 50



[if !supportLists]一、[endif]李大钊《今》


李大钊《今》1. The most apt to最易...的2. slip through our fingers从指间溜走3. all the more更加4. transience n.短暂,无常,顷刻=transiency5. best serve for an answer最好的答案,可以最好诠释...6. eternity永恒,千古,不朽7. recall换回8. universe as well as human life宇宙大化9. tarry等候10. ups and downs in life茫茫百千万劫11. unthinkingly idle away稀里糊涂丢掉,轻率,随意丢掉


李大钊《今》1.我倒认为...是好的 ➡️ 倾向某事,incline towards2. the past empties itself for过去流入到现在世界empty into流入3. legacy of the past历史的遗留4. prevailing thought of any age时代的思潮come into being all by itself凭空成立5. synthesis综合,所有的结合6. rippling潺潺流水的,起涟漪的 stir up激起, pebble卵石rippling sound stirred up by a pebble thrown down into...投一枚石子,激起波澜声响7.使人感泣➡️使触动心弦touch a deep chord8. Abraham Lincoln林肯9. echo through响彻,回荡echo through all lands and all eternity 呼应于永远的时间与空间10.于至无穷,在世界中有一贯相连的永远性 go on endlessly to form an eternal link in the world11. give rise to使发生,引起问题引起问题one problem gives rise to another


4.3李大钊《金》1. infinite无限的,无穷的,极大的2. result in以..为归宿, result from 以...为起源,渊源3. serve as = act as起到...所用4. continuity连续性 bring about 引起,产生5. account for对...负责任,做解释说明6. are sick of讨厌sth7. become nostalgia abt yesterday回顾过去8. inferior to次于,不如9. turn the clock back to时光倒流,回到过去days of old从前的日子10. throw oneself / heart / soul into全心投入sth11.翻译技巧:某人做A,不做B ➡️ 做A 而不是B、代替B。多用instead of, do A instead of B12. abandon oneself to使自己沉溺于...13. hinder阻碍,further 作动词:促进,增进hinder social progress instead of furthering it 不助益进化,并阻滞进化


4.41. apathetic冷漠的,无动于衷的,缺乏兴趣的;high aspirations远大抱负/志向“无志趣无意识”➡️ 胸无大志,麻木不仁2. complacent满足的,自满的complacent about their present安于现状3. abuse the present丧失今的好处➡️未能善用今➡️辜负了今4. stem the tide of阻止,阻滞...的潮流5. be discontented with对...不满6. agreeable令人愉快的,怡人的7. call it just so-so不觉尔尔8. weary of厌倦...9. think well of it赞美,高度评价10. given假如有11.进化,进步的原动 great moving force of social development12.无甚可乐➡️没有什么有趣的➡️一点也不impressive➡️rather unimpressive


4.5李大钊《今》1. inertia惰性,保守2. idle about闲逛,无所事事3. status quo现状 4. wickedness邪恶,heavy misfortune 灾祸5. long-standing存在已久的,长期存在的everlasting永恒的,连续不断的6. utterly wrong完全错误,绝对地,彻底地7. attribute it to把...归因于8. revive使复兴,使回想起9. slip away悄悄溜走10. so as to以便,达到目的11. future generations后人12. deeds of today今日的言行



[if !supportLists]二、[endif]胡适《我对运动会的感想》


4.61. reflextions感想 sports meet 运动会2. interxollegiate学院间的,大学间的3. admission cost as much as two US dollars入场卷2美分4.观看的人有几千人之多➡️ large attendance of several thousand 有几千的出场人数 attendance5. critical moment决胜时刻,关键时刻6.体育场 stadium; 竞技场 arena; 竞技场 amphitheater 7. spectators观众8. chorus of wild yield狂呼合唱➡️ 听声欢呼➡️ simultaneous wild yells 9. help out of the football field扶下场10. salute致敬 ➡️ 祝贺11. deafening roar震耳欲聋的呼声12. inwardly calling it内心常想13. hoary-headed白头发的14.心里很不明白了➡️对...感到奇怪 i was very suoprised to see...15. botany植物学16. happend to碰巧,偶然发生17.翻译:几千人同声喊着本校的“呼声”以鼓励场中的武士The stadium【转为物称主语 】would be echoing with the spectators’ chorus of wild yells for their own althetic heroes. echoing with = resounding with



4.8胡适《我对于运动会的感想》1. The third time found me...无灵主语=saw witnessed2. rise to one’s feet站起来in spite of oneself不由自主3. assimilate理解,吸收;assimilate sb into/to sth 使同化4. barbarous残酷的,野蛮的5.我又变少年了➡️重获年轻➡️ became rejuvenated6. scholarly书生气的 scholarly dignity 斯文的样子7. erstwhile以前的,过去的,往昔的revive使复苏,想起;by and large大体上,总的来说8. schedule a sports meet开办运动会remind sb of sth使某人想起sthgive使发出,产生,give loud yells 发出声音9.弹去一点老态to shed some of my “old-age” mentality Or regain some of my youthful spirit 9.来到...现场 be present at


[if !supportLists]三、[endif]鲁迅

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《聪明人和傻子和奴才》

4.9今天书不在身边,只能凑合啦!鲁迅《聪明人和傻子和奴才》1. grievances不满,不平,委屈2. come across sb遇到某人3. tears trickling down from the corner of his eye眼泪从眼角流下来4. I lead a subhuman life!我过得简直不是人的生活! Led a dog life.5. be assured of确信,确认6. husk(s)谷皮,外壳7. wretch n.可怜的人,卑鄙的人;wretched 可怜的,极坏的8. carry water取水,跳水,打水 at dawn黎明,拂晓,天亮at dusk傍晚   grind磨; grind wheat 磨面9. run errands跑腿 when it is fine天气好的时候,晴朗的时候10. white fungus银耳;fungus 菌类11. wait on服侍,伺候12. get a good trashing挨皮鞭good表程度、数量之大



4.10鲁迅《聪明人和傻子和奴才》1. said with a sigh喊了一口气说道rims of his eyes眼眶 rim 边,框red-rimmed eyes眼眶红的眼睛2. shed tears流泪3. pull through恢复健康,度过难关 sooner or later迟早,总会4. uphold justice伸张正义,主持公道,维护公平,大义凌然5. listen to his complaints听他抱怨6.  lousy - lousier - lousiest讨厌的,极坏的 污秽的7. pigsty猪圈 tearfully含泪地 Pekinese巴哈狗,京巴狗,北京人的treat sb/sth like dirt是如粪土ten thousand times better好一万倍8. such...as to如此以致于make sb start吓某人一跳;start 突然一动Don’t start!别抱怨啦!9. a run-down small hut破小屋wet,dingy,stinking 潮湿,阴冷,发臭bedbug臭虫10. bite me all over咬得真可以➡️浑身咬遍了



4.11鲁迅《聪明人和傻子和奴才》1. have sth done使sth成为某种状态2. dwelling住处3. pound捣烂,敲打pound on the roof雨砸到屋顶上pound at the door砰砰敲门pound away连续敲击4. yelled with alarm惊慌的叫shout the alarm发出警报5. to hell with sb/sth让sb/sth见鬼去吧!6. sobbing and shouting哭喊着at the top of one’s voice高声地,使劲地喊7. roll round and round来回打滚8. thereupon于是 unhurriedly不慌不忙地commotion骚动,暴动,喧闹9. a whole troop of形容一起出动arrive on the scene到现场,路面10. on hearing一听到...11. smash up撞毁,击毁12. a great many of许多....13. solicitude挂念,担心,关切merit,meritorious 有功绩的,有价值的meritious service竭诚服务the other day几天以前a man of foresight有先见之明


[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《立论》


4.12鲁迅《立论》1.立论➡️表达一个观点 on presenting a view,on expressing an opinion, on passing judgement 2. That’s a hard nut.这个问题太难了That’s a hard nut to crack. “很难打破这个坚果”➡️很难找到解决这个问题的办法。3. a sidelong glance偏着头看,侧目sideways glance斜瞥 斜睨 从眼睛圈外over the glasses4. sb is born to a family出生于一个家庭➡️一个家人生了一个孩子immemse joy特别高兴,高兴透顶5. invite sb over for doing sth请某人过来做某事6. customarily通常上,习惯上;in expectation of期待会有....发生7. good wishes好兆头 = blessing, auspicious remarks, compliments8.感谢某人➡️ 某人收到感谢sb receives hearty thanks for...衷心感谢➡️作为回报某人得到了几句感谢,恭维sb is paid some compliment in return for...➡️某人被给了一顿打sb is given a sound beating一顿毒打 9.当官 to be an official 10. still another还有一个,另外一个11.翻译:他将来要死的。【增译】eventually 表示现实的无奈,最终都要死的12. mortal凡人的,终有一死的immortal不死的,长生的13.说出,道出,to state14. the inevitable必然性 the+adj.15. get a trashing遭打,遭到报应be/get rewarded得到回报,好报


[if !supportLists]四、[endif]叶圣陶

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《看月》

4.13叶圣陶《看月》1.翻译:要分析出作者的情感色彩。看月有欣赏之意,所以是enjoying the moon,而不是watching2.胡同,弄堂 small alleyways, lanes, alleys 3.不甚关心➡️不注意 pay little attention to4. the waxing and waning阴晴圆缺visibility of the moon隐现5.天井,庭院,院子 counteryards6.亮灯, 照亮 illuminate ( 阐述)electric bulb电灯泡16个电灯泡 ➡️16个瓦特➡️16 watts7. street lamps街灯light up亮起,点亮8. go wrong坏了,出错,出现故障9. cease to停止,不再出现某情况,终止10. give out light and heat发光发热11. “断黑”,完全黑下来 go for a walk towards the evening. 用towards表示时间上趋近于...将近晚上的时候



4.15叶圣陶《看月》1.注意作家的感情色彩,“不大能听到”“又许久看不到”有抱怨的含义,所以用complain 和 sorry that...2. blaring。blare 发出响亮刺耳声3. mahjong tiles麻将牌 tile 瓷砖4. put out the light熄灭灯5.象牙色的➡️乳白色 creamy white一道光a ray of light透进窗户streamed in through流进,与creamy呼应6. cast a shadow of影子印到...投到...window lattice窗格子,窗棂quilt被子,被褥7.略感惊异 somewhat supprised8. it dawned on sb = it occurs to sb that...突然明白9.北平 Peiping上海人Shanghainese、Shanghailanders10. should可以表示意外,惊喜,尤其是why,who,how等疑问词开头,翻译为“竟然会,为什么会”11. choose理解为“愿意”的含义12. lousy = foul污秽的,潮湿多虱的13.很少能看到树了➡️ 树少了➡️ trees so scarce14. so on and so forth等等,诸如此类

4.16叶圣陶《看月》1. I think otherwise.我不这么认为2. requisites必需品3. come of起源于4. earthward向地球的 skyward 向天空的5. be opposed to反对;nevertheless 然而,不是6. round /around a bend of在拐弯处Min River闽江7. suburb乡下,郊外lean on靠着upstairs railing楼梯扶手gaze into the distance凝视着远方surging tidal water上涨的潮汐be accustomed to习惯于sth stretching all the way from...一大片stha vast expance of white一脸茫然undertone浅色,寓意,弦外之音8. waft飘荡,随风飘荡Delicious smell wafted up from the kitchen. 香喷喷的味道从厨房飘了出来。9.心中不起一切杂念➡️看的出神➡️迷失在自己的幻想中➡️stood in reverie 10. plaster wall石灰墙11. be his old self做回自己,意识到自我

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《没有秋虫的地方》

4.17叶圣陶《没有秋虫的地方》1.秋虫 autumn insects 蟋蟀cricjets2. a blade of一片一片绿草:a blade of green grass3.台阶,门阶,doorsteps4.鹁鸽 pigeon,传信鸽 carrier pigeon / homing pigeon5. sth来了➡️sth的到来,the advent of... ...的到来6.轻轻提示➡️模糊的提示➡️ vaguely remind me of7.叽叽喳喳叫,chirp,chirping凄凄切切的叫,凄惨的叫,chirp plaintively8.屋里传出的喧闹声 the din from the house人发出的喧闹声,hubbub of grown-ups车发出隆隆的响声,车轮响声,rumble of vehicles9. labourer  n.劳动者stone pavement石路10. lead sb to go to school带某人上学accompany her to play伴她玩耍grasp the nettle迎着困难上,nettle 刺

4.18叶圣陶《没有秋虫的地方》1. merry making寻欢作乐的overwhelming “宏大而清亮的”2. utterly完全的,根本的devoid of没有,缺乏 utterly devoid of 根本没有inaudible听不见的3. leave no room for不容下...的or rather更准确的说【起到衔接句子逻辑】的作用distain to不屑于...4. lowly=lousy令人讨厌的,粗鄙的,卑贱的5. live beings生物,人和物at rest静止,休息stand to遵守,坚持自得之趣➡️遵循自己的方法➡️stand to enjoy life in their own way6.唯一足以感动心情的事情“The only thing capable of affecting our mood...”capable of可以...的,具有...能力,足以做某事then and there当时当地➡️“这境界里”8. chorus齐唱 常表示“一同发出声音”chorus by insects虫儿们的合奏9. sonorous洪亮的piping管道,尖声的undergo(sth) through (under)➡️在....(如操控下)经过/经受/经历.....

4.19叶圣陶《没有秋虫的地方》1. consummate a完美的,至上的2. constellation of the artists众妙比集,群星荟萃,群星云集3. reach the peak of prefection登峰造极4. give full play to “亲情演绎”➡️抒发灵趣➡️独特的才艺➡️unique talent5. toiler劳动者 sigh with feeling 感叹6.秋士➡️过气了,被遗忘的学者➡️old forgotten scholarsgrieve over哀悼 their luckless past 伤怀过去7. murmur moodily轻声抱怨➡️微喟(喟:叹气)8.思妇➡️孤独的女人➡️solitary women weep哭泣9. intrigue激起...兴趣, onlookers 旁观者to the party concerned有关当事人➡️当境者10. praise ourselves for自诩...11. spiritual barrenness jingshenoinnib12. knit the brow皱眉raise eyebrows惊讶,引人侧目13.无味➡️味道的缺席,没有➡️absence of any feeling 翻译:没有....➡️....的缺席,缺乏,没有➡️the absence of.

4.20叶圣陶《没有秋虫的地方》1. sentimental工愁善感apathetic心如槁木a living copse行尸走肉insipid water淡而无味insensitive to both sorrow and happiness哀乐两忘2. sweets of life人生的欢乐喜悦hearty laughter狂笑 hearty 强烈的susceptibility敏感,preferable to 比...好insensibility麻木,冷漠3. innumerable other people无量的人,数不清的a chill in the air凉意微逗4. cement ground水泥地,leaden 铅色的keeping clear of避开,不接触5. pregnant怀孕的,极富有意义的

[if !supportLists]五、[endif]瞿秋白《儿时》

4.22《儿时》1. high aspiration 2. all the more 3. as it is 4. sentimental recollection mark 5. rather than~ instead of6. bygone days 7. pass through it but once 8.他总在生长➡️long remain fresh and vigorous9. identify with 10. broad mass 11. day in and day out 12. do one’s bit13. for the good of 14. subject to   the law of nature cause 15. perennial youth everlasting 16. dream / idle / dawdle away 17. enfeebled; weariness get senile;bemoan transience of youth 18. weigh heavily on his mind a lump of lead

[if !supportLists]六、[endif]冰心

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《我的童年》


4.24冰心《我的童年》1.人们总会➡️倾向于➡️inclined to2. etch in one’s character.刻画在气质上,=engrave in / embed in3. temperament气质,性情4. inadvertently无心地,不自觉地touch upon谈及,触及here and there这那的➡️很多的5.觉得有兴味➡️值得一试 though it worth a try 6. set pen to动笔写7.不愿再...➡️远离....➡️ keep from being.../ refrain from8. reminisce v.回忆,追忆,reminiscent,reminiscing9. sketch out概略地描述,草拟10. upbringing成长,教养11. serve as起到...的作用12. high-ranking高职位的naval海军的13.在病榻上躺着➡️confine to bed by sickness, lying on a sickbed. 14.无疾而终 die withouy illness15. do not remember ever to从来不记得



4.25冰心《我的童年》1. liable to易于2. spit吐,blood-spitting 吐血3. pulmonary肺部的;tuberculosis 肺结核bronchial支气管的,~tube 支气管炎overwork过劳4. calm life恬淡的生活5. recur重现,再发生6. never.... Nor do I我也不7. suckle v.吮吸,suckling 乳臭未干的小子8. died yong英年早逝9. My younger brother is six years my junior. / my junior by six years.比我小六岁



4.26补卡冰心《我的童年》1. naval barracks兵房,营房naval acsdemy海军学校naval ship bdidges旗台batteries电池、炮台naval wharves海军码头(wharf 码头)powder magazine火药库(magazine 杂志、弹药库)servicemam军人,士兵sailor水手, naval officers 军官2. do needlework做针线活use cosmetics化妆,涂抹脂粉were colours and flowers穿鲜艳的衣服,戴过花3. compell to被迫ailing health生病的go about着手,从事4. Beyond the reach of超过..能力 5. for convenience’ sake为了方便,以/s/,/z/结尾的单词,表示所有格用’6. on visit去拜访attend to注意,致力于



4.27冰心《我的童年》1. unsophisticated不复杂的➡️质朴无华的,淳朴的2.他们告诉我➡️我从他们那里听到➡️From them I heard...3. many a+:单数可数名词➡️形式上为单数,但意义上为复数➡️“许多” (谓语动词用单数)4. meet with偶然遇见 wife wives复数5. a blade of一片6. stroll about闲逛,散步,stoll along the seeshore 沿着海边散步7.天地➡️whole universe8. ebb n.v.腿,退潮, ebb away 衰退;receding waves退潮9. endearing grandeur of nature让人喜爱的壮丽景色10. palpitating with awe怔忡,敬畏palpitate心悸,跳动



4.29冰心《我的童年》1. bugle俊浩,吹号long-drawn-out adj.拖延的,持续很久的=protrackreverberate v.回响,回荡=echocall forth唤起,使产生,发挥作用inexplicably无法解释的,说不清的,莫名其妙地being so small myself觉得自己很渺小2. in time最终,最后avid adj.渴望的,贪婪的 avidly adv.affectionate adj.表示关爱的=lovinglearn by heart记住,默记,背诵beyong one’s comprehension超出我的理解范围3. recite背诵,吟诵nearest to our home离我们家最近的attend a banquet赴宴be not fond of不喜欢playhouse剧场,戏园see an opera听戏piece其中一个章节 episode 插曲4. The Romance of the Tree Kingdoms三国Arrows and the Staw-laden Boat草船借箭A Metting of Heroes群英会His Rong Path华容道



4.30冰心《我的童年》1. to this day至今have no aversion to对...不感到反感try my hand at尝试porcelain瓷器pail桶 sand pail 沙桶2. sedentary work需要久坐,伏案的工作keep a dog养狗trellis格子、架子evening cool夜晚的凉爽keep early hours早起早睡constellation星座,群星,荟萃



5.1冰心《我的童年》1. can’t for a single moment go without them 2. arouse in me an inexplicable feeling of3. spick and span崭新的,极干净的4. glossy光滑的,有光泽的spotlessly white雪白5. literatus学者,文学界 literati 文人(复)6. ardent dream狂热的梦想7. follow in the footsteps of..效仿,跟随,走...的路8. unaware that being a female不曾想➡️没有意识到9. disqualify sb from th/ from doing sth取消某人...的资格disciple信徒,门徒,弟子=follower

5.2补卡冰心《我的童年》1. drastic changes巨大的改变2. masculine男性的,男子气概的3. earnest认真的,真诚的 earnest attitude 认真严肃的态度4.放诞➡️放荡不羁,不守规范➡️things (which are) absurd 5. seclude使隔绝; secluded 退隐的,隐蔽的,隐居的; seclusion 隐居6. crave for期望,诉求7. socialize社交,应酬

5.3补卡冰心《我的童年》1. gay colours艳丽的色彩2. at one’s insistence在某人的坚持要求下➡️某人勉强我做某事3.  natural inclination for beauty天性爱美4. deck out装饰,盛装打扮5. unaffected未受影响的;真诚自然的,不做作的6. wilful故意的,成心的;任性的,固执的=headstrong7. get nowhere一事无成,无进展;be a good-for-nothing 懒人,无用之人8. owe my habit of..把我的习惯归功于...9. propensity = inclination习惯,喜好10. feel content感到满足11. so long as只要12. failing  n.缺点,缺憾;failings13. strive with firm determination下定决心14. bear in mind记住,警惕

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《梦》



5.4冰心《梦》1. the (very) picture of化身,体现2. clad in穿着... gold-threaded 金线穿成的3. sabre军刀,马刀4. amble = stroll漫步,缓行loosen rein松弛的绳子缓辔徐行amble along with a loosen rein5.只知道,little knowing that6. solitary adj.孤独的,wield挥舞,使用7. recreate v.娱乐,消遣;recreation n.娱乐,消遣,宴会8. heroic英武的 small talk闲聊,聊天



5.5冰心《梦》1. end up in以...告终,最终(出现了怎样的结果)2. inadvertently不经意地,无意地3. catch glimpses of, catch a glimpse of瞥见4. have no way of knowing无从得知5. day-to-day日常的6. give ( much) thought to过多考虑...➡️把...放在心上7. Have for lifelong company一生的陪伴8. boundless expanse of the ocean浩浩无边的大海9. now here and now there时而...时而...10. in unison一致地,整齐地11. drink to their motherland为祖国而干杯12. rattle of Sabres剑佩锵锵声 rsabre-rattling武力威胁,武力恫吓13. copious大量的,丰富的 tears of joy涌出快乐的眼泪14. sprightly adj.精力充沛的,矍铄的parade游行,阅兵bugle军号Mauser rifle步枪shell壳,炮弹barrel桶,枪管cannon大炮



5.6冰心《梦》1.梦醒 wake up from the dream2.故乡 native place3.女儿情性➡️女孩子做的事情说的话➡️ girlish ways of thinking and behavior4.装束完成后,不after,就要用followed by...5.说话温柔细腻 Speak in a soft and delicate tone 6. lachrymose爱流泪的,爱哭的petulant任性的,爱耍脾气的pampered child娇惯的孩子7. be conducive to有助于...使易发生...便于...8. cold gleam寒光9. unsheathe出鞘,拔出10. vague memories模糊的记忆11. infinite anxiety无穷的惆怅12.掉几滴眼泪 nostalgic tears trickling down in drops

5.7冰心《梦》1. shape her disposition造就了他的性情disposition性情= temperamentdisposition to/toward有...倾向2. plaintive悲伤的3. barrack营房,at twilight 黄昏4. exclusive to专为...所有5. starry night繁星之夜  moonlit adj.月光照耀的6. head up翘首7. spectacular = breathtaking壮丽的,激动的8. strands of一缕缕...strand v.使滞留,搁浅9. gallop疾驰,飞驰10. indelible难以忘怀的,不可磨灭的

[if !supportLists]七、[endif]周作人《初恋》


5.8周作人《初恋》1. concubine妾,小老婆2. in our temporary home寄宿在,暂时住在3. was the third child of the family= was the third among her siblings排行老三4. put up, put sb up 给某人提供住宿5. distant neighbor远邻6. calligraphy书法,笔迹wood-cut木刻的,以...为模仿对象copybook字帖7. after仿照,以...为模仿对象



5.9周作人《初恋》1. get into conversation with与...攀谈,搭话2. dwell my eyes on her目光留在...,凝视,细看3. bearing姿态,举止4. myopia近视5. overshadowed/ dwarf / outshine使相形见绌6. couldn't fit my eyes to无从安置我的眼睛7. dedicate feature精致的面庞8. nothing specially appealing没有特别吸引人的9. duckling小鸭子 Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭10. damp down浇灭,减少,封火damp down his spirits/ passion减少,浇灭他的热情11. hearten up振作起来unwittingly不经意间,无心的,不知不觉,茫然的wittingly有意的,故意,存心的

5.10周作人《初恋》1. end up doing/being/n最后以...告终2. reduce to沦落为3. come to one’s rescue营救某人4. six months半年,5. ailing mother adj+n ➡️母亲病了 n+v6. incidentally顺便,incidental附带的,次要的;免不了的incident发生的事件,暴力事件,(两国)摩擦冲突accident事故,意外accidental意外的,偶然的accidentally意外地,偶然地7. pay sb a visit拜访某人8. be on leave请假,告假9. cholera霍乱10. picturing in my mind想象(用imagine不合适)11. a big stone weighting on my heart压在我心里的大石头

[if !supportLists]八、[endif]郭沫若

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《菩提树下》

5.11郭沫若《菩提树下》1.囤积居奇,奇货可居➡️谋取利益➡️ make profit out of it 2. immensely delighted特别高兴immensely= enormously及其,特别,非常3. at one go一举,一口气4. consume消耗;吃喝;使充满;烧毁,毁坏5. brood孵(蛋)6. lukewarm微温的;不感兴趣的,不热情的7. hen:sitting抱窝;laying 下单(产卵)brooding孵(蛋);droppings 鸟兽的粪便8. for fear that以免

5.13郭沫若《菩提树下》1. busy Sb with sth, with / in doing sth使某人忙于...2. yeeping sound小鸡发出的啾啾声3. be left in a state of...某事将某人处于某种状态4. broods upon broods of chicks一窝一窝的小鸡5. carry off夺去,获得,使丧命6. beriberi脚气病7. polished rice精致的米➡️精米8.长大之后,完全长大Full-grown 9. on the move四处漂泊10. chicken vendors鸡贩子11. dont have the hear to不忍心slaughter屠杀12. leftovers ( of the table)剩菜剩饭


[if !supportLists]1. [endif]a flock of一群2. sprinkle洒3. invariably始终地,一贯地4. clack咔哒地响5. occurrence出现6. border on临近于,相似于7. medieval中世纪的,troubadour 游吟诗人, amorous 性爱的,含情脉脉的 lyrics 诗歌8. hold sway支配,统治sway摇摆;统治,支配; monopolize 垄断9. get the worst of it败北,惨败,处于劣势10. crestfallen垂头丧气的11. snub看不起 12. use every trick to想方设法地13. in the absence of在某人不在的时候14. rival in love情敌,opponent 对手15. preen打扮,整理羽毛

#时光散文# 5.15@·时光暖流· 郭沫若《菩提树下》1. resort to the use of force动用*wuliresort to诉诸于..寻找...方法来解决...2. send sb to/into使某人做出...反应,出现某行为3. scamper (in panic)跑跑跳跳,惊慌逃窜4. autocrat *ducai者5. come on the scene出现,出场,到来,问世6. flee with the tail between one’s legs夹着尾巴逃跑7. haughty高傲的,自大的8. took exclusive possession of独占...9.旷夫,没有配偶的成年男女 marriageable make remaining unmarried 10. out of a sense of justice出于正义11. keep an at arm’s length与...保持距离,避免与...亲近12. maternal love母爱noteworthy adj显著的,值得关注的13. tame and docile驯化的,驯服的14. birds of prey猛禽,食肉鸟 prey 猎物15. spare no effort to不遗余力做...,不懈怠...16. how things stand实际情况如何17. overstrained过于紧张 to the point of collapse紧张的快要坍塌,垮了快要...接近... close to, border on, be on the verge of...

#时光散文# 5.16@·时光暖流· 郭沫若《菩提树下》1. act on依照...行事Act on offensive攻击 act on defensive 防守2. ill intention不良企图,敌意,用心险恶3. squawk尖叫,怒叫   peck 啄食4. cluck咯咯叫,clutch 抱紧,抓紧5. scrqmble for争抢  mercilessly 毫不留情地6. so much so that到这样的程度以至于7. pitifully可怜地  8. abstain from放弃,戒绝9. falcon鹰隼,比喻凶猛或勇猛的鸟

#时光散文# 5.17@·时光暖流· 郭沫若《菩提树下》1. a bare trunk光秃秃的树干➡️树身是赤裸的2. put forth buds发芽,抽芽put forth提出,发表,起航,(植物)长出,放出3. chestnut栗树,persimmon 柿子树4. upon one’s inquiry经某人询问5.绿树成荫 leafy and make shade 成荫make shade6. motley杂色的,五颜六色的7. quail n.鹌鹑,v.胆怯8. fluffy毛茸茸的;jet black乌黑的,jet 墨黑,深黑的9. Sth pleasant to the ear悦耳动听的10. mountain spring山泉11. pipping乐声优雅的,尖声的,小鸡啾啾声bubble,bubbling 水发出冒泡的响声bubble over with洋溢着(某种感情


#时光散文# 5.18@·时光暖流· 郭沫若《菩提树下》1. carry off夺去,使丧命2. feather out减弱,逐渐消失a feather in your cap可以引以为豪的行为(源于美国土著风俗)feather your (own) nest中饱私囊3. tell...apart辨别4. polished rice白米;oat 燕麦5. exclaim因强烈感情而惊呼起来,呼喊6. beaming喜气洋洋的,愉快的 beaminglybeam at sb笑容满面,眉开眼笑beam a warm smile at sb对某人热情的微笑off beam不正确,错误Your calculation is way off beam.完全错误7. scramble for争抢8. like anything跟什么似的,拼命的scramble for the feed like anything拼命的争抢食物9. push and shove推搡着,连推带挤tread on踩踏,践踏10. peck at sth啄食...peck sb on sth匆匆轻吻peck at sth(不饿)浅尝几口a/the pecking order等级排序eg: New Zealand is at the top of the pearling order of rugby Nations. 新西兰在橄榄球国家首屈一指。

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《杜鹃》

#时光散文# 5.20@·时光暖流· 郭沫若《杜鹃》1. hold a place in占据一席之地2. the mere mention of... arouse in... 仅仅一提到....就/便...一提到.....就/便3. a great deal of poetic feeling / sentiment说不尽的诗意➡️大量的诗意4. ill-fated注定倒霉的,时运不济的,结局悲惨的ill-fated beauty薄命佳人5. longings for home满腹乡思loiter about the mountains遍山踯躅(徘徊,闲逛) spit up / vomit blood吐血 “杜鹃啼血猿哀鸣”6. go beyond超过,超出7.一点也不,并不by no means, none too beautiful一点也不漂亮8. grayish-brown,/-black 灰黑色


#时光散文# 5.21@·时光暖流· 郭沫若《杜鹃》1. deposit寄存,寄养2. hatch and rear抚养,care 哺育3. have sth all to herself独享,独占4. without her knowledge不自知5. spectacle这场面,景象 great indignation义愤,愤慨6. such as to到如此程度以至于7. win popularity by dishonest means以不光彩手段赢得欢迎8.全凭主观臆想而不顾实际情况,(这样的例证有很多),(many) act on their own personal imanigation regardless of the reality of things 9.依赖他人生活,白吃白喝,蹭饭sponge on / off像海绵一样吸吮着别人love off依赖...生活,寄生于...= scourage sth off / from sb白要,白拿= cadge sth off / from sb乞得,索取

[if !supportLists]九、[endif]庐隐

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《异国秋思》

#时光散文# 5.22@·时光暖流· 庐隐《异国思秋》1. suburbs郊外; soybean 毛豆chrysanthemums菊花;osmanthus 桂花2. vie / vying / vied竞争,争前恐后 vie with sb3. brownyish yellow / dull yellow暗黄,枯黄4. rank weeds丛生的杂草,衬托萧索的秋景rank:n. 级别,地位,成员,军衔;v.把...分等级adj.难闻的,恶臭的;(质量,状况)极端的,糟糕的;茂盛的,疯长的 grow too thickly 5. most opt to / liable to最容易....6. desolate mood孤独凄凉的 = forlorn7. furl (up)卷起,收拢; frail 脆弱的8. sky was a blue sea蔚蓝如碧海的天空sunlight was a light gold淡金色的阳光sweet scent花香 fitfully 阵阵地 waftd over飘荡 on the breeze 在风中飘荡9. on the suggestion of Bo波提议...v.➡️n.10. enjoy the autumn landscape欣赏秋景


#时光散文# 5.23@·时光暖流· 庐隐《异国思秋》昨日遗留:bring about引起,勾起plunge sb/sth into...使某人经历不好的事今日:1. passageway走廊,通道 = corridormemorial arch纪念的拱门➡️ 牌坊sth come in sight of可以看见sth2. bear the inscription刻有题词/铭文/bear熟词僻意 显示,带有bear开(花),结(果) bear fruit结出果实,奏效3. flank v.位于...的两侧be flanked by sb / sth两侧有....luxuriant shady trees树木葱茏,绿荫匝地(遍地)4. stand in a daze怔怔地lost deep陷入,身入深谷林 in a remote mountain 远山virgin forest原始森林5. a ray of golden sunshine一到金黄色的阳光gently柔光-光温柔的...adj➡️advfilter thriugh滤过,穿过,透过6. conjure up in sb使某人脑海中显现7. fairy仙女 maiden 少女tread barefoot赤足rosy clouds彩霞8. emerald宝石绿,翠绿mountain ranges峰峦重叠,山脉9. flocks of一群群, black crows 乌鸦hover over在...上空盘旋10. diapel消散 my gloom 安派我的愁心entrust委托 sb with a task of 委托某人一个任务


#时光散文# 5.24@·时光暖流· 庐隐《异国思秋》1. linger around徘徊2. canopy华盖,(森林里)天蓬似的绿荫3. clatter up咔嗒声4. eye sb做动词,打量某人5. to steer clear of避开,绕开 prying eye 窥探的双眼6. on either side = on both sides在两边7. a neat row of整齐的一排 evergreen 冬青树8. instantly立即,blurt out脱口而出9. a jumble of一堆 reddish tangerines红橘子10. bygone adj.过去的 bygone days 过去的日子scene after scene一幕幕reemerge再度出现  all of a sudden 突然11. tuck away藏起来;畅饮,大吃12. thump重击 with emotion 被情绪激动13. glaze over(眼神)呆滞15延伸:suddenly, abruptly, out of the blue, unexpectedly, on the jump

#时光散文# 5.25@·时光暖流· 庐隐《异国思秋》1.全开,花开 in full bloom2. scenic spots名胜古迹3. so fascinate with... that they forgot their weariness使他们乐游忘倦4. set out出发 at daybreak 黎明5. worn-out倦怠,疲倦 =born out6. come upon遇见,发现7. potful一锅,一壶的量;pastry-pastries 点心

#时光散文# 5.27@·时光暖流· 庐隐《异国思秋》1. fledge长毛,长羽毛2. giggle koudly高声谈笑light-hearted活泼快乐的心情3. bask in沉浸在... 沐浴在...4. reminisce v.回忆,追忆reminiscing缅怀往事 longingly 渴望地5. fleeting time流年,heartless time 残刻~无情的流年6. lofty aspirations英雄的壮志,崇高的抱负7. chock with sobs抽泣,哽咽8. relive重新体验,重新活一遍relive the old days重温过去的日子,使光年倒流9. trek on艰苦跋涉rugged崎岖的 journey of life 世路➡️ 人生路steep cliffs崖壁 10. make good sth = make sth good使某事成果narrow escape九死一生,幸免于难


#时光散文# 5.28@·时光暖流· 庐隐《异国思秋》1. sentimentalize使伤感2. path overgrown with grass野草蔓径3. a fit of一阵4. foliage植物 ,叶子(总称)5. seize熟词僻意:袭击,突然控制be seized with被(强烈的情感,愿望)影响eg: Panic seizes her. / He was seized by curiosity. 6. wayside路旁;blankly 呆滞地,茫然地7. rowboat划艇,小船8. lazy brook潺湲(这个字苹果输入法居然找不到)碧水9. chocke with被阻塞,被哽咽 with emotionsighed involuntarily不觉感叹10. I can’t bear to look back.往事不堪回首

#时光散文# 5.29@·时光暖流· 庐隐《异国思秋》1. call up memories想起,回忆起2. rippling water波光粼粼的水面sunlit lake光照射的水面“红漪清波”whispering低语款款3. feast their eye on尽情欣赏,一饱眼福4.肥蟹➡️ 长大了的蟹 :full-grown crabs5. be busy with traffic and throngs of people车水马龙dine and wine饮宴款待6.异国 in a strange land凄凉的秋天desolate autumn树叶凋落➡️秋风将树上的落叶剥落 ➡️ autumn wind is denuding the trees of their leaves 7.向苍天悲诉 vent their woes to heaven 8.饿殍遍野 full of bodies died of hanger 贫苦的同胞poverty-stricken fellow countrymen破碎紊乱的祖国disaster-ridden motherland-ridden充满....的寒伧great misery9.灯红酒绿 Festung and revelry 10.无法安慰 bring no solance to


[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《吹牛的妙用》

#时光散文# 5.30@·时光暖流· 庐隐《吹牛得妙用》1. megalomania自大狂, moralist 道德家2. human failing = weakeness人类的缺点3. social intercourse处事接物4. a rickshaw puller黄包车车夫5. to say nothing of = let alone更不必说6. earnest认真的,down-to-earth 现实的,脚踏实地的7. Chinese smarties自作聪明的中国人,贬意8. next door to近乎于= border on = almost the same as 9. methodically有方法地,按部就班地10. reach great heigjts in one step一步登天,平步登天11. be given to倾向于,习惯于 shortcut捷径; master key to sth 法门12. hyperbole夸张,张喻

#时光散文# 5.31@·时光暖流· 庐隐《吹牛的妙用》1. queer古怪的,奇怪的;congenial合得来的,意气相投的penniless身无分文brag unbashedly大言不惭地吹嘘2. so-and-so某某人,某某物 = a certain3. sworn brother拜把子兄弟,结拜兄弟4. warlord军阀; concubine 小妾nominally adoptive sister名义上的干姐妹5. at an opportune moment在适当的时候6. edible bird’s nest燕窝

#时光散文# 6.1@·时光暖流· 庐隐《吹牛的妙用》1. put into practice付诸实践,实行2. make a bugle of搞得一团糟3. fail to无法做到,难以...4. touch a chord in one’s heart打动心弦5. suppose假如,比如; a senior 前辈6. man of letters作家,学者7. second self知己, bosom friend 知心朋友8. by a roundabout way拐弯抹角地9. trifling琐事; consequently 这样一来10. end up doing以...告终;成为...11. personage名人;要人12. on a par with与...一样,同...一样,持平,相等

#时光散文# 6.2@·时光暖流· 庐隐《吹牛的妙用》1. at one’s own expense自费2. into the bargain而且,另外3. suffice to足以...4. a man of much learning and experience学识阅历丰富5. well-to-do富有的,有钱的,资产阶级的,= well off  6. gather each and every mood of them察言观色 ( gather 观察推测)7. money-mad贪财的9. hanker after渴望10. combat poison with poison以毒攻毒11. This trick will always work wonders.创造奇迹,产生奇妙作用,无往不利

#时光散文# 6.3@·时光暖流· 庐隐《吹牛的妙用》1. give away the show 2. complete fias*co  3. thick-skinned 4. author(v.)5. publish many books 6. for appearance’s sake7. good for nothing 8. double one’s love for Sb 

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]《雷峰塔下》

#时光散文# 6.4@·时光暖流· 庐隐《雷峰塔下》1. stroll about徘徊2. a lush green meadow芊芊碧草sparsely studded with稀疏地 间杂着,镶有3. downy grass软绵绵的草4. cambric麻纱5. sweat ooz from forehead汗从额头渗出来6. sunlught was gilding使金子般发光7. rosy ray红霞 


#时光散文# 6.5@·时光暖流· 庐隐《雷峰塔下》1. premonition = presentiment预感,征兆2. far-off遥远的 rumble of thunder 雷声3. pelt疾跑  = dash 拼命跑pelt down倾泻,倾盆大雨 in big drops 豆大的雨点4. thoroughly drenched完全湿透了5. all of a sudden突然,顿时6. crouch蹲下,crouch down 趴伏crouch over俯身接近7. a felt rug毡子8. hang my head低头9. admiring the moon赏月


#时光散文# 6.6@·时光暖流· 庐隐《雷峰塔下》1. Make known to me让我知道2. pent-up feelings压抑的情感3. in store准备的,将要发生的4. revisit the place重游某地,故地重游5. put up at the hotel住在...put up,为...提供住宿6. topple over倾倒7. mourn over惋惜 = grieve over8. little did I then expect that绝不曾想到...9. depart this life离开人世,与世长辞10. be gone消失了; never to return 再也不回来11. blot out the imprint抹灭...的痕迹blot out抹去不愉快的记忆


#时光散文# 6.7庐隐《雷峰塔下》1. human world人间 2. sth faded from your memory某事从记你的记忆里淡出了 ➡️ 你忘记了某事3. get on in years上年纪了,上岁数4. sth ordained by fate由命运主宰5. suffer from retribution for our deeds in the former life前世的缘孽6. have the heart to有勇气去做,忍心去做


#时光散文# 6.8@·时光暖流· 庐隐《雷峰塔下》1.人间更为悲惨 ➡️ 每况愈下 things have gone from bad to worse in this human world 2.奔波,奔走 rush about3.临终 on one’s deathbed4.持续战斗,还在坚持着 battle on5.预兆 omen;  象征 token6.值此之际 on the occassion of7.念念不舍的爱恋 lingering love


[if !supportLists]十、[endif]谢冰莹

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《饥饿》

#时光散文# 6.10@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《饥饿》1. on end连续地,竖着2. baked cake烧饼,small buns 小圆面包Cut them down by half and then by another half3. copper铜板;bloat 膨胀,肿胀4. reduce to沦为5. on credit赊账6. living expenses生活费


#时光散文# 6.11@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《饥饿》1. seek a loan of money借钱2. have no say in sth没有发言权3. beside oneself with joy最高兴,欣喜若狂4. at long last最后5. complimentary copies免费赠送的几本书 


#时光散文# 6.12@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《饥饿》1.管账的 cashier; streetcar 电车 fare 车票钱2. with embarrassement含羞地3. give an advance of a few money提前预支4. uncontroble desire某欲望燃烧着➡️ 不可控制的 欲望5. ignore all priority顾不得是否得体6. pour out my complaints / grievances诉苦7. apathetic冷漠的,无动于衷的Smile a sardonic smile冷冷一笑8. cast an (angry) sidelong glance at怒眼斜视9. in sb’s presence在某人在场的情况下10. work his abacus打着算盘11. with a vengeance重重地,程度更深地,猛烈地;激昂地eg: She set to work with a vengeance.加倍努力It began to rain again with a vengeance.大雨滂沱


#时光散文# 6.13@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《饥饿》1. did the wrapping把书包起来2. tip sb a wink向某人使眼色3. look me up and down上下打量我4. walk off in sulky silence悻悻然地离去5. to my great surprise让我惊讶的是6. towards evening快到黄昏时7. chin up and chest out振奋起来,挺起胸脯8. compartment铁路的隔间9. fiver五美元


#时光散文# 6.15@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《饥饿》1. diehard思想顽固,顽固分子2. Go against the trend of the times开倒车3. call on拜访,访问;号召;请求4. hard up拮据,缺钱5. immensely please to see me看到我特别开心6. the remaining剩余的零钱7. two dollars and something左右,表示不确切数量8. a small eatery小馆子


#时光散文# 6.15@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《饥饿》1. take to喜欢,开始从事,走向2. inner joy精神痛苦,内心开心3. to one’s heart’s content尽情地,痛快地at a sitting一口气地at a stretch一口气地,不休息地4. dried shrimps虾米5. go strolling around四处闲逛6. on an empty stomach空着肚子,空腹7. while away消磨(时间) while v.8. what it is like做某事你该知道是什么感受9. go hungry挨饿; clear-cut 清晰的,干脆的10. human sufferings人类的苦难


#时光散文# 6.17@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《饥饿》1. stomach rumbling with hunger饿得咕咕叫2. Giddy头晕的;nauseous 恶心的;legs feel like jelly双腿发软Gastric juice胃液gulp down吞下3. believe as true相信是真的4. clamity-Stricken areas灾区5. bear my privation忍住贫困with great fortitude g刚毅6. bow to the rich向有钱人低头7. present-day society当今社会 8. thousands upon thousands of万万千千9. on the brink of starvation在饥饿线上挣扎


[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《刹那的印象》

#时光散文# 6.17巴金《海上的日出》1.天还没大亮 it was not yet quite light 2.穿上机器的响声 the droning of the ship engine 3.天空还是一片浅蓝色 the sky was pale 浅色的 with a bluish hue4.一道红霞 a streak of pink dawn 5.天边、地平线 break over the horizon 6.不转眼地,目不转睛地看着,I had my eye fixed on the distanct of the sea 海天之交the distant edge of the sea7.果然 as expected8.刺眼 the red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eye 9.透过黑云 snow through the dark clouds 10.给黑云镶了一道金边 edge them with golden lace 11.冲出重围,出现在...Break through the right encirclement, it came into full view尽收眼底


#时光散文# 6.18@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《刹那的印象》My Instant Response1. just reached the age of 15刚满15岁2. slave girl女仆;gait 步伐,姿态3. looked thin and sickly面黄肌瘦或:emaciated and had a sallow face4.满脸泪痕 with a tear-stained face 5.乌黑的大眼睛 bright big ebony eyes1. befit her position适合他的位置,身份2. mansion公馆; pseudonym 笔名3. burned with fury at the gross injustice燃烧着不平的火焰4. left on some excuse借故离开5. grimace v.做鬼脸 at sb6. I won’t presume.不敢,岂敢presume v.妄行,越权行事


#时光散文# 6.19@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《刹那的印象》1. reproachfully责备地;tauntingly辱骂地,嘲笑地2. dissect解剖;分析,欣赏,仔细讨论;把...分成小块3. well-written写的好的,上乘的文章4. soft-hearted心肠软的5. not care a damn about sb/sthgive a dam about Sb/sth 对...毫不在乎6. See no more of Sb不再见某人,再也见不着某人就是了,就得了that’s all.7. in question正在考虑中的语法:to do不定时表示当时未想到,后来居然发生了8. It came about once that又一次...come about发生9.眼泪掉下来 tears trickled down my checks 10.写出好文章 Wirte something worth readying 值得一读的


[if !supportLists]3. [endif]《我爱作文》

#时光散文# 6.20@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《我爱作文》1.有一个条件 ➡️ 请注意 mind you 2.多多益善 The more, the better. 3.好好写,不可敷衍Should be well written, not slipshod马虎的,敷衍了事的4.不会 ➡️ 超出能力范围 beyond my ability 5.不我知道他的名字 whose name was not personally known to me 6.早就...,早在...就 as long ago as 7. little more than只不过,仅仅是8. in no position不能够,没有资格9.您太客气了 You’re too modest. 10.鄙人 my humble self 11.不必要,多余的 uncalled for


#时光散文# 6.21@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《我爱作文》1. pass out of sight消失在... 渐渐不见2. long corridor长廊3. without the slightest hesitation丝毫没有犹豫4. overjoy高兴极了5. to do what we thought best可以自由选择6.最让人伤脑筋的 ➡️ 让人头疼的 what had annoyed me most was


#时光散文# 6.22@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《我爱作文》1.公诸于众,披露 make public sth 2. give a true account of读书真实情况3. hollow theorizing空洞的理论4. fail to未能5. subject sb to迫使,使遭受impose on施压于,施影响于6. so to speak, so to say可以这么说,恕我直言7. in my school days学生时代8. maxim格言,准则Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.己所不欲 勿施于人9. Cause mental torture伤脑筋

#时光散文# 6.24@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《我爱作文》1.让我修改卷子 ➡️ 润色一下 polish up the letter penned by them. pen v.写 动词2. nothing more ... than没有...比...更...的了3. hard up缺钱的,短缺的4. work nonstopped day and night夜以继日地工作5. have the audacity to有勇气做...6. husky yong northerners高大的北方青年7. have every reason ( good reason) to完全有理由8. “说起来太冒险了” Just imagine  a girl having the audacity to do sth. They certainly had every reason to... 想象一下,我居然有那个胆子做...,怪不得(他们当然...)

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]《海恋》


#时光散文# 6.24@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《海恋》1.几乎每天... ➡️ 有...的习惯,常常发生某行为 be in the habit of 2.细软的沙子 sponge fine sand3.海风卷起雪浪拍打海岸 the sea wind dashed the snow-white billows against the beach 4.在美丽的浪花里 among the brillian spray (among 一般加可数n.,这里用不可数)5. seaweed海草 ; seashore 海滨6.更爱 be more inclined to 7.吐露(心声)、倾诉 unbosom itself bosom胸襟,怀抱8.微风从我的身边掠过 gentle sea breeze brushing pat me (brush past 掠过,静水深流)9. There is no denying不可否认10. the mightiness of the sea大海的伟大11. broad and liberal ( generous)胸襟广阔12. the foul / filthiness污秽,肮脏13. take on the green coconut呈现绿色

#时光散文# 6.26@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《海恋》1. meek驯良的,open-hearted 心胸开阔的2. keeps accompany with the sea常雨海做朋友➡️ 以海为伴3.风景优美,风景如画 is really picturesque with 4.河对岸是... facing it in the opposite back is sth...5. tourist resort观光胜地 scenic spots 旅游景点6. tour作V. 游览 your a different place of interest 名胜古迹7. by mere confidence碰巧,偶然8. a (an unexpected) piece of luck一件幸事➡️ 意外的收获9. mountain slope山坡10. go sauntering散步

#时光散文# 6.27@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《海恋》1. go on a tour游历 西闽 western Fujian2. pick up the teaching post担任教师职务fill the teaching post出任,担任教师职务3.陌生人➡️ 我不怎么了解的人 a person of whom I knew little 4. uncalled-for不必要的,多余的5. if not more如果没有更多,即使不再更甚,也至少是一样的6.不忙的时候就干嘛干嘛➡️ 花休闲时间干嘛干嘛去 spend our free hours doing sth7.热得要命 unbearably hot8.结果竟然 surprisinly it ended up in 9.九死一生,幸免于难(差点被海浪卷走)in my narrow escape from the surging waves海浪10. pictorials画报,报刊 adj/n.11. have a go at = have a try at试一试,尝试12. dabble in/with 1⃣️涉足/ 涉猎,如涉足政界2⃣️玩儿水,嬉水

#时光散文# 6.28-6.29@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《海恋》1. salty water海水2. rush to my rescue赶过来救我3. with much effort好不容易,费好大的劲4. sth arouse in me so much interest sth引起我极大的兴趣5. bugling with充满6. acquisition获得物,可用于指代前文的贝壳7. as many replacements也可以指代8. never let a day pass without一天也不能离开9. greet the sunrise迎接太阳10. from the distance edge of the sea从海边,天边11. hasten to急忙着 hasten back to 急忙回去12. my hat off to向...脱帽致敬,佩服13. drudge at做苦工(的人)the tedious task 机械的(枯燥的)工作14. communicate with Sb in sweet whisper蜜语15. thatched cottage茅舍,茅屋16. steer clear of避开17. plunge into the bosom of the sea投入大海的怀抱18. funeral hymn挽歌,葬礼赞歌19. floate about on the blue waters漂浮在碧波之上20. take leave of告别,离开 this afflicted mortal world 苦恼的人间

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]《黄昏》

#时光散文# 7.1@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《黄昏》1. sloping street斜坡;pavilion 小亭,子2. waning sun残,阳3. play ducks and drakes打水,飘,浪,费4. reflections were mirrored in the water影子倒映,在水里5. locust trees槐,树6. fairy maidens少女,仙女,fairyland 仙境7. emerald祖母绿,翠绿8. sweet aroma芬芳的气味 wafted to us迎面扑来9. dainty清秀的; greenery 绿色植物10. a real Shangri-la世外,桃源,桃花源11. it was already emply of visitors游客都,散了12.观赏,欣赏 we feasted our eyes on13. look sth from afar遥远处,远远望去14. suggestive of联,想到

#时光散文# 7.2@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《黄昏》1. straw sheds and cottage草棚茅舍2. in the deepening dusk暮色茫茫,天色渐渐暗下来 the world was shrouned in grey 大地被灰色吞噬着3. A ghastly stillness resigned.路上寂静的可怕➡️ 寂静统治着 not a soul in sight 看不见一个人4. one way or another不管怎样,无论如何5. Don’t miss (don’t let slip) this opportunity不要错过这个机会6. with me keeping you company有我陪着你呢7. nightingales夜莺8. of all...所有中...偏偏... eg: He went to live in India of all places. 他偏偏住到印度去. No that, of all people, you are a girl. (在所有人中)偏偏你是女人9. full of inhibitions抑制、拘谨➡️ 顾虑10. chew over his words细细咀嚼这句话的意思,品这句话的意思11. all the more更加,愈加13. dismal and forlorn寂静凄清14. homeward journey归程, nestling each other 互相靠着,互相依偎着15. frogs croaking青蛙阁阁的叫

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]《粉笔生涯》

#时光散文# 7.3@·时光暖流· 谢冰莹《粉笔生涯》1.开学了。The school started after vacation. It’s another new term. School has begun. 2.开始热闹起来 buzz with activity 3.满院子 the whole school compound 一词多义compound(有围墙的场地)4.灯火通明,电灯辉煌,闪烁 is ablaze with lights5.假装 assuming / feign6. chat gaily with谈笑7.有封建思想➡️ 成为封建思想的努力 be a slave to old convention (旧习俗)8. stand-offish疏远的,冷淡的 =aloof9.不嫌麻烦➡️ 费了好大的劲 take great pains to10. all of one mind都是一个念头11.没有丝毫虚伪,没有丝毫勉强 without slightly insincerity and reluctance 12. sth brough back to my memories of sth让我想起某事 = reminiscent of 13. chalk up用粉笔写下chalk and cheese截然不同,天渊之别chalk up sth获得某物,取得成功 chalk up sth to sth把某事归因于...14. dig at挖苦,讽刺(轻微的)= gibe 嘲笑,取笑15. “老师”的称谓不用“teacher”,用Madam16.  have the intention to dismiss me有意要解雇我 on the pretext of 以...为借口17.  I readily hand in my resignation.欣然递交辞呈18. kick up a school disturbance激起学潮19.太不像话了➡️ 犯了严重的错误 make grave mistake

[if !supportLists]十一、[endif]丰子恺《渐》

#时光散文# 7.4@·时光暖流· 丰子恺《渐》1.使人生圆滑进行 ➡️ 日子还过得去,得过且过 make life endurable 2.造物主 the Creator 3.不知不觉中 through the process of imperceptible gradual change 4.慷慨豪侠(中)chivalrous 有骑士精神的(英)5. unfeeling grownups无情的,冷酷的成人血气方刚的,血气旺盛的aggressive顽固的老头子mulish old fogeys6.常在同样的地位 ➡️ 觉得自己永远是那个旧的自己 permanently your same old self 7.今朝忽变 become sth overnight 夕暮忽成become sth in a matter of hours from dawn till dusk8.故可知... hence it is evident that...9.表示不如人意的结果出现了only to findturned out to beend up doing 10. moping their remaining years away感叹余生就此度过了 mope away 闷闷不乐的度过remaining years余年11.对比今朝和过去 today vs. yesterday 12. without exception无一例外,一律...

#时光散文# 7.5@·时光暖流· 丰子恺《渐》1. reconcile to甘心接受,堪受衰变的境遇reconcile himself to his reduced circumstances2. abound with有很多,充满3. a good-for-nothing无用之人a poor wretch不幸的穷人hired labourer佣工rogue无赖,流氓pauper乞丐4.一次又一次的破产 repeated business failures5. too aggrieved to go on living愤不欲生6. the artifice of the Creator造物主的妙工7. budding spring萌芽的春verdant summer绿荫的夏withered autumn凋零的秋bleak winter枯寂的冬8.围炉拥衾 around afire or lie in bed 9.傍晚时候 towards the evening

#时光散文# 7.6@·时光暖流· 丰子恺《渐》1. narcissus水仙花 come into full bloom 开花2. in sb’s presence当某人的面at one’s desire依照某人的意愿3. by way of当作4. insensible to未察觉到...5. oblivious to忘却的,健忘的6. immutable不变的,永恒不变的

#时光散文# 7.8@·时光暖流· 丰子恺《渐》1. ever-changing千变万化的,无常的2. They see the trees, but not the wood.一叶障目,沉迷于局部儿不能估计全体。3. elderly or handicapped老弱者4. have among us a few我们之中有一些人... ​​​​

[if !supportLists]十二、[endif]矛盾《雾》

#时光散文# 7.9@·时光暖流· 茅盾《雾》1.我不知道...➡️ sth is still unknown to me 视角转换2. midair半空中; ethereal 天上的,飘渺的prosaic平庸的,平淡的3. orderly array of整齐排列的4. without fail务必,一定,无疑,不论如何5. favus囊藓6. morning fog晨雾 shut out 遮蔽7. not-too-distant稍远的8. manage to(设法,不译)show though 表示不容易的,想方设法的做某事9. pale惨淡的,苍白的,淡颜色的10.shroud Mother earth包围/覆盖大地11. obliterate消除,毁掉,清除extricate使解脱12. biting wind寒风,icy snow 冰雪13. plunge sb into把sb拉进某个境地颓唐阑珊depression and dejection14.陷入困境 bog down in a mire 15. fine misty rain牛毛雨16. a cloud of一片 misty vapor 雾汽 prevailed 盛行➡️ 只看见 sth ➡️ sth 盛行17. blot out清除,抹杀18. The air was windless.没有风19. now and then时不时20. withered lotus残荷叶 stems 梗21. give a sudden violent jerk突然急剧摇动起来红鲤鱼活泼跳跃a red carp splashing briskly out of water打破了si一样的寂静 break the death-like silence 22.轨外行动➡️ 异常行动 aberration23. status quo现状 failing 没有24.杲杲的太阳➡️明亮的太阳 bright sunshine 25.不堪...的压迫 ➡️ 不耐烦 impatience with 26. in the wake of紧跟其后,随着...

[if !supportLists]十三、[endif]巴金

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《“再见罢,我不幸的乡土呦!”》

#时光散文# 6.26@·时光暖流· 巴金《再见罢,我不幸的乡土哟》1. set foot on踏上2. there began... ....开始了3. temporary separation暂别pqrting sorrow离愁4. well up涌出,流露,萌发5. towering waterfront buildings岸上高大的建筑物6. thereupon于是 7.热泪 hot tears8.是你养育了我 ➡️ 我变成了什么这件事情 归功于你 ➡️ I owe what I am to the upbringing you have given me during the past 22 years. 9.温暖的怀抱 warm bosom10. time and again屡次,常常11. come to know知道,了解12.深受各种痛苦➡️ 经历数不清的遭遇 undergo untold sufferings 13.遍体鳞伤 covered all over with cuts and bruises 14. lay to rest搁置,埋葬,淡忘,消除15.被杀死 被迫害 victimized by  旧礼教 old feudal ethics 16. ghadtly可怕的 execution grounds 刑场17.  hold sway当道,掌控,支配Bad people hold sway坏人当道18.正义受到摧残 ➡️ 正义被踩在脚下,被蹂躏,被践踏 ➡️ Justice is trodden down underfoot 19. wage a savage struggle从事残酷斗争wage v.从事,开始,进行(斗争)savage残酷的20. as ever一直,依旧,一如以往



#时光散文# 7.12巴金《狗》1. play out玩耍 flower beds 花圃2. give sb the slip趁某人不备溜掉,把...甩掉take to one’s heels逃之夭夭3.我总是在逃,他总是在追。➡️ 我扮演逃跑者,而狗狗扮演追逐着。I always played the fugitive while the dog the pursuer. 4.怕狗变成了一种病。➡️ 我培养了狗狗恐惧症。I developed a canine phobia. 5.忽然觉得,恍然大悟 it suddenly dawned on me that...6. shy away避开,回避7. run at Sb冲过去袭击8. glower at怒目而视,虎视眈眈,咄咄逼人的看9.一...就 the minute 10. emboldened有胆量的11. stamp my feet顿了顿脚,跺脚12. back up倒退13.他不再像以前那么恶了➡️ 凶狠程度减弱了 with reduced savagery14.发出可怜的哀叫声 let out a piteous cry15.轻蔑一笑 gave a distanful laugh



[if !supportLists]十四、[endif]何其芳《雨前》

#时光散文# 6.21何其芳《雨前》1. go out of sight ( pass out of sight )消失不见2. in the soft breeze在微风中3.低弱的声音➡️几乎听不到 barely audible 4. hasten back急忙回去5. wooden dovecote鸽舍6.过早地 ➡️ 比平时早地7. bleak leaden sky灰暗凄冷的天空nightfall黄昏,旁晚presentiment预感8. willow twigs柳条,daub 乱涂乱画(用灰泥等)9. sickly憔悴的 病怏怏的10. parched soil干裂的土地11. The thunder reverberated across the vally雷声响彻山谷12. put forth植物 长出13. A tear stands in my eye一滴泪在眼里14. murky sky阴沉的天murky night昏暗的夜

#时光散文# 6.22何其芳《雨前》1. somewhat impatient有点不耐烦2. send out irritated quacks发出急躁的叫声,quacks 鸭子叫3. turbid water浑浊的水,urban creek 都市的河沟4. swim leisurely徐徐地 划行5. webbed feet蹼足,web鸭子等禽鸟的蹼6. There is no knowing无从得知,不知道7. stagger out摇摇晃晃的走8. saunter up and down漫步,悠闲9. stand about闲站着 preen their white plumage用嘴整理羽毛preen打扮,(鸟)用嘴整理groom打扮10. let off sth from使sth离开,脱落11. long red beak长长的红嘴12. tuck away among the white fine hair把嘴藏到羽毛里13. poor little creature可怜的小动物

#时光散文# 6.23何其芳《雨前》1.我想起...了 ➡️ 这个场景让我想起 The scene recalls to my mind the...2.放雏鸭的人:放小鸭子的人,养小鸭子的人 duckling raiser; duckling 小鸭子3.清浅的水,两岸青青的草limpid water of a shallow brook flanked on both sides by 两侧有 green grass5. a low-hanging sky天空低垂,低垂的天空;天空低垂犹如灰色的雾幕 a gray misty pall of a low-hanging sky 6.碎屑 partixles7.鹰隼 被激怒 a hawk, irked by ...8.猛扑 swoop, 拍打翅膀 with a loud flap 9.从远处来 ➡️ 不知道从哪来的 our of nowhere 10.看见了 catch sight of 11. grizzled feather斑白的羽毛

[if !supportLists]十五、[endif]季羡林《加德满都的狗》

#时光散文# 7.16季羡林《加德满都的狗》1. out of the common非不寻常,从未觉得非比寻常never think of them as anything out of the common 2.忍饥挨饿 endure the torments of hunger 3.破烂的家 run-down home4. ownerless dog失去主人的狗bereaved of sb失去亲友5.茫茫宇宙中 in this vast universe 6.内心最深处 innermost heart 7.相依为命 in mutual dependence 在困境中in distress8. desert sb遗弃某人,抛弃9. cannot restrain my tear不由自主流下眼泪10. sth (bad) thing befall Sb某不好的事情降临到某人身上11.数量减少 a steady dwindling of迁居大城市➡️变成大城市的居民 become a city dweller 12. nose around for food低头觅食13. out of the blue竟然,出乎意料之外14. presumably大概; partiality 偏爱; apathetic 冷漠的;leopard 美洲豹15. in the dim light昏暗中,阴影中16. at dead of night在深夜17. pure and simple不折不扣的,用于增强语气18. nothing out of the ordinary没什么特别的,不过尔尔,平平常常的

[if !supportLists]十六、[endif]萧红《祖父死了的时候》

[if !supportLists]十七、[endif]萧乾《古城》

#时光散文# 7.16@·时光暖流· 萧乾《古城》1.昏暗低沉的天 the gloomy and low sky 压的人喘不过来气(令人窒息)made one feel suffocating / stifling2. eaves屋檐;barometer 晴雨表pickled vegetables泡菜,腌菜joss sticks(中国祭祀用的)香the image of the kitchen god灶神像kitchen god灶神trademen and pedestrian商贾路人archway拱门,拱道slushy泥泞的prankish恶作剧的dot with点缀着ruts车辙treetops树梢by no means绝不是a scout侦探元,探子sturdy old trees结实的树tile-roofed dwellings瓦房3.用起来会加分的动词和介词1⃣️ reign统治,支配 (不好的)事情来临➡️ 被不好的事情统治 The ugly scene reigned.景色变得不堪(不堪的景色统治着)2⃣️ brew酝酿,酿酒 (不愉快的事情)即将来临Trouble seemed to be brewing.又要有乱子了(乱子又要酝酿了)3⃣️ be in store某事即将发生Nobody could tell what kind of fate was in store.没人知道会发生什么。4.融化的雪 thawing snow5. bury oneself in专心致志于,埋头于6. be thronged with挤满,充满7. passing to and fro来回走动8. staring blankly ahead直愣着呆着眼9. eyeing sth greedily窥伺某事

[if !supportLists]十八、[endif]唐弢

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《书愤》

#时光散文# 7.17@·时光暖流· 唐弢《书愤》1.英雄气概的人heroic personages 2.一点都不喜欢 have no liking at all for3. mobs暴民throb悸动,有规律的跳动;in sympathy 同情frailty itself虚弱,itself加强语气avarice贪婪;insidiousness 阴险maltreat虐待;aborigines 土著人trade in贩卖,买卖genocide种族灭绝hounds猎犬breaths of mind心胸,气量,气度uprightness正直eulogize歌颂all the same依然,照样acrobatic clown杂技小丑4. cry it about the streets把...散布到...5.鼻子上粘灰 with his nose brightly painted 6.使某人清醒 sober Sb up 7. burning hatred愤恨8. cold-blooded冷血的9. go on firing at common people征逐平民bayonet刺杀10. base cowardice卑怯11. in defiance of不顾,表现is remember for因...被人们铭记be no more不再存在

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《故乡的雨》

#时光散文# 6.19唐弢《故乡的雨》1. never...but +主语+动词“未有...而不...”I never think of rain but I think of my town. 2. remian wet = rainy还是湿的,还下着雨3. on end连续地4. close quarters狭小的空间5. in the open在户外,外面6. rain-drenched雨水浸泡的,经过雨水冲刷的7. splash you all over with mud溅一身泥8. sit up late into night熬夜到午夜9. pitter-patter of rain雨声,淅淅沥沥bearing down against the window and roof打窗飘瓦10. sit about呆坐着;袖手旁观11. moan about抱怨 = 叹气 sigh


#时光散文# 6.20唐弢《故乡的雨》1. spring rain春雨2. my native place家乡3. go upstairs to take a distant look登楼眺望4. faraway mountains远处的山被一片烟雨笼住were veiled in a misty rain5.恍恍惚惚,若有若无➡️ 时而看得见,时而看不见 now visible, no invisible. now... now...时而...时而6. wet open country雨中的原野7. rainy evening雨夜8.摇着船 row a boat9.小镇 townlet10.归途遇雨 got caught in a rain on the way home11.灯火暗到看不出人面 faces were hardly distinguishable by the dim light of the lantern 12.船身擦着河岸新生的草 the boy rubbed its body against the newly grown green grass by the river bank 13.乌蓬 awning14.发出 悠扬的声音 give our a pleasant sound 如听音乐,如闻节拍as if with musical rhythm and cadence 15.在...的伴奏下 in the accompaniment of 16.雨滴声drip-drop;drip, drip, drippitter-patter 17.令人神往 fascinating18.每...时,都会念故乡 ➡️ 总是怀念故乡 I invariably feel homesick when...19.听着滞涩枯燥的调子 harsh刺耳的, monotonous 20.更何待说 ➡️ 跟不用说 to say nothing of...

[if !supportLists]十九、[endif]柯灵《书的抒情》

#时光散文# 7.19@·时光暖流· 柯灵《书的抒情》1. indebted感激的,蒙恩的;session n.开会;一段时间folly愚;barbarity bibliomaniac n/adj书迷;bookworm 书虫dew露水,雨露2. abject misery痛苦3. through and through完全,彻底,彻头彻尾,十足的sth is the height of +抽象名词 ...的顶点➡️ 极其的,十足的 4. sth rid oneself of sth帮助某人摆脱...,去除...5. social snobbery fickleness of the world frosty looks hostile stares 6. spiritual consolation精神慰藉,安抚in the inner world精神世界7. savage punishmentdespicable originator8. for sure诚然,毫无疑问的retrogression in history 9. the reading public广大读者10. on the eve of在...的前夕;eve 11. become of 12.没有他们,就没有今天的我。It is to them  that I owe what I am today. 我不能设想,没有书的世界是什么样的世界。I can’t imagine what would become of the world without books.

[if !supportLists]二十、[endif]端木蕻良

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《黎明的眼睛》

#时光散文# 7.20@·时光暖流· 端木蕻良《黎明的眼睛》1. throw open推开窗,突然打开2. white-jade白玉3. pattern after模仿,按着...仿制4. to speak of值得一提的5. with the passage of time随着时间的流逝6. at the sight of看到...7.  exclaim at对...感到惊讶,惊叹8. as such本身,就本身而论9. grains of sand风沙10. surreptitiously偷偷地,秘密地11. from ancient times to the present从古至今12. dreamy eyes出神的眼13. in the days to come今后,将来14. window pane窗玻璃15. tick-tick of the clock时钟的滴答声16. to get a distant view of远眺...

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《耐力》

[if !supportLists]二十一、[endif]师陀《邮差先生》

[if !supportLists]二十二、[endif]张闻天《生命的急流》

#时光散文# 7.23@·时光暖流· 张闻天《生命的激流》1. the torrent of life生命急流 torrent 洪流2.你一定不知道!我确信你不知道!I bet you don’t know. 3.证明你自己,assert yourself4. walking corpse行尸走肉,活着的si人5. without your consent没有你的同意6. petty低下,次要的小7. in the name of以...的名义8. in violation of school discipline有伤校风

#时光散文# 7.24@·时光暖流· 张闻天《生命的急流》1.停止资助某人的学费 discontinue中断 financing your schooling 2.  on a charge of以...的罪名give sb a demerit记过discredit you in public挂牌(使在公众面前丢脸)dismiss sb开除 3. behead推出斩之to speak of值得一说,值得一提的4. one fleeting moment一瞬间give vent to发泄,吐露pent-up emotion压抑的情感5. as good as和...几乎一样,实际上等于as good as dead跟死了没什么两样6. pluck up courage鼓起勇气stage a counter attack against进行反击7. devitalize v.使失去生命 remains 骨骸8. alive and kicking活蹦乱跳的kicking充满活力的9. fishy eyes死鱼眼vacant looks痴呆的面,空洞的眼神well-regulated behavior规行矩步的行为slow-witted speech迟钝的声音(头脑迟钝的)

#时光散文# 7.25@·时光暖流· 张闻天《生命的急流》1. speak up your mind大胆说出心中所想2. bestow on sb赠与,授予3. hold aloft高举 a torch 火炬4. youthful vitality青春活力5. die a martyr殉道而死 to hell with让...见鬼去吧die a hero’s death壮烈的死(像英雄一样)die an instant death立刻死去6. surging and turbulent激荡汹涌swift rolling rapids of快速翻滚的急流7. Niagara Falls尼加哥拉大瀑布Qutang Gorge瞿塘峡Himalayas喜马拉雅山8. in praise of赞美...pray for the advent of...祈祷...的到来heralding sth...预示着...的到来9. early dawn曙光forge ahead前进

[if !supportLists]二十三、[endif]艾青《偶像的话》

[if !supportLists]二十四、[endif]冯亦代《忘了过去就是犯罪》

#时光散文# 7.26@·时光暖流· 冯亦代《忘了过去就是犯罪》1.南京大屠杀 the Rape of Nanking 七七事变the Junly 7 Incident抗战八年the eight-year War of Resistance Against Japan2.欠下我们的血债 blood debts owned by A to Chinese people 屠杀slaughter; massacre 大屠杀活埋burying people alive;奸污 rape;残害murderbutcher屠夫,刽子手; invader 入侵者3. monstrous crime罪行,弥天大罪,滔天罪行brutal acts罪行4. as many as多达...5.有事实证明sth sth have been evidenced by hard facts 铁的事实6.良心发现他们的(罪行) crime have been aroused by conscience to confess their crime 承认罪行 and show repentance 表示忏悔7. cover up掩盖;blot out完全清除(思想,记忆),掩盖gloss over掩饰,粉饰8. run amok乱砍乱伐,胡作非为bombing raid轰炸,袭击9. in the name of以...为由,假借....名义on a pretext以...为借口10. by profession +职业是.. eg: He is a lawyer by profession. 他是一名执业律师。11. affiliate to隶属于...12. all-out war全面战争13. foreign settlement外国人居留地,租界14.救死扶伤 healing the wounded and rescuing the dying 15.感到痛心,感到....之情(中文)(英文:....的感情袭来、掌控了我)a feeling of sadness came over me一种悲伤之感掌控了我take possession of / seize / reign统治支配了我

#时光散文# 7.27@·时光暖流· 冯亦代《忘了过去就是犯罪》1.智障 mentally retarded身有残疾physically handicapped2.前妻 ex-wife; former wife3. fall a victim to成为...的受害者lay down one’s life for为...而牺牲,献出生命4. bestiality禽兽,兽性liberator解放者5. whereabouts n.去向,下落,行踪;adv6.失怙:死了父亲的7.游击队 guerrilla detachment 8. bend on doing (bad thing)醉心于做...9. What a pack of lies!简直是一派胡言!10. irrefutable evidence不能反驳的佐证11. try in every way possible (possible way)尽一切可能,百般...12. see through看穿,识破keep a vigilant watch on保持警惕clamour叫嚣

[if !supportLists]二十五、[endif]廖沫沙

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]《师说》解

#时光散文# 7.29@·时光暖流· 廖沫沙《师说》解1.闻道有先后,术业有专攻 Some learn the truth earlier than others, and some have special skills. 2.信徒,门徒 disciple全知的博学多才的omniscient博学的sapient不可逾越的界限impassable demarcation line3.传道授业解惑 pass on the truth, impart knowledge and dispel ignorance4.辩证法 the law of dialectics 对立面的统一the unity of opposites5. A与B互互相转换➡️ 他们中间存在着相互作用A kind of interplay exists between a and b

#时光散文# 7.30@·时光暖流· 廖沫沙《师说》解1.自反 自省 self-examination 自强self-improvement2. thoroughgoing完全的,彻底的3.相反相成 be opposite and complementaty to each other 4.至今仍不可辩驳 all remain irrefutable to this day to this day至今,迄今为止5. ...倒也事出有因,并不是没有原因It is not without reason or cause that 6. readily receptive to容易接受某事...7. be on an equal footing基于平等地位的8. dignified庄严的 sacred 神圣的 inviolable 不可侵犯的9. The practice has come down form the past and become cuntomary.这个观点相沿成习。

#时光散文# 7.31@·时光暖流· 廖沫沙《师说》解1. should be that of应该是2. in the words of sb以...的话来说3. seniority年长4. open-minded雅量的,心胸开阔的5. infallible永无过失的,一贯正确的;万无一失的,绝对可靠的6. may/might as well不妨,还是...的好7. jump to the conclusion匆匆下结论8. a great historical task重大历史使命

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]《要培养新的杂文作家》


[if !supportLists]二十六、[endif]散文佳作108篇

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]朱自清《荷塘月色》

#时光散文# 7.31朱自清《荷塘月色》1. disquieting令人不安的2. enjoy the cool乘凉3. assume a different look呈现出另一番景象4. moonlit night月光照耀的夜晚bask in a misty moonshine沐浴在苍茫的月光下moonless night没有月亮的夜晚loom阴暗的 somewhat frighteningly dark 阴森森的5. die away减弱,消失;风,声音渐弱,渐熄the laughter died away欢笑声听不见了(主为转换)6. patting my son轻拍着7. make my way out走出去,离开closing the door behind me把门带着8. alongside the pound沿着池塘 runs a path 有一条小路run:使向导,引导;伸展,延伸The roads runs parallel to the river. 9. peaceful and secluded幽僻的10. a place not frequented by pedestrians人迹罕至的地方,少有人走 frequent 作动词v,常去某地11. in a lush, shady ambience of threes all around the pond荷塘四面,长着许多树,郁郁葱葱; ambience 周围环境,气氛12. willows interlaced with others杨柳和其他树交织在一起13. foliage植物,叶子(总称)15. on my own我独自一人 strolling 踱步, hands behind my back 背着手16. this bit of the universe这一片天地in my possession now现在属于我了17. cast aside抛之脑后,抛弃,不理18. indulge in享受,享用,沉浸在...19. the profusion of moonlight and lotus fragrance无边的荷香月色a profusion of colors色彩缤纷,五彩斑斓a profusion of sth大量的,丰富的,充沛的

#时光散文# 8.1@·时光暖流· 朱自清《荷塘月色》1. winding stretch of water曲曲折折的河面 (蜿蜒曲折)2. what meets the way is...弥望到的是...3. a silken field of leaves田田的叶子4. layers of leaves层层的叶子 dotted with white lotus blossoms 点缀着白花5. a breeze stirs微风吹过6. a tiny thrill shoots through the leaves and lilies叶子与花也有一丝颤动7. shimmering in an emerald heave of the pond有了一道凝碧的波痕8. The moon sheds her liquid light silently over..月光如流水一般,静静地泻在...9. streak of lightning一道闪电10. a full moon满月11. gauzy hiod轻纱似的头巾12. has a savour of its own别有风味13.参差斑驳交错的 jagged and checkered 14.倩影 benign figures of

#时光散文# 8.2朱自清《荷塘月色》1. fringe沿着...边缘的一排排树木,房屋;刘海2. leafage叶子(总称)3. diffuse into扩散到4. distant mountains远山5. sketchy silhouette凑合的,影子(有些大意了)6. sth crosses my mind我想起...7. sampan小船;oars船桨;algae海藻;duckweed 浮萍
