Card 30 Miracles

Card 30 Miracles_第1张图片

Have faith that your miracle is on its way.

Your prayers have been answered.

Surrender the 'how'.

Your prayers have been received and a miraculous outcome is already in motion.

The unicorns invite you to relax, and have fun whilst you wait for your blessing to take physical form.

They remind you that you are the miracle you seek, and everything you desire is already within you and one with you.

There is no desire too big or too wonderful for you to co-create with the Universe, and because the Divine operates outside of time, anything can happen in an instant when you let it.

Make Space for miracles by releasing the belief that anyone or anything in the physical world is the source of the good in your life.

Instead place your full focus on the Divine as your infinite, unwavering, unlimited Source, and let the joy and gratitude of that truth open gateways of abundance.

The unicorns also remind you that the miracle you are asking for may not come in the form you expect it to.

The answer to your prayers may come in a series of stepping stones, and some may not immediately make sense or seem related to your request. 

Stay open to your guidance, follow your intuition, take aligned action and surrender your expectations of what, how and when your miracle will arrive.

Let the Divine handle the details, and demonstrate to you that 'impossible' can actually be easy when you surrender, step aside and trust the magic of the Universe.

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