《Cracking the Coding Interview》——第12章:测试——题目6

2014-04-25 00:53


解法:ATM是Automatic Teller Machine,取钱的。我想了半天,没找到什么很清晰的思路,也许是因为自己不常取款吧。看了书后解答之后,觉得也不算很靠谱的答案,所以认为这题比较扯淡了。


1 // 12.6 How would you test an ATM machine in a distributed banking system?

2 // Cannot figure out a clear picture, so I referred to the solution in the book.

3 // The solution in the book is not exactly a solution, but some tips and instrcutions on carrying out the conversation with the interviewer.

4 int main()

5 {

6     return 0;

7 }

