
It wasn't until the industrial revolution that people saw significant and sustained increase in their standard of living.


Populations skyrocketed, but so did life expectancy and food supplies and hospitals, and eventually toilets and refrigerators.


Adam Smith(亚当·斯密), the first modern economist, wrote his book "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations "《国家财富的本质与原因的研究》,or "AIITNACOTWON"《国富论》.

It was specialization or what he called the division of labor that made countries wealthy.


Specialization makes people more productive, but Adam Smith said that it's trade that makes them better off.


Economic model 经济学模型

Models are just visuals to help us simplify and explain concepts.

Production possibilities frontier(PPF)生产可能性边界

Comparative advantage 相对优势/比较优势

Individuals and countries should specialize in producing things in which they have a comparative advantage and then trade with other countries that specialize in something else. This trade is mutually beneficial.

Absolute advantage 绝对优势
