幽默与民族文化 | 「英文观止」

幽默与民族文化 | 「英文观止」_第1张图片




幽默与民族文化 | 「英文观止」_第2张图片


Humor is a state of mind. More than that, it is a point of view, a way of looking at life. The flower of humor blooms whenever in the course of development of a nation there is an exuberance of intellect able to flay its own ideals, for humor is nothing but intellect slashing at itself. In any period of history, when mankind was able to perceive its own futility, its own smallness, and its own follies and inconsistencies, a humorist appeared, like Chuangtse of China, Omar Khayyam of Persia, and Aristophanes of Greece. Athens would be infinitely poorer had there been no Aristophanes, and the Chinese intellectual heritage would be infinitely less rich had there been no Chuangtse.

幽默与民族文化 | 「英文观止」_第3张图片


Humor is a state of mind. More than that, it is a point of view, a way of looking at life.

humor,指“幽默;幽默感;幽默的话”,e.g. He showed flashes of humor that delighted the audience.

句子分析:作者用“humor is a state of mind, a point of view, a way of...”这样一个句子来定义humor,深层次地剖析了humor在人的一生中扮演着重要的角色。简明扼要,总领下文。



The flower of humor blooms whenever in the course of development of a nation there is an exuberance of intellect able to flay its own ideals, for humor is nothing but intellect slashing at itself. In any period of history, when mankind was able to perceive its own futility, its own smallness, and its own follies and inconsistencies, a humorist appeared, like Chuangtse of China, Omar Khayyam of Persia, and Aristophanes of Greece.

exuberance, 指“精神焕发,精力旺盛”,e.g. She needs to try and control her natural exuberance. 她需要尽力控制自己天生的旺盛精力。

flay,指“剥皮;严厉批评;痛斥”,e.g. She was well-known for flaying public officials in her daily column. 她因在每日专栏里批判政府官员而出名。

slash,指“(用利器)砍,劈”, e.g. We had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks. 我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在密林里开出了一条路,穿了过去。

perceive,指“意识到;觉察到”,e.g. The patient was perceived to have difficulty in breathing. 发现病人呼吸困难。

futility,指“徒劳;无效, e.g. Shame, compunction, sense of futility flooded his whole being. 羞耻、内疚和徒劳的感觉把他整个人都淹没了。

folly,指“愚蠢;愚笨”,e.g. Giving up a secure job seems to be the height of folly. 放弃一份稳定的工作似乎愚蠢至极。

inconsistency,指“不一致;出入”,e.g. There is some inconsistency between the witnesses’ evidence and their earlier statements. 证人的证词与他们先前的陈述有些出入。

句子分析:“whenever in the course...slashing at itself.”阐述了在民族发展过程中幽默存在的必然性以及幽默在民族发展的过程中所发挥的重要作用。“like Chuangtse of China, Omar Khayyam of Persia, and Aristophanes of Greece. ”作者用庄子,亚里士多德的具体例子来论证了大幽默家对民族发展所做的巨大贡献。同时也起到了承上启下的作用。



Athens would be infinitely poorer had there been no Aristophanes, and the Chinese intellectual heritage would be infinitely less rich had there been no Chuangtse.

infinitely,指“及其;无限地”e.g. Your English is infinitely better than my German. 你的英语比我的德语好太多了。

intellectual,指“智力的;脑力的”e.g. There are two methods to comprehend the object of intellectual property. 对于知识产权客体,我们可以从两个层面来理解。

heritage,指“遗产”,e.g. The building is part of our national heritage. 这个建筑是我们民族遗产的一部分。



幽默与民族文化 | 「英文观止」_第4张图片

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