android today上下卡片,【精品文档】关于计算机专业大学生安卓系统有关的外文文献翻译成品:基于Android(安卓)的考勤管理系统(中英文双语对照)10.docx...

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外文标题:Android-based Attendance Management System

外文作者:Siti Aisah Mohd Noor, Norliza Zaini, Mohd Fuad Abdul Latip, Nabilah Hamzah

文献出处: IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC),2018 (如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做)


Android-based Attendance Management System

Abstract—Until today, most lecturers in universities are found still using the conventional methods of taking students’ attendance either by calling out the student names or by passing around an attendance sheet for students to sign confirming their presence. In addition to the time-consuming issue, such method is also at higher risk of having students cheating about their attendance, especially in a large classroom. Therefore a method of taking attendance by employing an application running on the Android platform is proposed in this paper. This application,once installed can be used to download the students list from a designated web server. Based on the downloaded list of students, the device will then act like a scanner to scan each of the student cards one by one to confirm and verify the student’s presence. The device’s camera will be used as a sensor that will read the barcode printed on the students’ cards. The updated attendance list is then uploaded to an online database and can also be saved as a file to be transferred to a PC later on. This system will help to eliminate the current problems, while also promoting a paperless environment at the same time. Since this application can be deployed on lecturers’ own existing Android devices, no additional hardware cost is required.

Index Terms— attendance system, android application.


In most educational institutions, participation of students in learning process is regarded as a vital exercise for allowing knowledge transfer. This signifies the importance of having students to attend the scheduled lectures and classes.Conve
