
Unimelb的人文社会科学研究生院有一门课程叫Film,art and exhibition,由于这学期开课的萌萌的老师是希区柯克的超级迷妹,所以本学期涉及的影片基本都是希区柯克的电影。

阿婆主准备这门课的笔记陆陆续续整理下来,这篇文章里先发影单和Seminar 讨论的问题。

第一周放的是The Lodger,大陆译名《房客》。

The Lodger(Alfred Hitchcock,1926)

接下来两小时的Seminar 的内容是:1)Introduction to the course介绍课程,2)Hitchcock‘s origins in German and British cinema,3)German Expressionist德国表现主义艺术家


Suspicion(Alfred Hitchcock,1941)

这一周Seminar 的内容是:1)Hitchcock and Victorianism,2)Representation,3)Codes and Self-Censorship


Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock,1940)

Seminar:the Gothic, the uncanny, space and projection


Spellbound (Alfred Hitchcock,1945)

Seminar: Surrealism, dreams and the unconscious.

第五周:Vertigo 《迷魂记》

Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock,1952)

seminar:Hitchcock and Expressionist Art


Marnie ((Alfred Hitchcock,1963)

seminar:Hitchcock and sublime

第七周:site visit

seminar:Hitchcock in the Museum

第八周:The Birds

The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock,1964)

seminar:Romanticism,Terror and Hitchcock

第九周:In the Cut (Jane Campion,2003)

In The Cut ( Jane Campion,2003)

seminar:Desire and voyeurism

第十周:Lost Highway(David Lynch,1997)

Seminar:Repetition,Doubling and Neo-Noir

第十一周:Sans Soleil/ Sunless(Chris Marker,1983)

seminar:Pastiche and Hitchcock’s impact on the Essay Film

第十二周:Psycho(Gus Van Sant,1998)

Psycho ( Gus Van Sant,1998)
Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock,1960)

Seminar:Hitchcock,Remakes and Postmodernism

