L7 U6 处理信息

Module 1 对以外的消息做出反应

1. 办公室的变动


  • We're getting a new CEO. 我们要来一个新的首席执行官。
  • He's moving to go to a startup. 他将要去一家新公司。
  • Mary's transferring to Boston. 玛丽要调到波士顿。
  • Johnny's being replaced by a new intern. 约翰尼要被一个新实习生取代了。
  • She's leaving to go traveling. 她要离开去旅行。
  • Sally is joining the marketing department. 莎莉要加入市场部。
  • He's quitting to take some time off. 他要辞职休息一段时间。
  • Johnny's being replaced by a new intern. 约翰尼要被一个新实习生取代了。
  • He's quitting to take some time off. 他要辞职休息一段时间。
  • We're getting a new CEO. 我们要来一个新的首席执行官。
  • She's leaving to go traveling. 她要离开去旅行。
  • He's moving to go to a startup. 他将要去一家新公司。
  • Mary's transferring to Boston. 玛丽要调到波士顿。
  • Sally is joining the marketing department. 莎莉要加入市场部。

2. 不定代词

用不定代词指非特定的人、地点和事物。一般情况下,带有 some- 的不定代词用于肯定句;而带有 any- 的不定代词则用于疑问句和否定句。
人 —— 后缀-one和-body指的是人。他们意思相同而且可以互换。

  • Someone told me we're getting a new boss. 有人告诉我我们要来一个新老板。
  • Everybody is saying that Josh is leaving to go to a competitor. 大家都在说约什将离开去一个竞争对手那里。
  • Please don't tell anybody that he's joining another team. 请不要告诉任何人他要加入另一个团队。
  • No one knows he's getting replaced. 没人知道他要被替换了。

地点 —— 对于地点,你可以使用-where 和 -place,意思上没有变化。

  • I need somewhere quiet to work. It's a little noisy in here. 我需要找一个安静的地方工作,这里有点吵。
  • Let's go someplace quiet. 我们去个安静的地方。

事物 —— 对于事物,只需使用-thing。

  • I need to tell you something. Can you keep a secret? 我想跟你说件事,你能保密吗?
  • Don't ask me. I don't know anything about it. 别问我,我对此一无所知。
  • And she's being moved to somewhere in the US. 而且她将要被调到美国的某地。
  • Really? I haven't heard anything. 真的吗?我还没有听说。
  • Everyone is saying there'll be a big announcement. 每个人都在说将会有一个大的通知。
  • No one tells me anything these days. 最近没人告诉我任何事情。
  • Well, there should be an announcement sometime soon. 嗯,很快就应该有通知了。
  • Someone said that Mary is being promoted. 有人说玛丽要升职了。

3. 传达消息以及对消息做出反应

  • Greg: Hey, did you hear? Everyone's saying that Danny is joining marketing.
  • Jane: No way! He's wanted that job for a while.
  • Greg: Yeah. And there's more news. Iris is leaving.
  • Jane: Are you serious? Why?
  • Greg: Apparently she's moving to Germany. A director position or something like that.
  • Jane: I can't believe it!

如果你不确定消息的来源或者是否真实你可以使用像someone 和 everyone的单词来传达意外消息。你也可以使用单词apparently。

  • Someone told me we're getting a new boss. 有人告诉我我们要来一个新老板。
  • Everybody is saying that Josh is leaving to go to a competitor. 大家都在说约什将离开去一个竞争对手那里。
  • Apparently, Nicole is moving to New York. 显而易见的,妮可要搬到纽约去。


  • Did you hear? Kim's getting a promotion. 你听说了吗?基姆升职了。
  • There's more news. The company is moving to London! 有更多的消息。公司要搬到伦敦去!


  • Good for her. 对她是好事。
  • No way! 不会吧!
  • Wow. I can't believe it. 哇。我不能相信它。
  • Are you serious? 你是认真的吗?
  • That can't be true! 那不可能是真的!
  • I'm shocked. 我很震惊。
  • That's big news. 那是一个大新闻。
  • Really? Good for her. 真的吗?对她是好事。
  • There's more news. 有更多的消息。
  • Did you hear? Kim's getting a promotion. 你听说了吗?基姆升职了。
  • Wow. That's big news. 哇。这是大新闻。
  • Apparently, Nicole is moving to New York. 明显地,妮可要搬到纽约了。
  • Oh, and everyone's saying that Josh is leaving. 哦,每个人都说约什要离开了。
  • No way! Are you serious? 不会吧!你是认真的吗?

Module 2 调查谣言和绯闻

1. 更多公司变动

Hi, team.

I'd like to let you know about a few changes at the company. 
Thanks to a great year of sales and growth, we're expanding our business and opening new offices in Asia.
To help us achieve this, we're recruiting two new teams to help run the new offices in Hong Kong and Singapore. 
More news to come soon.
I'd like to say thanks to everyone. 
It's your hard work that's made this possible.



你可以使用像due to 和 because of的词组来给出变动的原因。对于积极的变动,你也可以使用thanks to。
Thanks to great sales and growth, we're opening new offices. 感谢良好的销售和增长,我们将要开设新的办事处。


  • … because the company lost money last year. … 因为公司去年赔钱了。
  • … thanks to great financial results. … 感谢良好的财务业绩
  • … due to your hard work and effort. … 由于你们的辛苦工作和努力。
  • … because we need to make cost savings. … 因为我们需要节约成本。


  • IXW is buying out its biggest competitor. IXW 正在收购其最大的竞争对手。
  • Management is shutting down the project. 管理层将关停这个项目。
  • We're kicking off a new project in the second quarter. 我们将在第二季度开始一个新项目。
  • Sales is recruiting a new team to drive growth. 销售将招聘一个新团队来拉动增长。
  • We're making some staff redundant. 我们将裁掉一些员工。
  • Our team is expanding, and we're moving to new offices. 我们的团队正在扩大,并且我们将搬到新的办公室去。
  • The company is downsizing the sales department. 该公司正在将销售部门减员。
  • Our team is recruiting ten more developers. 我们公司还要招聘十个开发人员。
  • Management is making several staff redundant. 管理层要裁减几个员工。
  • We're shutting down the project. 我们将关停这个项目。
  • We're downsizing the marketing team. 我们正在给市场营销团队减员。
  • The company is expanding the Boston team. 公司正在扩大波士顿团队。
  • We're buying out two competitors. 我们正在收购两家竞争对手。

2. 使役动词

用 let、make、have 和 get 等使役动词来表示某人或某物帮助促成了某事的发生。
使役动词 let 指让某人做某事。句型为 let + person + 动词。
My manager let me kick off the meeting. 我的经理让我开始开会。

使役动词 make 指迫使某人做某事。句型为 make + person + 动词。
My boss made me work on the weekend. 老板让我周末加班。

使役动词 have 指让某人有责任做某事。句型为 have + person + 动词。
She has her assistant make coffee every morning. 她每天早上都让她的助理冲咖啡。

使役动词 get 表示劝某人做某事。注意其形式与 let、make 和 have 均不相同。使用 get + 人 + to + 动词。
My best friend got me to tell her the rumor. 我最好的朋友让我告诉她这个谣言。

  • I got Alan to agree to the recruitment plan. 我在招聘计划上得到了艾伦的同意。
  • He made me review the financial report. 他让我检查财务报告。
  • She wouldn't let me tell anyone the news. 她不让我告诉任何人这个消息。
  • Management got everyone to agree to the cost savings. 管理层获得了所有人在成本节约上的同意。
  • My boss had me work late yesterday. 我的老板昨天让我工作到很晚。

3. 谣言和绯闻


  • Can I ask you a question? 我能问你一个问题吗?
  • I'd like to ask you about something. 我想问你件事。


  • Is it true that we're closing the Shanghai office? 我们要关闭上海办公室是真的吗?
  • There's a rumor going around that we're kicking off a new project. 有传言说我们要开始一个新项目。
  • I heard that we're buying out Supa Systems. 我听说我们要收购苏帕系统。
  • Everyone seems to think the company is shutting down the project. 每个人似乎都认为公司要关停该项目。


  • Yes, it looks like it's true. 是的,它看起来像是真的。
  • Yes, it's looking quite likely. 是的,它看起来非常可能。
  • No, it's not happening. 不,它不会发生的。
  • No, I think you're mistaken. 不,我想你弄错了。


  • I'm sorry. I can't say anything about that. 对不起。我无可奉告。


  • I'm going to announce it to everyone on Thursday. 我周四会向所有人宣布。
  • I'll let everyone know what's going on soon. 我很快就会让每个人都知道发生了什么。

I heard that we're buying out Supa Systems.
Can I ask you a question?
Is it true that we're closing the Shanghai office?
There's a rumor going around.
Everyone seems to think we're downsizing the team.

Module 3 处理机密信息

1. 反身代词

用反身代词回指句子或从句的主语。反身代词构成形式为:单数代词后加 -self,复数代词后加 -selves。

  • I promised myself I'd quit smoking. 我向自己发誓说,我会戒烟。
  • He bought himself a new suit. 他给自己买了一套西服。
  • You'll have to go yourselves. I can't come with you. 你们得自己去一趟。我不能跟你去。


  • I didn't buy it for you. I bought it for myself. 我不是买给你的,我是给自己买的。


  • Their friends were sick, so they had to go to the party by themselves. 他们的朋友病了,所以他们得独自去参加聚会。
  • I didn't break it – honest. It stopped working by itself. 我没有弄坏它 - 老实说,它是自己不动的。


  • I - myself
  • you - yourself
  • she - herself
  • he - himself
  • it - itself


  • we - ourselves
  • you - yourselves
  • they - themselves
  • We have to keep the news to ourselves. 我们必须要将这个消息保密。
  • She plans to make the announcement herself. 她打算自己来进行公布。
  • I started the rumor myself. 我自己先开始的这个传闻。
  • I did it by myself. 我自己做的。
  • I want to hear it from my manager himself. 我想从我的经理本人那里听到它。
  • You need to keep the information to yourself. 你需要将这个信息保密。

2. 讨论机密信息


  • I'm not supposed to tell anyone. 我本不该告诉任何人。
  • Nobody knows about it except the boss. 除了老板没有人知道这件事。
  • This is confidential information. 这是机密信息。


  • Don't tell anybody about this. 别告诉任何人这件事。
  • Keep this to yourself, would you? 别泄露信息,好吗?
  • You can't tell anyone, OK? 你不能告诉任何人,好吗?


  • A: I'm not supposed to tell anyone. 我不应该告诉任何人。
  • B: OK. Then don't tell me. 好吧。那么不要告诉我。
  • A: The information's confidential. 这个信息是保密的。
  • B: But you can tell me, right? Come on. 但你可以告诉我,对吗?来吧。


  • Never mind. It's nothing to worry about. 不要紧。没什么可担心的。
  • Keep this to yourself, would you? 别泄露信息,好吗?
  • Nobody knows about it except the boss. 除了老板没有人知道这件事。
  • This is confidential information. 这是机密信息。
  • Don't tell anybody about this. 别告诉任何人这件事。
  • I'm not supposed to tell anyone. 我不应该告诉任何人。
  • Never mind. It's nothing to worry about. 不要紧。没什么可担心的。

Module 4 写一封建议性的邮件

1. 办公室和公司问题


  • The bathrooms are out of order. 卫生间无法使用。
  • The company intranet isn't working. 公司的局域网不好用。
  • The phone lines are down. 电话线停掉了。
  • The projector in the conference room is out of action. 在会议室的投影仪出了故障。


  • Our databases were hacked. 我们的数据库被黑客攻击了。
  • The company lost millions due to a major product defect. 因为重大产品缺陷该公司损失了数百万。
  • Customer information was stolen. 客户信息被盗取。
[email protected]
To: [email protected]
To all staff:

I'm writing to inform you of a serious, emergency situation at Fun Inc. 
We've discovered that our databases have been hacked, 
and a large amount of customer data has been stolen. 
We're trying to find out how the hackers got into our system.
This is a very serious situation for us and could affect more than 50% of our customers. 
We're looking into the situation, so please bear with us while we investigate.
This information is confidential, 
so you are reminded that passing on this information to non-staff members is strictly prohibited.

Best regards,

  • The new product has a major defect. 新产品有一个重大缺陷。
  • The printer is out of action. 打印机出了故障。
  • Our database was hacked twice last year. 去年我们的数据库遭到黑客攻击两次。
  • No customer information was stolen. 没有客户信息被盗取。
  • The intranet will be down tomorrow morning. 明天早上内部网将会断网。

2. 给出重要信息

[email protected]
To: [email protected]
To all staff:

I'm writing to inform you of a serious, emergency situation at Fun Inc. 
We've discovered that our databases have been hacked, 
and a large amount of customer data has been stolen. 
We're trying to find out how the hackers got into our system.
This is a very serious situation for us and could affect more than 50% of our customers. 
We're looking into the situation, so please bear with us while we investigate.
This information is confidential, 
so you are reminded that passing on this information to non-staff members is strictly prohibited.

Best regards,



  • I'm writing to inform you (that) ... 我写信是为了向您通知 …


  • We've discovered that a large amount of customer data has been stolen. 我们发现大量客户信息已经被盗。
  • It's come to our attention that one of our products has a major defect. 我们注意到我们的一个产品有一个重大缺陷。
  • We've just found out that the bathrooms are out of order. 我们刚刚发现洗手间无法使用。


  • Office management has informed us that the phone lines are temporarily out of action. 办公室管理部门已经通知我们电话线暂时不好用。
  • I'd also like to mention that some customer information has been stolen. 我也想提一下一些客户信息已经被盗。
  • Just letting you know the bathrooms are out of order until further notice. 只是想让您知道卫生间无法使用请等待通知。
  • IT told me that the intranet server is down today. 信息技术部门告诉我今天局域网的服务器会停止服务。
  • I heard Jim say that the projector is out of action. 我听到吉姆说投影仪出了故障。

3. 解释一个问题


  • It's looking like a serious issue. 它看上去像一个严重的问题。
  • We have a severe problem. 我们有一个严重的问题。
  • It's a small problem, and there's no need for concern. 它是一个小问题,而且不必要担心。


  • The issue will impact all of our staff on the second floor. 该问题将影响二楼的所有员工。
  • It shouldn't affect anyone on our team. 它不应该会影响我们团队的任何人。


  • We're working on a fix for the problem. 我们正在想办法解决这个问题。
  • We're investigating the issue. 我们正在调查这个问题。
  • We're looking into the problem with some urgency. 我们正在紧急调查这个问题。
  • An engineer has been called to fix the issue. 一个工程师已经被叫去解决这个问题。
Dear colleagues,

I'm writing to inform you of an issue in the office this morning. 
It's come to our attention that our phone lines are not working.
It's a small issue, and there's no need for concern. 
It shouldn't affect our team. 
IT is investigating the problem and repairing the broken lines.

4. 结束一封邮件

Dear colleagues,

I'm writing to inform you of an issue in the office this morning. 
It's come to our attention that our phone lines are not working.
It's a small issue, and there's no need for concern. 
It shouldn't affect our team. 
IT is investigating the problem and repairing the broken lines.
We'll update you with more information before lunchtime. 
Thanks for your understanding.




  • We'll give you an update when we have more information. 当我们有更多信息的时候我们会给您更新的信息。
  • We expect the issue to be resolved within the next few hours. 我们预计在接下来的几个小时内问题会得到解决。
  • Thanks for your understanding regarding this matter. 谢谢您对这件事的理解。
  • Please be patient while we find a solution. 请您在我们解决问题过程中耐心等待。
  • Please bear with us as we resolve the issue. 在我们解决问题时请您多多担待。

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