—— 姑且在这儿称它为限制,它的用处就是:保证一定的限制条件满足后,才执行任务请求。
// A specification of the requirements that need to be met before a {@link WorkRequest} can run.
public final class Constraints {
* Represents a Constraints object with no requirements.
public static final Constraints NONE = new Constraints.Builder().build();
// NOTE: this is effectively a @NonNull, but changing the annotation would result in a really
// annoying database migration that we can deal with later.
@ColumnInfo(name = "required_network_type")
private NetworkType mRequiredNetworkType = NOT_REQUIRED;
@ColumnInfo(name = "requires_charging")
private boolean mRequiresCharging;
@ColumnInfo(name = "requires_device_idle")
private boolean mRequiresDeviceIdle;
@ColumnInfo(name = "requires_battery_not_low")
private boolean mRequiresBatteryNotLow;
@ColumnInfo(name = "requires_storage_not_low")
private boolean mRequiresStorageNotLow;
@ColumnInfo(name = "trigger_content_update_delay")
private long mTriggerContentUpdateDelay = -1;
@ColumnInfo(name = "trigger_max_content_delay")
private long mTriggerMaxContentDelay = -1;
// NOTE: this is effectively a @NonNull, but changing the annotation would result in a really
// annoying database migration that we can deal with later.
@ColumnInfo(name = "content_uri_triggers")
private ContentUriTriggers mContentUriTriggers = new ContentUriTriggers();
// .....
class DelayWorker(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, workerParams) {
override fun doWork(): Result {
val name = inputData.getString(ARG_NAME)
if (inputData.getBoolean(ARG_TOAST_START, false) && !name.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val mainHandler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
mainHandler.post {
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "$name started!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
// ......
companion object {
// .....
const val ARG_TOAST_START = "start"
val builder = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder()
.putString(DelayWorker.ARG_NAME, "constraint one")
.putBoolean(DelayWorker.ARG_TOAST_START, true) // 为更直观,真正运行时,弹出toast提醒
// 网络连接作为限制条件
val constraint = Constraints.Builder()
Log.d(TAG, "enqueue with constraint")
(1) 断网启动应用,执行结果:
2021-01-14 16:37:28.197 25062-25062/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue with constraint
(2) 联网后:
2021-01-14 16:37:36.497 25062-25153/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [constraint one] doWork on 7516 started - 1610613456497 -> 8ec4e62d-ad2a-4160-b9e7-6efb556ff879
2021-01-14 16:37:39.499 25062-25153/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [constraint one] doWork on 7516 ended - 1610613459499
到目前为止,我们enqueue的所有任务,都像是“嫁出去的女儿,泼出去的水”,并没有关注到底有没有“嫁”成功 —— 其实enqueue和cancel,都有返回值的啊!
public abstract Operation enqueue(@NonNull List extends WorkRequest> requests);
public abstract @NonNull Operation cancelWorkById(@NonNull UUID id);
public interface Operation {
* The lifecycle state of an {@link Operation}.
abstract class State {
public static final class SUCCESS extends Operation.State { // ...
public static final class IN_PROGRESS extends Operation.State { // ...
public static final class FAILURE extends Operation.State { // ...
WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext).enqueue(request.also {
WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext).getWorkInfoByIdLiveData(it.id).observe({lifecycle}) { info ->
Log.d(TAG, "onetime: ${info.id}: ${info.state}")
}).also {
it.state.observe({lifecycle}) { op ->
Log.d(TAG, "operation: $op")
2021-01-14 17:08:30.256 25920-25920/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue on 2 1610615310256
2021-01-14 17:08:30.291 25920-25920/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: operation: IN_PROGRESS
2021-01-14 17:08:30.325 25920-25920/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: operation: SUCCESS
2021-01-14 17:08:30.344 25920-26018/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [ONE-TIME] doWork on 7531 started - 1610615310344 -> 6db20040-7212-4bb5-83d4-fa67fdc507ee
2021-01-14 17:08:30.348 25920-25920/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: onetime: 6db20040-7212-4bb5-83d4-fa67fdc507ee: RUNNING
2021-01-14 17:08:33.346 25920-26018/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [ONE-TIME] doWork on 7531 ended - 1610615313346
2021-01-14 17:08:33.401 25920-25920/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: onetime: 6db20040-7212-4bb5-83d4-fa67fdc507ee: SUCCEEDED
添加任务后,Operation就马在经历了 IN_PROGRESS -> SUCCESS
(binding.repeatStop.tag as? PeriodicWorkRequest)?.let { request ->
Log.d(TAG, "cancel periodic: ${request.id}")
WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext).cancelWorkById(request.id).also {
it.state.observe({ lifecycle }) { op ->
Log.d(TAG, "cancel repeat operation: $op")
2021-01-14 17:34:24.333 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue periodic on 2 1610616864333
2021-01-14 17:34:24.380 27066-27152/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [null] doWork on 7592 started - 1610616864380 -> c6d87881-cb00-45a9-9102-f07192f62166
2021-01-14 17:34:24.380 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: periodic: c6d87881-cb00-45a9-9102-f07192f62166: ENQUEUED
2021-01-14 17:34:24.383 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: periodic: c6d87881-cb00-45a9-9102-f07192f62166: RUNNING
2021-01-14 17:34:27.381 27066-27152/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [null] doWork on 7592 ended - 1610616867381
2021-01-14 17:34:27.445 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: periodic: c6d87881-cb00-45a9-9102-f07192f62166: ENQUEUED
2021-01-14 17:34:32.366 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: cancel periodic: c6d87881-cb00-45a9-9102-f07192f62166
2021-01-14 17:34:32.389 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: cancel repeat operation: IN_PROGRESS
2021-01-14 17:34:32.401 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: cancel repeat operation: SUCCESS
2021-01-14 17:34:32.407 27066-27066/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: periodic: c6d87881-cb00-45a9-9102-f07192f62166: CANCELLED
public abstract class ListenableWorker {
// ......
public abstract static class Result {
// 成功
public static Result success() {
return new Success();
// 带数据的成功
public static Result success(@NonNull Data outputData) {
return new Success(outputData);
// 暂时性失败而需要重试
public static Result retry() {
return new Retry();
// 永久性失败
public static Result failure() {
return new Failure();
// 带数据的永久性失败
public static Result failure(@NonNull Data outputData) {
return new Failure(outputData);
public static final class Success extends Result {
// ......
public static final class Failure extends Result {
// ......
public static final class Retry extends Result {
// ......
class RetriedWorker(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, workerParams) {
override fun doWork(): Result {
Log.d(TAG, "RetriedWorker on ${Thread.currentThread().id} started - ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
// emulated work
Log.d(TAG, "RetriedWorker on ${Thread.currentThread().id} ended - ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
val first = inputData.getBoolean(ARG_IS_FIRST, false)
// 根据参数决定是否成功,如果是第一次,就retry;否则success
return if (first) Result.retry() else Result.success()
companion object {
const val ARG_IS_FIRST = "is_first_done"
val request = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder()
.putBoolean(RetriedWorker.ARG_IS_FIRST, true)
Log.d(TAG, "enqueue on ${Thread.currentThread().id} ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext).enqueue(request.also {
WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext).getWorkInfoByIdLiveData(it.id).observe({ lifecycle }) { info ->
Log.d(TAG, "retry: ${info.id}: ${info.state}")
}).also {
it.state.observe({ lifecycle }) { op ->
Log.d(TAG, "retry operation: $op")
2021-01-22 15:03:16.995 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue on 2 1611298996995
2021-01-22 15:03:17.008 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: IN_PROGRESS
2021-01-22 15:03:17.041 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: SUCCESS
2021-01-22 15:03:17.057 8860-9000/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3783 started - 1611298997057
2021-01-22 15:03:17.067 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:03:18.061 8860-9000/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3783 ended - 1611298998061
2021-01-22 15:03:18.141 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:03:48.146 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 started - 1611299028146
2021-01-22 15:03:48.163 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:03:49.151 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 ended - 1611299029150
2021-01-22 15:03:49.232 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:04:49.255 8860-9616/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3786 started - 1611299089255
2021-01-22 15:04:49.280 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:04:50.258 8860-9616/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3786 ended - 1611299090258
2021-01-22 15:04:50.329 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:06:50.421 8860-9635/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3787 started - 1611299210421
2021-01-22 15:06:50.434 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:06:51.425 8860-9635/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3787 ended - 1611299211424
2021-01-22 15:06:51.511 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:10:51.601 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:10:52.591 8860-9000/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3783 ended - 1611299452591
2021-01-22 15:10:52.667 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:18:52.685 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 started - 1611299932685
2021-01-22 15:18:52.701 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:18:53.687 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 ended - 1611299933687
2021-01-22 15:18:53.764 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
看起来,这个任务是没完没了的执行下去了…… 明明是一个onetime任务,结果像搞成了periodic!
2021-01-22 15:03:16.995 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue on 2 1611298996995
2021-01-22 15:03:17.008 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: IN_PROGRESS
2021-01-22 15:03:17.041 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: SUCCESS
2021-01-22 15:03:17.057 8860-9000/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3783 started - 1611298997057
2021-01-22 15:03:17.067 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:03:18.061 8860-9000/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3783 ended - 1611298998061
// 至此,任务结束,返回了retry
2021-01-22 15:03:18.141 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
// 因为第一次肯定是retry,所以任务又成了等待状态:ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:03:48.146 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 started - 1611299028146
// ENQUEUED状态30秒后,又一次启动任务
2021-01-22 15:03:48.163 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:03:49.151 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 ended - 1611299029150
// 第二次任务结束
2021-01-22 15:03:49.232 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:04:49.255 8860-9616/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3786 started - 1611299089255
// ENQUEUED状态60秒后,又一次启动任务
2021-01-22 15:04:49.280 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:04:50.258 8860-9616/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3786 ended - 1611299090258
2021-01-22 15:04:50.329 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:06:50.421 8860-9635/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3787 started - 1611299210421
// ENQUEUED状态120秒后,又一次启动任务
2021-01-22 15:06:50.434 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:06:51.425 8860-9635/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3787 ended - 1611299211424
2021-01-22 15:06:51.511 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:10:51.586 8860-9000/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3783 started - 1611299451586
// ENQUEUED状态240秒后,又一次启动任务
2021-01-22 15:10:51.601 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:10:52.591 8860-9000/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3783 ended - 1611299452591
2021-01-22 15:10:52.667 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 15:18:52.685 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 started - 1611299932685
// ENQUEUED状态480秒后,又一次启动任务
2021-01-22 15:18:52.701 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: RUNNING
2021-01-22 15:18:53.687 8860-9017/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3785 ended - 1611299933687
2021-01-22 15:18:53.764 8860-8860/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: d21a350e-aa24-46c0-bc85-2ede5333cf3f: ENQUEUED
- 预想的第二次任务就是成功Result,没有实现,因为即使重试执行任务,输入参数都将保留。毕竟,既然是retry,那环境肯定需要一样。
- 失败后的retry冷静期等待时间序列变化:
30s -> 60s -> 120s -> 240s -> 480s ...
* Returns an instance of {@link Result} that can be used to indicate that the work
* encountered a transient failure and should be retried with backoff specified in
* {@link WorkRequest.Builder#setBackoffCriteria(BackoffPolicy, long, TimeUnit)}.
* @return An instance of {@link Result} indicating that the work needs to be retried
public static Result retry() {
return new Retry();
public abstract class WorkRequest {
* The default initial backoff time (in milliseconds) for work that has to be retried.
public static final long DEFAULT_BACKOFF_DELAY_MILLIS = 30000L;
* The maximum backoff time (in milliseconds) for work that has to be retried.
public static final long MAX_BACKOFF_MILLIS = 5 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 5 hours.
* The minimum backoff time for work (in milliseconds) that has to be retried.
public static final long MIN_BACKOFF_MILLIS = 10 * 1000; // 10 seconds.
// .....
public abstract static class Builder, W extends WorkRequest> {
// .....
* Sets the backoff policy and backoff delay for the work. The default values are
* {@link BackoffPolicy#EXPONENTIAL} and
* {@value WorkRequest#DEFAULT_BACKOFF_DELAY_MILLIS}, respectively. {@code backoffDelay}
* will be clamped between {@link WorkRequest#MIN_BACKOFF_MILLIS} and
* {@link WorkRequest#MAX_BACKOFF_MILLIS}.
* @param backoffPolicy The {@link BackoffPolicy} to use when increasing backoff time
* @param backoffDelay Time to wait before retrying the work in {@code timeUnit} units
* @param timeUnit The {@link TimeUnit} for {@code backoffDelay}
* @return The current {@link Builder}
public final @NonNull B setBackoffCriteria(
@NonNull BackoffPolicy backoffPolicy,
long backoffDelay,
@NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit) {
mBackoffCriteriaSet = true;
mWorkSpec.backoffPolicy = backoffPolicy;
return getThis();
// ....
// 等待测试,一种是指数型,一种是线性
public enum BackoffPolicy {
* Used to indicate that {@link WorkManager} should increase the backoff time exponentially
* Used to indicate that {@link WorkManager} should increase the backoff time linearly
public final class WorkSpec {
private static final String TAG = Logger.tagWithPrefix("WorkSpec");
public static final long SCHEDULE_NOT_REQUESTED_YET = -1;
@ColumnInfo(name = "id")
public String id;
@ColumnInfo(name = "state")
public WorkInfo.State state = ENQUEUED;
@ColumnInfo(name = "worker_class_name")
public String workerClassName;
@ColumnInfo(name = "input_merger_class_name")
public String inputMergerClassName;
@ColumnInfo(name = "input")
public Data input = Data.EMPTY;
@ColumnInfo(name = "output")
public Data output = Data.EMPTY;
@ColumnInfo(name = "initial_delay")
public long initialDelay;
@ColumnInfo(name = "interval_duration")
public long intervalDuration;
@ColumnInfo(name = "flex_duration")
public long flexDuration;
public Constraints constraints = Constraints.NONE;
@ColumnInfo(name = "run_attempt_count")
@IntRange(from = 0)
public int runAttemptCount;
@ColumnInfo(name = "backoff_policy")
public BackoffPolicy backoffPolicy = BackoffPolicy.EXPONENTIAL; // 策略默认是指数型
@ColumnInfo(name = "backoff_delay_duration")
public long backoffDelayDuration = WorkRequest.DEFAULT_BACKOFF_DELAY_MILLIS; // 时间默认是前面提到的30秒
// ....
// 计算任务执行时间
public long calculateNextRunTime() {
if (isBackedOff()) {
boolean isLinearBackoff = (backoffPolicy == BackoffPolicy.LINEAR);
// 这里根据实际的类型来计算delay
long delay = isLinearBackoff ? (backoffDelayDuration * runAttemptCount)
: (long) Math.scalb(backoffDelayDuration, runAttemptCount - 1);
return periodStartTime + Math.min(WorkRequest.MAX_BACKOFF_MILLIS, delay);
} else if (isPeriodic()) {
// .....
} else {
// .....
// ....
public static float scalb(float f, int scaleFactor) {
// magnitude of a power of two so large that scaling a finite
// nonzero value by it would be guaranteed to over or
// underflow; due to rounding, scaling down takes takes an
// additional power of two which is reflected here
final int MAX_SCALE = FloatConsts.MAX_EXPONENT + -FloatConsts.MIN_EXPONENT +
// Make sure scaling factor is in a reasonable range
scaleFactor = Math.max(Math.min(scaleFactor, MAX_SCALE), -MAX_SCALE);
* Since + MAX_SCALE for float fits well within the double
* exponent range and + float -> double conversion is exact
* the multiplication below will be exact. Therefore, the
* rounding that occurs when the double product is cast to
* float will be the correctly rounded float result. Since
* all operations other than the final multiply will be exact,
* it is not necessary to declare this method strictfp.
return (float)((double)f*powerOfTwoD(scaleFactor));
30 * 2^{(1 - 1)} = 30
30 * 2^{(2 - 1)} = 60
val request = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder()
// .setInputData(
// Data.Builder()
// .putBoolean(RetriedWorker.ARG_IS_FIRST, true)
// .build()
// )
// 线性retry策略
.setBackoffCriteria(BackoffPolicy.LINEAR, 15, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
Log.d(TAG, "enqueue on ${Thread.currentThread().id} ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext).enqueue(request.also {
WorkManager.getInstance(applicationContext).getWorkInfoByIdLiveData(it.id).observe({ lifecycle }) { info ->
Log.d(TAG, "retry: ${info.id}: ${info.state}")
}).also {
it.state.observe({ lifecycle }) { op ->
Log.d(TAG, "retry operation: $op")
override fun doWork(): Result {
Log.d(TAG, "RetriedWorker on ${Thread.currentThread().id} started - ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
// emulated work
val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
Log.d(TAG, "RetriedWorker on ${Thread.currentThread().id} ended - $time")
// val first = inputData.getBoolean(ARG_IS_FIRST, false)
return if (time.rem(3) == 0L) Result.retry() else Result.success()
2021-01-22 17:54:12.177 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue on 2 1611309252177
2021-01-22 17:54:12.201 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: IN_PROGRESS
2021-01-22 17:54:12.209 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: SUCCESS
2021-01-22 17:54:12.224 17307-17404/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3922 started - 1611309252224
2021-01-22 17:54:12.241 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 2ce496f4-0086-441c-b87b-e2f0000f7f53: RUNNING
2021-01-22 17:54:13.226 17307-17404/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3922 ended - 1611309253226
2021-01-22 17:54:13.306 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 2ce496f4-0086-441c-b87b-e2f0000f7f53: SUCCEEDED
// 第一次执行,直接成功了
2021-01-22 17:54:15.960 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue on 2 1611309255960
2021-01-22 17:54:15.972 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: IN_PROGRESS
2021-01-22 17:54:15.988 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: SUCCESS
2021-01-22 17:54:16.006 17307-17406/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3923 started - 1611309256006
2021-01-22 17:54:16.018 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 6d9cffc7-5900-42dc-b50f-dcef16287f0c: RUNNING
2021-01-22 17:54:17.009 17307-17406/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3923 ended - 1611309257009
2021-01-22 17:54:17.089 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 6d9cffc7-5900-42dc-b50f-dcef16287f0c: SUCCEEDED
// 第二次执行,直接成功了
2021-01-22 17:54:22.185 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: enqueue on 2 1611309262185
2021-01-22 17:54:22.200 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: IN_PROGRESS
2021-01-22 17:54:22.222 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry operation: SUCCESS
2021-01-22 17:54:22.233 17307-17385/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3919 started - 1611309262233
2021-01-22 17:54:22.256 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 21615cd7-aa22-42fa-a296-cf570e208fee: RUNNING
2021-01-22 17:54:23.239 17307-17385/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3919 ended - 1611309263238
2021-01-22 17:54:23.336 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 21615cd7-aa22-42fa-a296-cf570e208fee: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 17:54:38.292 17307-17397/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3921 started - 1611309278292
2021-01-22 17:54:38.333 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 21615cd7-aa22-42fa-a296-cf570e208fee: RUNNING
2021-01-22 17:54:39.294 17307-17397/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3921 ended - 1611309279294
2021-01-22 17:54:39.381 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 21615cd7-aa22-42fa-a296-cf570e208fee: ENQUEUED
2021-01-22 17:55:09.373 17307-17404/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3922 started - 1611309309373
2021-01-22 17:55:09.406 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 21615cd7-aa22-42fa-a296-cf570e208fee: RUNNING
2021-01-22 17:55:10.378 17307-17404/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: RetriedWorker on 3922 ended - 1611309310378
2021-01-22 17:55:10.461 17307-17307/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: retry: 21615cd7-aa22-42fa-a296-cf570e208fee: SUCCEEDED
// 第三次执行,失败两次后重试成功,时间间隔:15s -> 30s
* Returns an instance of {@link Result} that can be used to indicate that the work
* completed successfully. Any work that depends on this can be executed as long as all of
* its other dependencies and constraints are met.
* @param outputData A {@link Data} object that will be merged into the input Data of any
* OneTimeWorkRequest that is dependent on this work
* @return An instance of {@link Result} indicating successful execution of work
public static Result success(@NonNull Data outputData) {
return new Success(outputData);
* Returns an instance of {@link Result} that can be used to indicate that the work
* completed with a permanent failure. Any work that depends on this will also be marked as
* failed and will not be run. If you need child workers to run, you need to use
* {@link #success()} or {@link #success(Data)}; failure indicates a permanent stoppage
* of the chain of work.
* @return An instance of {@link Result} indicating failure when executing work
public static Result failure(@NonNull Data outputData) {
return new Failure(outputData);
class DataWorker(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, workerParams) {
override fun doWork(): Result {
// 获取名称
val name = inputData.getString(ARG_NAME)
Log.d(TAG, "[$name] doWork on ${Thread.currentThread().id} started - ${System.currentTimeMillis()} -> $id")
// emulated work
Log.d(TAG, "[$name] doWork on ${Thread.currentThread().id} ended - ${System.currentTimeMillis()} -> $id")
// 传递一个新的名称给依赖任务(如果有的话)
return Result.success(Data.Builder()
.putString(ARG_NAME, "$name ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
companion object {
const val ARG_NAME = "name"
.putString(DataWorker.ARG_NAME, "one")
2021-01-23 10:30:39.322 28199-28305/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one] doWork on 4343 started - 1611369039322 -> b0d426f1-b1d9-45c8-a660-59b36b4354bd
2021-01-23 10:30:40.325 28199-28305/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one] doWork on 4343 ended - 1611369040324 -> b0d426f1-b1d9-45c8-a660-59b36b4354bd
2021-01-23 10:30:40.386 28199-28316/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one 1611369040325] doWork on 4345 started - 1611369040386 -> 8722ed96-bf33-430b-a2d3-102259310695
2021-01-23 10:30:41.390 28199-28316/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one 1611369040325] doWork on 4345 ended - 1611369041389 -> 8722ed96-bf33-430b-a2d3-102259310695
2021-01-23 10:30:41.560 28199-28317/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one 1611369040325 1611369041390] doWork on 4346 started - 1611369041560 -> 7cea6bc1-96c6-4a56-8bdb-8abe92bf962f
2021-01-23 10:30:42.562 28199-28317/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one 1611369040325 1611369041390] doWork on 4346 ended - 1611369042562 -> 7cea6bc1-96c6-4a56-8bdb-8abe92bf962f
后续任务都成功的获取到前一个任务通过Result.success(@NonNull Data outputData)
public final class WorkInfo {
private @NonNull UUID mId;
private @NonNull State mState;
private @NonNull Data mOutputData;
private @NonNull Set mTags;
private @NonNull Data mProgress;
private int mRunAttemptCount;
// ......
class FailedWorker(context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParameters) : Worker(context, workerParams) {
override fun doWork(): Result {
Log.d(TAG, "FailedWorker on ${Thread.currentThread().id} started - ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
// emulated work
Log.d(TAG, "FailedWorker on ${Thread.currentThread().id} ended - ${System.currentTimeMillis()}")
val withResult = inputData.getBoolean(ARG_RESULT, false)
// 根据参数判断要不要给失败数据
return if (withResult) Result.failure(
.putString("result", "I failed!")
) else Result.failure()
companion object {
const val ARG_RESULT = "with_result"
.putString(DataWorker.ARG_NAME, "one")
// 继任FailedWorker,并让其抛数据
.putBoolean(FailedWorker.ARG_RESULT, true)
// 继任Worker,但上一任是fail,自然这个任务是肯定不会执行的
).apply {
workInfosLiveData.observe({ lifecycle }) { l ->
l.forEach {
// 打印outputData字段
Log.d(TAG, "fail output: ${it.id}, ${it.state}, ${it.outputData}")
Log.d(TAG, "----------------")
2021-01-23 11:00:21.109 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: ----------------
2021-01-23 11:00:21.123 28911-28995/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one] doWork on 4355 started - 1611370821123 -> 53caeea5-b774-4913-b493-7d334ad948bf
2021-01-23 11:00:21.124 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 0e4a0613-791d-47c3-97f3-002c00532f1f, BLOCKED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:21.124 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 53caeea5-b774-4913-b493-7d334ad948bf, ENQUEUED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:21.124 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 91b6f3ff-29e4-4397-a26f-fcef1385f108, BLOCKED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:21.124 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: ----------------
2021-01-23 11:00:21.136 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 0e4a0613-791d-47c3-97f3-002c00532f1f, BLOCKED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:21.136 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 53caeea5-b774-4913-b493-7d334ad948bf, RUNNING, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:21.136 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 91b6f3ff-29e4-4397-a26f-fcef1385f108, BLOCKED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:21.136 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: ----------------
2021-01-23 11:00:22.128 28911-28995/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: [one] doWork on 4355 ended - 1611370822127 -> 53caeea5-b774-4913-b493-7d334ad948bf
2021-01-23 11:00:22.240 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 0e4a0613-791d-47c3-97f3-002c00532f1f, BLOCKED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:22.240 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 53caeea5-b774-4913-b493-7d334ad948bf, SUCCEEDED, Data {name : one 1611370822128, }
2021-01-23 11:00:22.240 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 91b6f3ff-29e4-4397-a26f-fcef1385f108, ENQUEUED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:22.240 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: ----------------
// 此时,第一个任务执行成功了,SUCCEEDED,且output也有数据了。第二个任务ENQUEUED
2021-01-23 11:00:22.241 28911-28997/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: FailedWorker on 4357 started - 1611370822241
2021-01-23 11:00:22.247 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 0e4a0613-791d-47c3-97f3-002c00532f1f, BLOCKED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:22.247 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 53caeea5-b774-4913-b493-7d334ad948bf, SUCCEEDED, Data {name : one 1611370822128, }
2021-01-23 11:00:22.247 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 91b6f3ff-29e4-4397-a26f-fcef1385f108, RUNNING, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:22.247 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: ----------------
2021-01-23 11:00:23.247 28911-28997/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: FailedWorker on 4357 ended - 1611370823246
2021-01-23 11:00:23.328 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 0e4a0613-791d-47c3-97f3-002c00532f1f, FAILED, Data {}
2021-01-23 11:00:23.329 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 53caeea5-b774-4913-b493-7d334ad948bf, SUCCEEDED, Data {name : one 1611370822128, }
2021-01-23 11:00:23.329 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: fail output: 91b6f3ff-29e4-4397-a26f-fcef1385f108, FAILED, Data {result : I failed!, }
2021-01-23 11:00:23.329 28911-28911/com.jacee.examples.workmanager D/JTest: ----------------
// 第二个任务执行失败,FAILED,同时,带了数据。同时第三个任务直接FAILED
, Operation
, 和 Result
再给一下文章中涉及的代码,本文首发于 https://jaceedai.github.io/