【文献解读】NATURE COMMUNICATIONS:An effector protein of the wheat stripe rust fungus targets chloropla...

【文献解读】NATURE COMMUNICATIONS:An effector protein of the wheat stripe rust fungus targets chloropla..._第1张图片



2.TaISP:Pst-12806筛选到的靶标(a putative component of the cytochrome b6-f complex)


【文献解读】NATURE COMMUNICATIONS:An effector protein of the wheat stripe rust fungus targets chloropla..._第2张图片
Working model of the function of Pst_12806 during Pst–wheat interactions.


Secretome: n. 分泌蛋白质组

Chloroplast:  [ˈklɔːrəplæst] n. [植] 叶绿体

Cytochrome: ['saɪtə,krom]   n. [生化] 细胞色素

Innumerable: [ɪ'nʊmərəbl]   adj.无数的,数不清的

Prevalent: [ˈprevələnt]   adj.流行的;普遍的,广传的

Plants are subjected to innumerable formsof stress, from extreme climate to microbial pathogens.

The photosynthetic electron transport chain consists of photosystem II (PSII), photosystem I (PSI) and cytochrome (Cyt) b6/f components.( 光合电子传递链由光系统II (PSII)、光系统I (PSI)和细胞色素(Cyt)b6 / f组件)

derived [dɪ'raɪvd] 

adj. 导出的;衍生的,派生的

v. 从……衍生出,源于;(从……中)得到,提取;导出(derive 的过去式和过去分词)

Byproduct: ['baɪ,prɑdəkt]  n.副产品

Fungal: [ˈfʌŋɡl]  adj.真菌的(等于fungous)

Thylakoid: ['θaɪlə,kɔɪd]  n.(植物)类囊体

Hinder:[ˈhɪndə(r)]  vi.成为阻碍 vt. 阻碍;打扰 adj. 后面的

However, due to the difficulties intransient expression in hexaploid wheat and the lack of a stable transformationsystem for Pst, functional analyses of the Pst effectors have been severelyhindered.

Transformant: [trænz'fɔmənt]  n.转化株(指已经转化的细菌细胞)

chitosan[ˈkaɪtəʊˌzæn]  n.壳聚糖;脱乙酰几丁质;[有化] 脱乙酰壳多糖;聚氨基葡糖

organelle:[,ɔrgə'nɛl]   n. [细胞] 细胞器;细胞器官

chlorophyll: [ˈklɒrəfɪl]  n. [植][生化] 叶绿素

pathogenesis: [ˌpæθəˈdʒenɪsɪs]  n.发病机理;发病原

microscopic observation:显微观察

versatile: [ˈvɜːrsətl] adj. 多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的

Pst and other rust fungi may utilize thespatiotemporal deployment of a remarkably diverse range of effector proteins tocontrol plant defenses and cellular processes

Syringe: [sɪˈrɪndʒ]

n. (皮下)注射器;吸管;(园艺或烹饪中的)喷射器

v. 用注射器清洗(耳朵);用喷射器(在植物上)喷洒(液体)

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