推酷《Guru Weekly》第十四期

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读。


  1. Implementing asynchronous loop

  2. A Beginner’s Guide To Grunt: Build Tool for JavaScript

  3. Node.js vs Angularjs – A Controversy Comparision

  4. CSS Lessons via Post-it® Notes

  5. CSS Variables: Why Should You Care?

  6. How HTTP/2 Is Changing Web Performance Best Practices

  7. The Future of Loading CSS

  8. Learning Angular 2: Creating a tabs component

  9. An Introduction to PostCSS

  10. What To Expect From JavaScript In 2016 – Beyond the Browser

  11. 21 Javascript Answers on Quora Every Developer Must Read


  1. Erlang Scheduler Details and Why It Matters

  2. Go vs. Swift vs. C++ microbenchmark

  3. Getting started with JavaParser: analyzing Java Code programmatically

  4. How we went from 30 servers to 2 using Go

  5. An Intro to Concurrency Patterns in Go

  6. Amplifying C

  7. Why I haven't given up on C++

  8. Introduction to the Zig Programming Language

  9. Modern C++ Memory Management with unique_ptr

  10. Jumpstart to React+Redux Development

  11. The Error Model

  12. The Zen of Erlang

  13. Clean Code Architecture and Test Driven Development in PHP


  1. Introducing Dynamic Modules in NGINX 1.9.11

  2. PostgreSQL [9.5.0] vs. MariaDB [10.1.11] vs. MySQL [5.7.0] year 2016

  3. Measuring Docker IO overhead

  4. Benchmarking Message Queue Latency

  5. Scaling Zapier to Automate Billions of Tasks

  6. Estimating potential for MySQL 5.7 parallel replication

  7. How to do distributed locking

  8. Evolution of the Netflix Data Pipeline

  9. Egnyte Architecture: Lessons Learned in Building and Scaling a Multi Petabyte Distributed S...


  1. What Sucks About React Native

  2. Issue #192

  3. Exploring Chrome Customs Tabs on Android

  4. Core Image Introduction: Applying Image Filters to Photos

  5. Optimizing Layouts in Android – Reducing Overdraw

  6. iOS 9: Additions to SceneKit

  7. Bond Tutorial: Bindings in Swift

  8. AutoCompleteTextView

  9. Android Studio 2.0 - Beta

  10. Issue #191


  1. Squeeze the juice out of Node

  2. How CPU load averages work (and using them to triage webserver performance!)

  3. Hacking Microsoft SQL Server Without a Password

  4. Finding the K in K-means by Parametric Bootstrap

  5. Auto-scaling scikit-learn with Spark


  1. Learn JavaScript by examples

  2. StyleKit - UI framework for OSX

  3. 可自定义SearchView和动画的Toolbar扩展

  4. Gocassa - a high level Cassandra library in Go

  5. Awesome Postgres – a curated list of PostgreSQL libraries, tools and resources

  6. Bug - a distributed bug tracking system

  7. Tensorflow Examples with Explanations

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