This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that will create a new mechanic called a Break Shield. Actors and/or enemies can have them. Whenever a battler is struck with an elemental weakness, their Break Shield is reduced by 1 (unless modified by a notetag). Once the battler's Break Shield reaches a score of 0, a state is then applied to the battler (usually a stun state). Once the Break state wears off, the battler will regain their Break Shields again. This can be used to create complex battle depth for your game.
这是一个RPG Maker MV插件,它将创建一个名为Break Shield的新机制。角色或敌人可以拥有它们。每当战斗者被一个元素的弱点击中时,他们的破盾就会减少1(除非被备注修改)。一旦战斗者的Break Shield得分为0,则将状态应用于战斗员(通常是昏迷状态)。一旦休息状态消失,战斗员将重新获得他们的破盾。这可以用来为您的游戏创建复杂的战斗深度。
Plugin Parameters
There are some important plugin parameters to modify if you want to customize the Break Shield system to your liking.
如果您想根据自己的喜好自定义Break Shield系统,可以修改一些重要的插件参数。
**Actor Shields: **Enable or disable the Break Shield system for actors. If enabled, actors when hit by elemental weaknesses will also lose shields and can be stunned, too.
Actor Shields:为演员启用或禁用Break Shield系统。如果启用,被元素弱点击中的角色也将失去盾牌并且也可能被击晕。
**Draw Menu Shields: **If enabled, will draw Break Shield in the menu where states are drawn.
绘制菜单屏蔽:如果启用,将在绘制状态的菜单中绘制Break Shield。
**Enemy Shields: **Enable or disable the Break Shield system for enemies. You can disable this if you want only your actors to suffer from the Break Shield system.
敌人盾牌:为敌人启用或禁用Break Shield系统。如果您只想让您的角色受到Break Shield系统的影响,您可以禁用此功能。
Base Shield Value: The minimum amount of shields a battler can have
Break Reduction: The default value of the item or skill when it goes to reduce Break Shield points
Element Weakness Rate: The element weakness rate must be greater than this value to break a Break Shield point
Max Break Shields: The maximum amount of shields a battler can have
Break Break:减少Break Shield点时项目或技能的默认值
元素弱点率:元素弱点率必须大于此值才能打破Break Shield点
Max Break Shields:战斗者可以拥有的最大盾牌数量
Stun State ID: The state ID used for the stun state that is applied when Break Shields reach 0. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT PLUGIN PARAMETER TO ADJUST if you want to customize this system for your game! Change this to the ID of the state you want to count as the Break state.
昏迷状态ID:当Break Shields达到0时用于晕眩状态的状态ID。如果你想为你的游戏自定义这个系统,这是一个重要的插件参数调整!将其更改为要计为“中断”状态的状态的ID。
For those that want to set up the state like a standard stun state, use these state settings:
Shield Icon: The icon ID used for representing Break Shields
盾牌图标:用于表示Break Shields的图标ID
Stun Icon: The icon ID used for representing Break Stun
眩晕图标:用于表示Break Stun的图标ID
Protect Weakness Icon: The icon ID used for representing a protected weakness. Protect Weakness Icon will be drawn on top of lower icon
Reduce Animation: The animation ID used for the moment an enemy's Break Shields is reduced. Use 0 for no animation.
Break Animation: The animation ID used for the moment an enemy's Break Shields reach 0. Use 0 for no animation.
**Icon Font Size: **The font size of the text used to display the shields left or duration of the turn.
减少动画:用于敌人的Break Shields的动画ID减少了。使用0表示没有动画。
中断动画:当敌人的Break Shields达到0时使用的动画ID。使用0表示没有动画。
Show Actor Shields: Show the actor shields next to their name in the status window?
显示Actor Shields:在状态窗口中显示名字旁边的角色盾牌
Show Enemy Shields: Show the enemy shields next to their name in the target window?
Skills and Item Notetags:
Reduces the target's Break Shield by x if this action hits a weakness. If you do not use this notetag, x will be the default value found in the plugin's parameters.
如果此操作遇到弱点,则将目标的Break Shield减少x。如果你不使用这个notetag,x将是插件参数中的默认值。
This will change the target battler's Break Shield value to x if the battler isn't currently stunned. No effect if you don't use this notetag.
如果击球手当前没有被击晕,这将把目标战斗者的Break Shield值改为x。如果你不使用这个notetag没有效果
This will either increase the target battler's break shield by x or decrease the target battler's break shield by x. Happens after the Change Break Shield notetag. No effect if you don't use this notetag.
这将使目标战斗者的破盾增加x或将目标战斗者的破盾减少x。发生在Change Break Shield notetag之后发生的事情。如果你不使用这个notetag没有效果。
Actor, Class, and Enemy Notetags:
x is the base number of Break Shields the battler starts with. If you do not use this notetag, x will be the default value found in the plugin's parameters.
x是战斗者开始的Break Shields的基数。如果你不使用这个notetag,x将是插件参数中的默认值。
Class, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags:
x is the increased/decreased amount of Break Shields applied to how much the battler will start with. If you do not use this notetag, then no extra Break Shields will be added.
x是应用于战斗员开始程度的Break Shields增加/减少量。如果你不使用这个notetag,那么将不会添加额外的Break Shields。
x element will be guarded. A maximum of 100% damage will be dealt to the battler if that element is protected. This will also prevent the Break Shields from reducing for that element. Insert more x's to
protect more elements.
x元素将被保护。如果该元素受到保护,将对战斗者造成最大100%的伤害。这也可以防止Break Shields减少该元素。插入更多x
This plugin is made for RPG Maker MV versions 1.6.1 and below. If you update RPG Maker MV past that and this plugin breaks, I am NOT responsible for it.
This plugin is compatible with the following plugins:
- YEP Core Engine
- YEP Battle Engine Core
- YEP Action Sequence Packs 1, 2, 3
- YEP Animated Sideview Enemies
- YEP Buffs & States Core
- YEP Damage Core
- YEP Element Core
Place this plugin under those in the Plugin Manager list.
Terms of Use
- These plugins may be used in free or commercial games.
- 'Fallen Angel Olivia' must be given credit in your games.
- You are allowed to edit the code.
- Do NOT change the filename, parameters, and information of the plugin.
- You are NOT allowed to redistribute these Plugins.
- You may NOT take code for your own released Plugins without credit.
Change Log History
- Sep 13 2018: Fixed exploits that bypassed Break Shield limits