iTunes 12.7 版本回退

iTunes 12.7 @macOS 去掉了内置的 App Store,今后所有 App 下载仅能通过 iOS 设备端来执行。


How to Delete iTunes

Deleting iTunes is not recommended unless you know what you’re doing. Nonetheless, if you want to delete iTunes from a Mac, here is how you perform that action:

  1. Launch Terminal from the Utilities folder within Applications
    Type the following commands:
cd /Applications/
  1. This brings you into the Applications directory, the next command deletes iTunes itself:
sudo rm -rf

Enter the Administrator password to confirm

  1. install iTunes 12.6.2


ps. 安装好12.6.2之后,打开可能会弹框提示

无法读取文件"iTunes Library.itl"

此时只需要在Mac中查找到“iTunes Library.itl”,并移到废纸篓,重新打开iTunes就ok了
ps. 原文链接
ps. iTunes历史版本下载

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