
新闻原文链接:(摘自China Daily)


新闻原句: Sixty years after Yuri Gagarin undertook mankind's first space journey, China launched the core capsule of its space station on Thursday morning, formally embarking on the buildup of one of the humanity's largest and most sophisticated space-based facilities.

翻译: 在尤里 · 加加林代表人类进行第一次太空旅行的60年后,中国于周四上午发射了空间站的核心太空舱,正式开始建设人类最大、最先进的太空设施之一。



1. undertake v. 承担、从事

经常性搭配: undertake responsibility 承担责任

例句: By undertaking volunteer work, they learn valuable lessons in life and become more down-to-earth.(undertake: 从事)

翻译: 通过从事志愿者工作,他们学到了宝贵的人生经验,变得更加脚踏实地。

生词: down-to-earth a.现实的

2. mankind n.人类

同义词: man, human, mankind

man: 普通用语,指人类时,为集合名词,单数形式指具体的人。

human: 可数名词,强调有别于动物、自然景物的一个群体。也可写成“human being”,“human being”更加强调与神灵不同的人类。

例句: It indicates one of the coldest eras that human beings ever experienced.

翻译: 它标志着人类所经历过的最寒冷的时代。

mankind: 集合名词,可做单数或者复数使用,翻译为“全人类”。

例句: it is crucial that we bear in mind the shared interests of mankind

翻译: 我们必须牢记人类的共同利益。

3. launch v. 发射、发起


launch a rocket 发射火箭

launch a project 发起一个项目

例句: The 7th national population census was launched in November last year. (launch: 发起)

翻译: 第七次全国人口普查于去年11月启动。

生词: census n.人口普查

4. embark on 着手开始干……

例句: China is launching its 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) and has embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

翻译: 中国正在启动第十四个五年计划(2021-25年) ,开始了全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程。

5. sophisticated a. 复杂的、老练的

例句: In other words, commercial insurance is vital to cater to the increasingly sophisticated Chinese consumer. (sophisticated: 成熟的) 

翻译: 换句话说,商业保险对于迎合日益成熟的中国消费者至关重要。

生词: is vital to 对……很重要; cater v.迎合


现在分词短语“formally embarking on……”做状语,表示结果。


例句: Stepping carelessly off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus. (表原因)

翻译: 不小心没走人行横道,他被车撞倒了。

例句: He went out shutting the door behind him. (表伴随)

翻译: 他出去后随手关上了门。

例句: Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. (表让步)

翻译: 尽量了解这一切,他们还是要让我赔偿损失。

