Pekka周报 20191012

Pekka周报 20191012_第1张图片


Another week full of progress for Pekka as we prepare for our next round of marketing and have been adding new features and updates. We would like to officially announce that we are open to talking to start ups and businesses that believe Pekka can befit them. Due to the fact that Pekka can drastically cut the costs of renting computer resources, switching from cloud-based services to Pekka is financially beneficial.



2.  中文搜索引擎里的SEO按照计划正在稳步推进;

3.  Pekka现在是建立在以太坊上的平台,我们这周正式启动向标准链的迁移工作。


Pekka可以帮助很多需要云服务的人,特别是学生。这周开始,我们开始逐步联系在校学生,通过给予他们奖励,希望通过他们在校园中推广Pekka平台。如果您有兴趣加入到这个计划,可以通过[email protected]和我们联系。

你可能感兴趣的:(Pekka周报 20191012)