Emoji Cheat Sheet

Emoji Cheat Sheet_第1张图片

Emoji Cheat Sheet 是绘文字短代码小抄列表。有许多网站都支持这种类型的短代码: Campfire, GitHub, Basecamp, Redbooth, Trac, Flowdock, Sprint.ly, Kandan, Textbox.io, Kippt, Redmine, JabbR, Trello, Hall, Qiita,Zendesk, Ruby China, Grove, Idobata, NodeBB Forums, Slack, Streamup, OrganisedMinds, Hackpad, Cryptbin, Kato, Reportedly, Cheerful Ghost, IRCCloud, Dashcube,MyVideoGameList, Subrosa, Sococo, Quip, And Bang, Bonusly, Discourse, Ello, Twemoji Awesome, Got Chosen, Flow, ReadMe.io, esa, DBook, Groups.io, TeamworkChat, Damn Bugs, Let's Chat, Buildkite, ChatGrape, Dokuwiki, Usersnap, Discord, Status Hero, Morfy, Bitbucket, Gitter, Yellow, YouTube, Habitica and Mattermost。使用非常方便简洁,只需将鼠标悬停显示短代码,点击复制简码,粘贴到使用的地方即可。

1. People
  • People符号图

    Emoji Cheat Sheet_第2张图片
  • People符号代码

符号代码 符号代码 符号代码 符号代码
:bowtie: :smile: :simple_smile: :laughing:
:blush: :smiley: :relaxed: :smirk:
:heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :kissing_closed_eyes: :flushed:
:relieved: :satisfied: :grin: :wink:
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :grinning: :kissing:
:kissing_smiling_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :sleeping: :worried:
:frowning: :anguished: :open_mouth: :grimacing:
:confused: :hushed: :expressionless: :unamused:
:sweat_smile: :sweat: :disappointed_relieved: :weary:
:pensive: :disappointed: :confounded: :fearful:
:cold_sweat: :persevere: :cry: :sob:
:joy: :astonished: :scream: :neckbeard:
:tired_face: :angry: :rage: :triumph:
:sleepy: :yum: :mask: :sunglasses:
:dizzy_face: :imp: :smiling_imp: :neutral_face:
:no_mouth: :innocent: :alien: :yellow_heart:
:blue_heart: :purple_heart: :heart: :green_heart:
:broken_heart: :heartbeat: :heartpulse: :two_hearts:
:revolving_hearts: :cupid: :sparkling_heart: :sparkles:
:star: :star2: :dizzy: :boom:
:collision: :anger: :exclamation: :question:
:grey_exclamation: :grey_question: :zzz: :dash:
:sweat_drops: :notes: :musical_note: :fire:
:hankey: :poop: :shit: :+1:
:thumbsup: :-1: :thumbsdown: :ok_hand:
:punch: :facepunch: :fist: :v:
:wave: :hand: :raised_hand: :open_hands:
:point_up: :point_down: :point_left: :point_right:
:raised_hands: :pray: :point_up_2: :clap:
:muscle: :metal: :fu: :runner:
:running: :couple: :family: :two_men_holding_hands:
:two_women_holding_hands: :dancer: :dancers: :ok_woman:
:no_good: :information_desk_person: :raising_hand: :bride_with_veil:
:person_with_pouting_face: :person_frowning: :bow: :couplekiss:
:couple_with_heart: :massage: :haircut: :nail_care:
:boy: :girl: :woman: :man:
:baby: :older_woman: :older_man: :person_with_blond_hair:
:man_with_gua_pi_mao: :man_with_turban: :construction_worker: :cop:
:angel: :princess: :smiley_cat: :smile_cat:
:heart_eyes_cat: :kissing_cat: :smirk_cat: :scream_cat:
:crying_cat_face: :joy_cat: :pouting_cat: :japanese_ogre:
:japanese_goblin: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:
:guardsman: :skull: :feet: :lips:
:kiss: :droplet: :ear: :eyes:
:nose: :tongue: :love_letter: :bust_in_silhouette:
:busts_in_silhouette: :speech_balloon: :thought_balloon: :feelsgood:
:finnadie: :goberserk: :godmode: :hurtrealbad:
:rage1: :rage2: :rage3: :rage4:
:suspect: :trollface:
2. Nature
  • Nature符号图

    Emoji Cheat Sheet_第3张图片
  • Nature符号代码

符号代码 符号代码 符号代码 符号代码
:sunny: :umbrella: :cloud: :snowflake:
:snowman: :zap: :cyclone: :foggy:
:ocean: :cat: :dog: :mouse:
:hamster: :rabbit: :wolf: :frog:
:tiger: :koala: :bear: :pig:
:pig_nose: :cow: :boar: :monkey_face:
:monkey: :horse: :racehorse: :camel:
:sheep: :elephant: :panda_face: :snake:
:bird: :baby_chick: :hatched_chick: :hatching_chick:
:chicken: :penguin: :turtle: :bug:
:honeybee: :ant: :beetle: :snail:
:octopus: :tropical_fish: :fish: :whale:
:whale2: :dolphin: :cow2: :ram:
:rat: :water_buffalo: :tiger2: :rabbit2:
:dragon: :goat: :rooster: :dog2:
:pig2: :mouse2: :ox: :dragon_face:
:blowfish: :crocodile: :dromedary_camel: :leopard:
:cat2: :poodle: :paw_prints: :bouquet:
:cherry_blossom: :tulip: :four_leaf_clover: :rose:
:sunflower: :hibiscus: :maple_leaf: :leaves:
:fallen_leaf: :herb: :mushroom: :cactus:
:palm_tree: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree: :chestnut:
:seedling: :blossom: :ear_of_rice: :shell:
:globe_with_meridians: :sun_with_face: :full_moon_with_face: :new_moon_with_face:
:new_moon: :waxing_crescent_moon: :first_quarter_moon: :waxing_gibbous_moon:
:full_moon: :waning_gibbous_moon: :last_quarter_moon: :waning_crescent_moon:
:last_quarter_moon_with_face: :first_quarter_moon_with_face: :crescent_moon: :earth_africa:
:earth_americas: :earth_asia: :volcano: :milky_way:
:partly_sunny: :octocat: :squirrel:
3. Objects
  • Objects符号图

    Emoji Cheat Sheet_第4张图片
  • Objects符号代码

符号代码 符号代码 符号代码 符号代码
:bamboo: :gift_heart: :dolls: :school_satchel:
:mortar_board: :flags: :fireworks: :sparkler:
:wind_chime: :rice_scene: :jack_o_lantern: :ghost:
:santa: :christmas_tree: :gift: :bell:
:no_bell: :tanabata_tree: :tada: :confetti_ball:
:balloon: :crystal_ball: :cd: :dvd:
:floppy_disk: :camera: :video_camera: :movie_camera:
:computer: :tv: :iphone: :phone:
:telephone: :telephone_receiver: :pager: :fax:
:minidisc: :vhs: :sound: :speaker:
:mute: :loudspeaker: :mega: :hourglass:
:hourglass_flowing_sand: :alarm_clock: :watch: :radio:
:satellite: :loop: :mag: :mag_right:
:unlock: :lock: :lock_with_ink_pen: :closed_lock_with_key:
:key: :bulb: :flashlight: :high_brightness:
:low_brightness: :electric_plug: :battery: :calling:
:email: :mailbox: :postbox: :bath:
:bathtub: :shower: :toilet: :wrench:
:nut_and_bolt: :hammer: :seat: :moneybag:
:yen: :dollar: :pound: :euro:
:credit_card: :money_with_wings: :e-mail: :inbox_tray:
:outbox_tray: :envelope: :incoming_envelope: :postal_horn:
:mailbox_closed: :mailbox_with_mail: :mailbox_with_no_mail: :package:
:door: :smoking: :bomb: gun:
:hocho: :pill: :syringe: :page_facing_up:
:page_with_curl: :bookmark_tabs: :bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend:
:chart_with_downwards_trend: :scroll: :clipboard: calendar:
:date: :card_index: :file_folder: :open_file_folder:
:scissors: :pushpin: :paperclip: :black_nib:
:pencil2: :straight_ruler: :triangular_ruler: :closed_book:
:green_book: :blue_book: :orange_book: :notebook:
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: :ledger: :books: :bookmark:
:name_badge: :microscope: :telescope: :newspaper:
:football: :basketball: :soccer: :baseball:
:tennis: :8ball: :rugby_football: :bowling:
:golf: :mountain_bicyclist: :bicyclist: :horse_racing:
:snowboarder: :swimmer: :surfer: :ski:
:spades: :hearts: :clubs: :diamonds:
:gem: :ring: :trophy: :musical_score:
musical_keyboard: :violin: :space_invader: :video_game:
:black_joker: :flower_playing_cards: :game_die: :dart:
:mahjong: :clapper: :memo: :pencil:
:book: :art: :microphone: :headphones:
:trumpet: :saxophone: :guitar: :shoe:
:sandal: :high_heel: :lipstick: :boot:
:shirt: :tshirt: :necktie: :womans_clothes:
:dress: :running_shirt_with_sash: :jeans: :kimono:
:bikini: :ribbon: :tophat: :crown:
:womans_hat: :mans_shoe: :closed_umbrella: :briefcase:
:handbag: :pouch: :purse: :eyeglasses:
:fishing_pole_and_fish: :coffee: :tea: :sake:
:baby_bottle: :beer: :beers: :cocktail:
:tropical_drink: :wine_glass: :fork_and_knife: :pizza:
:hamburger: :fries: :poultry_leg: :meat_on_bone:
:spaghetti: :curry: :fried_shrimp: :bento:
:sushi: :fish_cake: :rice_ball: :rice_cracker:
:rice: :ramen: :stew: :oden:
:dango: :egg: :bread: :doughnut:
:custard: :icecream: :ice_cream: :shaved_ice:
:birthday: :cake: :cookie: :chocolate_bar:
:candy: :lollipop: :honey_pot: :apple:
:green_apple: :tangerine: :lemon: :cherries:
:grapes: :watermelon: :strawberry: :peach:
:melon: :banana: :pear: :pineapple:
:sweet_potato: :eggplant: :tomato: :corn:
4. Places
  • Places符号图

    Emoji Cheat Sheet_第5张图片
  • Places符号代码

符号代码 符号代码 符号代码 符号代码
:house: :house_with_garden: :school: :office:
:post_office: :hospital: :bank: :convenience_store:
:love_hotel: :hotel: :wedding: :church:
:department_store: :european_post_office: :city_sunrise: :city_sunset:
:japanese_castle: :european_castle: :tent: :factory:
:tokyo_tower: :japan: :mount_fuji: :sunrise_over_mountains:
:sunrise: :stars: :statue_of_liberty: :bridge_at_night:
:carousel_horse: :rainbow: :ferris_wheel: :fountain:
:roller_coaster: :ship: :speedboat: :boat:
:sailboat: :rowboat: :anchor: :rocket:
:airplane: :helicopter: :steam_locomotive: :tram:
:mountain_railway: :bike: :aerial_tramway: :suspension_railway:
:mountain_cableway: :tractor: :blue_car: :oncoming_automobile:
:car: :red_car: :taxi: :oncoming_taxi:
:articulated_lorry: :bus: :oncoming_bus: :rotating_light:
:police_car: :oncoming_police_car: :fire_engine: :ambulance:
:minibus: :truck: :train: :station:
:train2: :bullettrain_front: :bullettrain_side: :light_rail:
:monorail: :railway_car: :trolleybus: :ticket:
:fuelpump: :vertical_traffic_light: :traffic_light: :warning:
:construction: :beginner: :atm: :slot_machine:
:busstop: :barber: :hotsprings: :checkered_flag:
:crossed_flags: :izakaya_lantern: :moyai: :circus_tent:
:performing_arts: :round_pushpin: :triangular_flag_on_post: :jp:
:kr: :cn: :us: :fr:
:es: :it: :ru: :gb:
:uk: :de:
5. Symbols
  • Sysmbols符号图

    Emoji Cheat Sheet_第6张图片
  • Sysmbols符号代码

符号代码 符号代码 符号代码 符号代码
:one: :two: :three: :four:
:five: :six: :seven: :eight:
:nine: :keycap_ten: :1234: :zero:
:hash: :symbols: :arrow_backward: :arrow_down:
:arrow_forward: :arrow_left: :capital_abcd: :abcd:
:abc: :arrow_lower_left: :arrow_lower_right: :arrow_right:
:arrow_up: :arrow_upper_left: :arrow_upper_right: :arrow_double_down:
:arrow_double_up: :arrow_down_small: :arrow_heading_down: :arrow_heading_up:
:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: :arrow_right_hook: :left_right_arrow: :arrow_up_down:
:arrow_up_small: :arrows_clockwise: :arrows_counterclockwise: :rewind:
:fast_forward: :information_source: :ok: :twisted_rightwards_arrows:
:repeat: :repeat_one: :new: :top:
:up: :cool: :free: :ng:
:cinema: :koko: :signal_strength: :u5272:
:u5408: :u55b6: :u6307: :u6708:
:u6709: :u6e80: :u7121: :u7533:
:u7a7a: :u7981: :sa: :restroom:
:mens: :womens: :baby_symbol: :no_smoking:
:parking: :wheelchair: :metro: :baggage_claim:
:accept: :wc: :potable_water: :put_litter_in_its_place:
:secret: :congratulations: :m: :passport_control:
:left_luggage: :customs: :ideograph_advantage: :cl:
:sos: :id: :no_entry_sign: :underage:
:no_mobile_phones: :do_not_litter: :non-potable_water: :no_bicycles:
:no_pedestrians: :children_crossing: :no_entry: :eight_spoked_asterisk:
:sparkle: :eight_pointed_black_star: :heart_decoration: :vs:
:vibration_mode: :mobile_phone_off: chart: :currency_exchange:
:aries: :taurus: :gemini: :cancer:
:leo: :virgo: :libra: :scorpius:
:sagittarius: :capricorn: :aquarius: :pisces:
:ophiuchus: :six_pointed_star: :negative_squared_cross_mark: :a:
:b: :ab: :o2: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:
:recycle: :end: :back: :on:
:soon: :clock1: :clock130: :clock10:
:clock1030: :clock11: :clock1130: :clock12:
:clock1230: :clock2: :clock230: :clock3:
:clock330: :clock4: :clock430: :clock5:
:clock530: :clock6: :clock630: :clock7:
:clock730: :clock8: :clock830: :clock9:
:clock930: :heavy_dollar_sign: :copyright: :registered:
:tm: :x: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :bangbang:
:interrobang: :o: :heavy_multiplication_x: :heavy_plus_sign:
:heavy_minus_sign: :heavy_division_sign: :white_flower: :100:
:heavy_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check: :radio_button: :link:
:curly_loop: :wavy_dash: :part_alternation_mark: :trident:
:black_small_square: :white_small_square: :black_medium_small_square: :white_medium_small_square:
:black_medium_square: :white_medium_square: :black_large_square: :white_large_square:
:white_check_mark: :black_square_button: :white_square_button: :black_circle:
:white_circle: :red_circle: :large_blue_circle: :large_blue_diamond:
:large_orange_diamond: :small_blue_diamond: :small_orange_diamond: :small_red_triangle:
:small_red_triangle_down: :shipit:
6. Sounds
  • Sounds代码
声音代码 声音代码 声音代码 声音代码
/play secret /play trombone /play crickets /play rimshot
/play vuvuzela /play tmyk /play live /play drama
/play yeah /play greatjob /play pushit /play nyan
/play tada /play ohmy /play bueller /play ohyeah
/play 56k /play dangerzone /play horn /play horror
/play loggins /play yodel /play sax /play noooo
/play heygirl /play inconceivable /play deeper /play whoomp
/play clowntown /play what /play bezos /play trololo
/play makeitso /play sexyback /play bell /play danielsan
/play greyjoy /play story /play dadgummit /play rollout
/play cottoneyejoe /play rumble /play guarantee /play unix
/play letitgo /play wups /play flawless /play butts



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