

 * 配置信息模型接口
 * @author Jason Song([email protected])
public interface Config {
   * 获取String类型配置根据配置KEY
  public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue);

   * 获取int类型配置根据配置KEY
  public Integer getIntProperty(String key, Integer defaultValue);

   * 获取long类型配置根据配置KEY
  public Long getLongProperty(String key, Long defaultValue);

   * 获取short类型配置根据配置KEY
  public Short getShortProperty(String key, Short defaultValue);

   * 获取float类型配置根据配置KEY
  public Float getFloatProperty(String key, Float defaultValue);

   * 获取double类型配置根据配置KEY
  public Double getDoubleProperty(String key, Double defaultValue);

   * 获取byte类型配置根据配置KEY
  public Byte getByteProperty(String key, Byte defaultValue);

   * Return the boolean property value with the given key, or {@code defaultValue} if the key
   * doesn't exist.
  public Boolean getBooleanProperty(String key, Boolean defaultValue);

   * Return the array property value with the given
  public String[] getArrayProperty(String key, String delimiter, String[] defaultValue);

   * Return the Date property value with the given name, or {@code defaultValue} if the name doesn't exist.
  public Date getDateProperty(String key, Date defaultValue);

   * Return the Date property value with the given name, or {@code defaultValue} if the name doesn't exist.
  public Date getDateProperty(String key, String format, Date defaultValue);

   * Return the Date property value with the given name, or {@code defaultValue} if the name doesn't exist.
  public Date getDateProperty(String key, String format, Locale locale, Date defaultValue);

   * Return the Enum property value with the given key, or {@code defaultValue} if the key doesn't exist.
  public > T getEnumProperty(String key, Class enumType, T defaultValue);

   * Return the duration property value(in milliseconds) with the given name, or {@code
   * defaultValue} if the name doesn't exist. Please note the format should comply with the follow
   * example (case insensitive). Examples:
   *    "123MS"          -- parses as "123 milliseconds"
   *    "20S"            -- parses as "20 seconds"
   *    "15M"            -- parses as "15 minutes" (where a minute is 60 seconds)
   *    "10H"            -- parses as "10 hours" (where an hour is 3600 seconds)
   *    "2D"             -- parses as "2 days" (where a day is 24 hours or 86400 seconds)
   *    "2D3H4M5S123MS"  -- parses as "2 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes, 5 seconds and 123 milliseconds"
* * @param key the property name * @param defaultValue the default value when name is not found or any error occurred * @return the parsed property value(in milliseconds) */ public long getDurationProperty(String key, long defaultValue); /** * 添加配置改变监听器 * @param listener the config change listener */ public void addChangeListener(ConfigChangeListener listener); /** * 添加配置改变的监听器 */ public void addChangeListener(ConfigChangeListener listener, Set interestedKeys); /** * 获取所有配置KEY */ public Set getPropertyNames(); }


  1. 提供基础类型值的配置获取
  2. 提供注册配置改变的监听器,用于配置改变回调
public abstract class AbstractConfig implements Config {
   * 监听器集合
  private final List m_listeners = Lists.newCopyOnWriteArrayList();
  private final Map> m_interestedKeys = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
  private final ConfigUtil m_configUtil;
   * 配置信息缓存
  private volatile Cache m_integerCache;
  private volatile Cache m_longCache;
  private volatile Cache m_shortCache;
  private volatile Cache m_floatCache;
  private volatile Cache m_doubleCache;
  private volatile Cache m_byteCache;
  private volatile Cache m_booleanCache;
  private volatile Cache m_dateCache;
  private volatile Cache m_durationCache;
  private final Map> m_arrayCache;
  private final List allCaches;

   * 获取配置并缓存到本地缓存
   * @param key
   * @param parser
   * @param cache
   * @param defaultValue
   * @param 
   * @return
   private  T getValueAndStoreToCache(String key, Function parser, Cache cache, T defaultValue) {
    long currentConfigVersion = m_configVersion.get();
    String value = getProperty(key, null);

    if (value != null) {
      T result = parser.apply(value);

      if (result != null) {
        synchronized (this) {
          if (m_configVersion.get() == currentConfigVersion) {
            cache.put(key, result);
        return result;

    return defaultValue;
   * 配置改变调用监听器触发回调方法
   * @param changeEvent
  protected void fireConfigChange(final ConfigChangeEvent changeEvent) {
    for (final ConfigChangeListener listener : m_listeners) {
      // check whether the listener is interested in this change event
      if (!isConfigChangeListenerInterested(listener, changeEvent)) {
      m_executorService.submit(new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
          String listenerName = listener.getClass().getName();
          Transaction transaction = Tracer.newTransaction("Apollo.ConfigChangeListener", listenerName);
          try {
          } catch (Throwable ex) {
            logger.error("Failed to invoke config change listener {}", listenerName, ex);
          } finally {
   * 对比最新配置与本地缓存差异构建改变事件
   * @param namespace
   * @param previous
   * @param current
   * @return
  List calcPropertyChanges(String namespace, Properties previous,
                                         Properties current) {
    if (previous == null) {
      previous = new Properties();

    if (current == null) {
      current = new Properties();

    Set previousKeys = previous.stringPropertyNames();
    Set currentKeys = current.stringPropertyNames();

    Set commonKeys = Sets.intersection(previousKeys, currentKeys);
    Set newKeys = Sets.difference(currentKeys, commonKeys);
    Set removedKeys = Sets.difference(previousKeys, commonKeys);

    List changes = Lists.newArrayList();

    for (String newKey : newKeys) {
      changes.add(new ConfigChange(namespace, newKey, null, current.getProperty(newKey),

    for (String removedKey : removedKeys) {
      changes.add(new ConfigChange(namespace, removedKey, previous.getProperty(removedKey), null,

    for (String commonKey : commonKeys) {
      String previousValue = previous.getProperty(commonKey);
      String currentValue = current.getProperty(commonKey);
      if (Objects.equal(previousValue, currentValue)) {
      changes.add(new ConfigChange(namespace, commonKey, previousValue, currentValue,

    return changes;


  1. 提供配置本地缓存功能
  2. calcPropertyChanges:对比本地缓存与最新配置构建配置改变事件
  3. 提供监听器注册以及监听器回调触发功能fireConfigChange
 * 配置信息默认实现
 * @author Jason Song([email protected])
public class DefaultConfig extends AbstractConfig implements RepositoryChangeListener {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultConfig.class);
   * 命名空间
  private final String m_namespace;
   * 本地文件缓存配置
  private Properties m_resourceProperties;
   * 配置中心配置本地缓存
  private AtomicReference m_configProperties;
   * 配置仓库服务,用于获取远程配置中心配置
  private ConfigRepository m_configRepository;
   * 流控信息
  private RateLimiter m_warnLogRateLimiter;

   * 初始化,通过配置仓库加载配置中心配置信息
  private void initialize() {
    try {
    } catch (Throwable ex) {
      logger.warn("Init Apollo Local Config failed - namespace: {}, reason: {}.",
          m_namespace, ExceptionUtil.getDetailMessage(ex));
    } finally {
      //register the change listener no matter config repository is working or not
      //so that whenever config repository is recovered, config could get changed

   * 获取配置信息
   * @param key          the property name
   * @param defaultValue the default value when key is not found or any error occurred
   * @return
  public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {

    // step 1: check system properties, i.e. -Dkey=value
    String value = System.getProperty(key);

    // step 2: check local cached properties file
    if (value == null && m_configProperties.get() != null) {
      value = m_configProperties.get().getProperty(key);

     * step 3: check env variable, i.e. PATH=...
     * normally system environment variables are in UPPERCASE, however there might be exceptions.
     * so the caller should provide the key in the right case
    if (value == null) {
      value = System.getenv(key);

    // step 4: check properties file from classpath
    if (value == null && m_resourceProperties != null) {
      value = (String) m_resourceProperties.get(key);

    if (value == null && m_configProperties.get() == null && m_warnLogRateLimiter.tryAcquire()) {
      logger.warn("Could not load config for namespace {} from Apollo, please check whether the configs are released in Apollo! Return default value now!", m_namespace);

    return value == null ? defaultValue : value;

   * 配置仓库中的配置改变回调函数
   * @param namespace the namespace of this repository change
   * @param newProperties the properties after change
  public synchronized void onRepositoryChange(String namespace, Properties newProperties) {
    if (newProperties.equals(m_configProperties.get())) {
    Properties newConfigProperties = new Properties();

    Map actualChanges = updateAndCalcConfigChanges(newConfigProperties);

    //check double checked result
    if (actualChanges.isEmpty()) {

    this.fireConfigChange(new ConfigChangeEvent(m_namespace, actualChanges));

    Tracer.logEvent("Apollo.Client.ConfigChanges", m_namespace);

  private Map updateAndCalcConfigChanges(Properties newConfigProperties) {
    List configChanges =
        calcPropertyChanges(m_namespace, m_configProperties.get(), newConfigProperties);

    ImmutableMap.Builder actualChanges =
        new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();

    /** === Double check since DefaultConfig has multiple config sources ==== **/

    //1. use getProperty to update configChanges's old value
    for (ConfigChange change : configChanges) {
      change.setOldValue(this.getProperty(change.getPropertyName(), change.getOldValue()));

    //2. update m_configProperties

    //3. use getProperty to update configChange's new value and calc the final changes
    for (ConfigChange change : configChanges) {
      change.setNewValue(this.getProperty(change.getPropertyName(), change.getNewValue()));
      switch (change.getChangeType()) {
        case ADDED:
          if (Objects.equals(change.getOldValue(), change.getNewValue())) {
          if (change.getOldValue() != null) {
          actualChanges.put(change.getPropertyName(), change);
        case MODIFIED:
          if (!Objects.equals(change.getOldValue(), change.getNewValue())) {
            actualChanges.put(change.getPropertyName(), change);
        case DELETED:
          if (Objects.equals(change.getOldValue(), change.getNewValue())) {
          if (change.getNewValue() != null) {
          actualChanges.put(change.getPropertyName(), change);
          //do nothing
    return actualChanges.build();

   * 加载本地资源配置信息根据命名空间;META-INF/config/{namespace}.properties
   * @param namespace
   * @return
  private Properties loadFromResource(String namespace) {
    String name = String.format("META-INF/config/%s.properties", namespace);
    InputStream in = ClassLoaderUtil.getLoader().getResourceAsStream(name);
    Properties properties = null;

    if (in != null) {
      properties = new Properties();

      try {
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        logger.error("Load resource config for namespace {} failed", namespace, ex);
      } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
          // ignore

    return properties;


  1. 初始化从配置仓库拉取远程的配置信息
  2. 注册当前实例(配置仓库的监听器)到配置仓库,用于监听配置仓库的改变
  3. 提供配置仓库改变的回调函数onRepositoryChange
  4. 根据KEY查找配置值信息
  5. 加载当前配置命名空间的本地资源(loadFromResource)


  1. 通过System.getProperty方式获取配置
  2. 远程仓库方式获取配置
  3. System.getenv获取配置
  4. 本地配置资源获取配置
