近日在用OllyDBG调试程序时出现异常,停留在堆栈 [0012F358]=77BE14BC (msvcrt.77BE14BC), ASCII "Access violation - no RTTI data!",异常代码是E06D7363,强行Shift+F8/F9后,然后还会继续持续异常,报0eedfade,如此循环。
C++ EH exception - code e06d7363 (first chance)
(7a0.78c): Unknown exception - code 0eedfade (first chance)
(7a0.78c): Unknown exception - code 0eedfade (first chance)
发现问题了是C++ EH exception这个错误,然后还有个重点first chance。
到这里真相大白, OllyDBG没有识别这类异常,按常理进行处理,所以就挂在那找不到北了,因为如果从异常那里跟踪下去,很快就会遇到内存访问错误,是跟不下去的。
(The message just tells you that a C++ exception has been thrown. The debugger gets a notification before handler code which may handle the exception (e.g. a catch block somewhere up the callstack) -- hence first chance.
The default action for Windbg and the Visual C++ debugger is to print a message and continue execution.
So it's perfectly possible that the exception is expected and handled correctly. However, if you are not certain you can always instruct the debugger to break on first chance exceptions and the examine the program state (e.g. the callstack)
In windbg it would be sxe eh and in the Visual C++ use Debug, Exceptions, C++ exceptions, break when thrown.)