Google Earth Engine(GEE)——欧洲区域LST、TPW和FVC、B10数据展示和下载



Author: Sofia Ermida ([email protected]; @ermida_sofia)
This code is free and open. 
By using this code and any data derived with it, 
you agree to cite the following reference 
in any publications derived from them:
Ermida, S.L., Soares, P., Mantas, V., Göttsche, F.-M., Trigo, I.F., 2020. 
    Google Earth Engine open-source code for Land Surface Temperature estimation from the Landsat series.
    Remote Sensing, 12 (9), 1471;
Example 1:
  This example shows how to compute Landsat LST from Landsat-8 over Coimbra
  This corresponds to the example images shown in Ermida et al. (2020)
var geometry = /* color: #d63000 */ee.Geometry.Polygon(
        [[[-8.91, 40.4],
          [-8.91, 40],
          [-6.630078124999998, 40.025243378744314],
          [-6.498242187499998, 40.53790583776488]]]);
// link to the code that computes the Landsat LST
var LandsatLST = require('users/sofiaermida/landsat_smw_lst:modules/Landsat_LST.js')
// select region of interest, date range, and landsat satellite

var satellite = 'L8';
var date_start = '2018-05-15';
var date_end = '2018-05-31';
var use_ndvi = true;
// get landsat collection with added variables: NDVI, FVC, TPW, EM, LST
var LandsatColl = LandsatLST.collection(satellite, date_start, date_end, geometry, use_ndvi)
// select the first feature
var exImage = LandsatColl.first();
var cmap1 = ['blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'yellow', 'red'];
var cmap2 = ['F2F2F2','EFC2B3','ECB176','E9BD3A','E6E600','63C600','00A600']; 
Map.addLayer('TPW'),{min:0.0, max:60.0, palette:cmap1},'TCWV')
Map.addLayer('TPWpos'),{min:0.0, max:9.0, palette:cmap1},'TCWVpos')
Map.addLayer('FVC'),{min:0.0, max:1.0, palette:cmap2}, 'FVC')
Map.addLayer('EM'),{min:0.9, max:1.0, palette:cmap1}, 'Emissivity')
Map.addLayer('B10'),{min:290, max:320, palette:cmap1}, 'TIR BT')
Map.addLayer('LST'),{min:290, max:320, palette:cmap1}, 'LST')
Map.addLayer(exImage.multiply(0.0001),{bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], min:0, max:0.3}, 'RGB')
// uncomment the code below to export a image band to your drive
  description: 'LST',
  scale: 30,
  region: geometry,
  fileFormat: 'GeoTIFF',

Google Earth Engine(GEE)——欧洲区域LST、TPW和FVC、B10数据展示和下载_第1张图片

 Google Earth Engine(GEE)——欧洲区域LST、TPW和FVC、B10数据展示和下载_第2张图片






