class QModule(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, qi=True, qo=True, num_bits=8):
super(QModule, self).__init__()
if qi:
self.qi = QParam(num_bits=num_bits) #
if qo:
self.qo = QParam(num_bits=num_bits)
freeze 其次是 freeze 函数,这个函数主要就是计算公式 (4) 中M,q_w,q_b
def freeze(self):
def quantize_inference(self, x):
raise NotImplementedError('quantize_inference should be implemented.')
其次是 freeze
函数,这个函数会在统计完 min
后发挥作用。正如上文所说的,公式(4) 中有很多项是可以提前计算好的,freeze
QModule 量化卷积
:conv_module: 卷积模块
:qi: 是否量化输入特征图
:qo: 是否量化输出特征图
:num_bits: 8位bit数
class QConv2d(QModule):
def __init__(self, conv_module, qi=True, qo=True, num_bits=8):
super(QConv2d, self).__init__(qi=qi, qo=qo, num_bits=num_bits)
self.num_bits = num_bits #量化bit位
self.conv_module = conv_module #卷积模块
self.qw = QParam(num_bits=num_bits) #定义一个实例对象self.qw,主要是卷积模块的权重参数
#有很多项是可以提前计算好的,freeze 就是把这些项提前固定下来,同时也将网络的权重
def freeze(self, qi=None, qo=None):
if hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is not None:
raise ValueError('qi has been provided in init function.')
if not hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is None:
raise ValueError('qi is not existed, should be provided.')
if hasattr(self, 'qo') and qo is not None:
raise ValueError('qo has been provided in init function.')
if not hasattr(self, 'qo') and qo is None:
raise ValueError('qo is not existed, should be provided.')
if qi is not None:
self.qi = qi
if qo is not None:
self.qo = qo
self.M = self.qw.scale * self.qi.scale / self.qo.scale
self.conv_module.weight.data = self.qw.quantize_tensor(self.conv_module.weight.data)
self.conv_module.weight.data = self.conv_module.weight.data - self.qw.zero_point
self.conv_module.bias.data = quantize_tensor(self.conv_module.bias.data, scale=self.qi.scale * self.qw.scale, zero_point=0, num_bits=32, signed=True)
def forward(self, x): #前向传播,输入张量,x为浮点型数据
if hasattr(self, 'qi'): #判断有无qi,如果有输入qi
self.qi.update(x) # 其中self.qi是实例化对象,update主要是求出x的最大值和最小值,尺度因子和零点
x = FakeQuantize.apply(x, self.qi) #对输入张量X完成量化
# FakeQuantize.apply(self.conv_module.weight, self.qw) 完成对权重的量化
# 值得注意的是此处未对bias进行量化操作
# 卷积运算,其实将其反量化为了浮点型,得到输出张量x
x = F.conv2d(x, FakeQuantize.apply(self.conv_module.weight, self.qw), self.conv_module.bias,
padding=self.conv_module.padding, dilation=self.conv_module.dilation,
if hasattr(self, 'qo'): #判断有无qo,如果有输入qo
self.qo.update(x) # 其中self.qo类的对象,update主要是求出输出特征的最大值和最小值,尺度因子和零点
x = FakeQuantize.apply(x, self.qo) #对输出特征进行量化操作, 并返回
return x
def quantize_inference(self, x):
x = x - self.qi.zero_point
x = self.conv_module(x)
x = self.M * x
x = x + self.qo.zero_point
x.clamp_(0., 2.**self.num_bits-1.).round_()
return x
我们会先按照正常的 forward
流程跑一些数据,在这个过程中,统计输入输出以及中间 feature map
的 min
。等统计得差不多了,我们就可以根据 min
来计算 scale
和 zero point
,然后根据公式 (4) 对一些数据项提前计算(freeze
接下来我们将着重对方法freeze(self, qi=None, qo=None)
self.M = self.qw.scale * self.qi.scale / self.qo.scale
self.conv_module.weight.data = self.qw.quantize_tensor(self.conv_module.weight.data)
self.conv_module.weight.data = self.conv_module.weight.data - self.qw.zero_point
进行量化self.conv_module.bias.data = quantize_tensor(self.conv_module.bias.data, scale=self.qi.scale * self.qw.scale, zero_point=0, num_bits=32, signed=True)
x = x - self.qi.zero_point
。 即为 q x − Z x q_x-Z_x qx−Zx,值得我们注意的是x
是已经量化过得 q x q_x qx。
x = self.conv_module(x)
。进行卷积运算,即 ∑ i N ( q w − Z w ) ( q x − Z x ) + q b \sum_{i}^{N}\left(q_{w}-Z_{w}\right)\left(q_{x}-Z_{x}\right)+q_{b} ∑iN(qw−Zw)(qx−Zx)+qb
x = self.M * x \n x.round_()
。进行运算 S w S x S a ( ∑ i N ( q w − Z w ) ( q x − Z x ) + q b ) \frac{S_{w} S_{x}}{S_{a}}\left(\sum_{i}^{N}\left(q_{w}-Z_{w}\right)\left(q_{x}-Z_{x}\right)+q_{b}\right) SaSwSx(∑iN(qw−Zw)(qx−Zx)+qb),并进行四舍五入。
x = x + self.qo.zero_point
。进行最终计算 q a = S w S x S a ( ∑ i N ( q w − Z w ) ( q x − Z x ) + q b ) + Z a q_{a}=\frac{S_{w} S_{x}}{S_{a}}\left(\sum_{i}^{N}\left(q_{w}-Z_{w}\right)\left(q_{x}-Z_{x}\right)+q_{b}\right)+Z_{a} qa=SaSwSx(∑iN(qw−Zw)(qx−Zx)+qb)+Za
x.clamp_(0., 2.**self.num_bits-1.).round_()
理解 QConv2d 后,其他模块基本上异曲同工,这里不再赘述。
QLinear 全连接层的量化
:fc_module: 全连接网络模块
:qi: 是否对输入特征图
:qo: 是否对输出特征图进行量化
:num_bits: 8位bit数
class QLinear(QModule):
def __init__(self, fc_module, qi=True, qo=True, num_bits=8):
super(QLinear, self).__init__(qi=qi, qo=qo, num_bits=num_bits)
self.num_bits = num_bits
self.fc_module = fc_module #全连接模块
self.qw = QParam(num_bits=num_bits) #定义一个类self.qw,主要是全连接层的权重参数
def freeze(self, qi=None, qo=None):
if hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is not None:
raise ValueError('qi has been provided in init function.')
if not hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is None:
raise ValueError('qi is not existed, should be provided.')
if hasattr(self, 'qo') and qo is not None:
raise ValueError('qo has been provided in init function.')
if not hasattr(self, 'qo') and qo is None:
raise ValueError('qo is not existed, should be provided.')
if qi is not None:
self.qi = qi
if qo is not None:
self.qo = qo
self.M = self.qw.scale * self.qi.scale / self.qo.scale
self.fc_module.weight.data = self.qw.quantize_tensor(self.fc_module.weight.data)
self.fc_module.weight.data = self.fc_module.weight.data - self.qw.zero_point
self.fc_module.bias.data = quantize_tensor(self.fc_module.bias.data, scale=self.qi.scale * self.qw.scale,
zero_point=0, num_bits=32, signed=True)
def forward(self, x):
if hasattr(self, 'qi'): #不用对输入进行在量化
x = FakeQuantize.apply(x, self.qi)
# 其中self.qw类的对象,update主要是求出x的最大值和最小值,尺度因子和零点
self.qw.update(self.fc_module.weight.data) #对
x = F.linear(x, FakeQuantize.apply(self.fc_module.weight, self.qw), self.fc_module.bias)
if hasattr(self, 'qo'):
x = FakeQuantize.apply(x, self.qo)
return x
def quantize_inference(self, x): #量化推理
x = x - self.qi.zero_point
x = self.fc_module(x)
x = self.M * x
x = x + self.qo.zero_point
x.clamp_(0., 2.**self.num_bits-1.).round_()
return x
QRelu Relu函数
:qi: 是否需要量化输入特征,默认为False
:num_bits: 8位bit数
class QReLU(QModule):
def __init__(self, qi=False, num_bits=None):
super(QReLU, self).__init__(qi=qi, num_bits=num_bits)
def freeze(self, qi=None):
if hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is not None:
raise ValueError('qi has been provided in init function.')
if not hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is None:
raise ValueError('qi is not existed, should be provided.')
if qi is not None:
self.qi = qi
def forward(self, x):
if hasattr(self, 'qi'): #如果有qi,我们需要对其进行量化更新
x = FakeQuantize.apply(x, self.qi)
x = F.relu(x) #进行rule激活并进行返回
return x
def quantize_inference(self, x):
x = x.clone()
x[x < self.qi.zero_point] = self.qi.zero_point
return x
QRelu Relu函数
:kernel_size: 卷积核的尺寸
:stride: 步幅
:padding: 填充
:qi: 是否量化输入的特征张量, 默认为False
:num_bits: bit数
class QMaxPooling2d(QModule):
def __init__(self, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=0, qi=False, num_bits=None):
super(QMaxPooling2d, self).__init__(qi=qi, num_bits=num_bits)
self.kernel_size = kernel_size
self.stride = stride
self.padding = padding
def freeze(self, qi=None):
if hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is not None:
raise ValueError('qi has been provided in init function.')
if not hasattr(self, 'qi') and qi is None:
raise ValueError('qi is not existed, should be provided.')
if qi is not None:
self.qi = qi
def forward(self, x):
if hasattr(self, 'qi'): #不对输入特征图进行重新的量化
x = FakeQuantize.apply(x, self.qi)
x = F.max_pool2d(x, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding) #直接进行池化操作
return x
def quantize_inference(self, x):
return F.max_pool2d(x, self.kernel_size, self.stride, self.padding)
def quantize(self, num_bits=8): #构建量化神经网络
self.qconv1 = QConv2d(self.conv1, qi=True, qo=True, num_bits=num_bits) #这一过程仅仅量化了一些参数
self.qrelu1 = QReLU() #Relu
self.qmaxpool2d_1 = QMaxPooling2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0) #Maxpooling2d
self.qconv2 = QConv2d(self.conv2, qi=False, qo=True, num_bits=num_bits) #对第二次卷积量化一些参数,与第一次基本一致
self.qrelu2 = QReLU() #Relu
self.qmaxpool2d_2 = QMaxPooling2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0) #Maxpooling2d
self.qfc = QLinear(self.fc, qi=False, qo=True, num_bits=num_bits) #全连接层
def quantize_forward(self, x):
x = self.qconv1(x)
x = self.qrelu1(x)
x = self.qmaxpool2d_1(x)
x = self.qconv2(x)
x = self.qrelu2(x)
x = self.qmaxpool2d_2(x)
x = x.view(-1, 5*5*40)
x = self.qfc(x)
return x
def freeze(self): #下面的 freeze 函数会在统计完 min,max 后对一些变量进行固化
def quantize_inference(self, x):
qx = self.qconv1.qi.quantize_tensor(x)
qx = self.qconv1.quantize_inference(qx)
qx = self.qmaxpool2d_1.quantize_inference(qx)
qx = self.qconv2.quantize_inference(qx)
qx = self.qmaxpool2d_2.quantize_inference(qx)
qx = qx.view(-1, 5*5*40)
qx = self.qfc.quantize_inference(qx)
out = self.qfc.qo.dequantize_tensor(qx)
return out