Reactor Pattern and Non-blocking IO--reference

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The actors in Reactor pattern are:

• Handles, which identify resources (such as network connections, open files, and synchronization

objects) that are managed by an operating system.

• Reactor, which defines an interface for registering, removing, and dispatching Event Handler

objects. An implementation of the Reactor interface provides a set of application-independent

event demultiplexing and dispatching mechanisms. These mechanisms dispatch application-specific

Event Handler in response to events occurring on one or more Handles.

• Event Handler, which specifies an interface used by the Reactor to dispatch callback methods

defined by objects that are pre-registered to handle certain types of events (such as input events,

output events, and signals).

• Concrete Event Handler, which implements the customized callback method(s) that process events

in an application-specific manner.


Using Reactor in Communication Software


