我们可以用图论的语言来刻画社会网络。此时,一个社会网络可以表示为由点集 V ( G ) V(G) V(G)和边集 E ( G ) E(G) E(G)所共同决定的一个图 G ( V , E ) G(V,E) G(V,E)。其中,集合 V ( G ) V(G) V(G)的元素个数表示网络节点的个数或社会群体的规模。
%% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
% H = WattsStrogatz(N,K,beta) returns a Watts-Strogatz model graph with N
% nodes, N*K edges, mean node degree 2*K, and rewiring probability beta.
% beta = 0 is a ring lattice, and beta = 1 is a random graph.
% Inputs:
% N: total network nodes
% K: node degree
% beta: rewiring probability beta
% Outputs:
% retG: A graph object
% retMat: The adjacency matrix
% Examples:
% [retG,retMat] = WattsStrogatz(N,K,beta); % accept two results
% retG = WattsStrogatz(N,K,beta); % only accept the graph object
% [~, retMat] = WattsStrogatz(N,K,beta); % only accept the adjacency matrix
function [retG, retMat]= WattsStrogatz(N,K,beta)
hwait = waitbar(0,'Please wait. Generating WattsStrogatz graph.');
% Connect each node to its K next and previous neighbors. This constructs
% indices for a ring lattice.
s = repelem((1:N)',1,K);
t = s + repmat(1:K,N,1);
t = mod(t-1,N)+1;
% Rewire the target node of each edge with probability beta
for source=1:N
waitbar(source/N,hwait,sprintf('Please wait. Generating WattsStrogatz graph.\n%.1f %%',(source/N)*100));
switchEdge = rand(K, 1) < beta;
newTargets = rand(N, 1);
newTargets(source) = 0;
newTargets(s(t==source)) = 0;
newTargets(t(source, ~switchEdge)) = 0;
[~, ind] = sort(newTargets, 'descend');
t(source, switchEdge) = ind(1:nnz(switchEdge));
retG = graph(s,t); % 返回图
retMat = adjacency(retG); % 返回邻接矩阵
在这一重连过程中,网络结构会随着边重连概率 p p p的值的不同而有所改变。
的改变情况。并且,统计了不同的边重连概率 p p p下的结构属性的变化情况。
function [acc, c] = avgClusteringCoefficient(graph)
%Computes the Average Clustering Coefficient for the undirected, unweighted
%graph input as adjacency matrix 'graph' and returns it in variable 'acc'.
%It also returns the local clustering coefficient of each node in 'c'.
%This implementation does not take into account nodes with zero degree.
%The definition of clustering coefficient used in this implementation was
%taken from:
% Watts,D.J. and Strogatz,S.H. (1998) Collective dynamics of
% "small-world" networks. Nature, 393, 440-442.
% graph -> The adjacency matrix representation of a graph. It has to be a
% NxN matrix where N is the number of nodes in the graph. This
% parameter is required.
% acc -> Average clustering coefficient of the input graph.
% c -> Local clustering coefficient of each of the graph's nodes
%Example usage:
% [acc, c] = avgClusteringCoefficient(my_net);
% acc = avgClusteringCoefficient(my_net);
% [~, c] = avgClusteringCoefficient(my_net);
% Copyright (C) Gregorio Alanis-Lobato, 2014
%% Input parsing and validation
ip = inputParser;
%Function handle to make sure the matrix is symmetric
issymmetric = @(x) all(all(x == x.'));
addRequired(ip, 'graph', @(x) isnumeric(x) && issymmetric(x));
parse(ip, graph);
%Validated parameter values
graph = ip.Results.graph;
%% Clustering coefficient computation
%Make sure the graph unweighted!!!
graph(graph ~= 0) = 1;
deg = sum(graph, 2); %Determine node degrees
cn = diag(graph*triu(graph)*graph); %Number of triangles for each node
%The local clustering coefficient of each node
c = zeros(size(deg));
c(deg > 1) = 2 * cn(deg > 1) ./ (deg(deg > 1).*(deg(deg > 1) - 1));
%Average clustering coefficient of the graph
acc = mean(c(deg > 1));
function [APL, L] = avgPathLength(adjMat)
%Computes the Average path length for the undirected, unweighted
%graph input as adjacency matrix 'adjMat' and returns it in variable 'APL'.
%It also returns the global path length of each node in 'L'.
%This implementation does not take into account nodes with zero degree.
% Average path length is a concept in network topology that is defined as
% the average number of steps along the shortest paths for all possible
% pairs of network nodes. It is a measure of the efficiency of information
% or mass transport on a network.
% L_g = sum(d(vi,vj))/n*(n-1)
% where d(vi,vj) denotes the shortest length between two nodes, and equals
% to 0 if node i cannot be reached from j
% adjMat -> The adjacency matrix representation of a graph. It has to be a
% NxN matrix where N is the number of nodes in the graph. This
% parameter is required.
% APL -> Average Path Length of the input graph.
% L -> Global Path length of each of the graph's nodes
%Example usage:
% [APL, L] = avgClusteringCoefficient(my_net);
% APL = avgClusteringCoefficient(my_net);
% [~, L] = avgClusteringCoefficient(my_net);
% Copyright (C) KunTang, 2022
%% Input parsing and validation
ip = inputParser;
%Function handle to make sure the matrix is symmetric
issymmetric = @(x) all(all(x == x.'));
addRequired(ip, 'graph', @(x) isnumeric(x) && issymmetric(x));
parse(ip, adjMat);
%Validated parameter values
adjMat = ip.Results.graph;
%% Path Length computation
%Make sure the graph unweighted!!!
adjMat(adjMat ~= 0) = 1;
graphObj = graph(adjMat);
L = distances(graphObj); % Calculate the shortest path length
%Average Path Length of the graph
APL = sum(sum(L))/(size(L,1)*size(L,1)-1);
在这两个脚本的基础上,我们可以对不同概率 p p p下的网络结构进行属性统计,并绘制成图2。
%% 本脚本将被用于绘制小世界网络图的两个结构属性随边重连概率p变化的曲线图
% 尝试对文献“collective dynamics of small world networks”的图二复现
% 依赖的外部脚本:
% 1. WattsStrogatz,用于生成小世界网络
% 2. avgClusteringCoefficient,用于统计网络的群聚系数
% 3. avgPathLength,用于统计网络的平均路径长度
% 特别地,在可视化工作中,会用到第三方颜色库cbrewer
%% 代码实现
% 这个刻度需要好好调整
p = [0.00014,0.0003,0.00045,0.001,0.0019,0.004,0.008,0.018,0.021,0.071,0.13,0.23,0.5,1]; % 接近论文的概率组合
caseNum = length(p); % 仿真参数的组合个数
N = 1000;
%% 计算regular ring的两个结构参数
regularRing = WattsStrogatz(N,k,0); % 生成得到regular ring
regularAM = adjacency(regularRing); % 获得邻接矩阵
C0 = avgClusteringCoefficient(regularAM);
APL0 = avgPathLength(regularAM);
%% 开始统计不同概率下得到的无序网络同规则网络的两个结构属性的比值
ratioC = zeros(caseNum,1);
ratioAPL = zeros(caseNum,1);
C = ratioC;
APL = ratioAPL;
for i=1:caseNum
graphI = WattsStrogatz(N,k,p(i));
graphAM = adjacency(graphI); % 邻接矩阵
C(i,1) = avgClusteringCoefficient(graphAM);
APL(i,1) = avgPathLength(graphAM);
ratioC(i,1) = avgClusteringCoefficient(graphAM)/C0;
ratioAPL(i,1) = avgPathLength(graphAM)/APL0;
end % 更新演化结束
%% 绘制半对数图
hold on;
%% 绘制双刻度y的双曲线图
% 参考来源:阿昆的科研笔记
%% 图片尺寸设置(单位:厘米)
figureUnits = 'centimeters';
figureWidth = 20;
figureHeight = 8;
%% 定义线型、标记符号、线宽和颜色
colorTypes = cbrewer('div','Spectral',8,'linear');
% 定义因变量Y1线型、符号、线宽与颜色
Y1_LS = '-';
Y1_MK = 'none';
Y1_LW = 1.5;
Y1_C = colorTypes(2,:);
% 定义因变量Y2线型、符号、线宽与颜色
Y2_LS = 'o';
Y2_MK = 'none';
Y2_LW = 1.5;
Y2_C = colorTypes(7,:);
%% 窗口设置
%% 激活左轴
yyaxis left
semilogx(p,C,'o','Color', Y1_C,'LineWidth',1.5);
set(gcf, 'Units', figureUnits, 'Position', [0 0 figureWidth figureHeight],'Color','w');
hold on;
hYLabel1 = ylabel('');
% 坐标区调整
set(gca, 'YColor', [.1,.1,.1],... % 坐标轴颜色
'YTick', 0:0.2:1,... % 刻度位置、间隔
'Ylim' , [0 1], ... % 坐标轴范围
'YMinorTick','on'); % Y坐标轴刻度标签
ylabel('Cluster Coefficient');
%% 激活右轴
yyaxis right
semilogx(p,APL,'s','Color', Y2_C,'LineWidth',1.5)
hold on;
% 坐标区调整
set(gca, 'YColor', [.1,.1,.1],... % 坐标轴颜色
'YTick', 0:10:55,... % 刻度位置、间隔
'Ylim' , [0 55], ... % 坐标轴范围
'MinorGridAlpha',0.4); % Y坐标轴刻度标签
legend('Cluster Coefficient', 'Average Path Length');
ylabel('Average Path Length');
%% 图片输出
% fileout = 'test';
% print(figureHandle,[fileout,'.png'],'-r600','-dpng');
随边重连概率 p p p的过程中,我们将这两个结构属性通过双轴散点图
[1]: D. J. Watts, S. H. Strogatz. Collective dynamics of ‘smallworld’ networks[J]. nature, 1998, 393(6684): 440442
[2]: Build Watts-Strogatz Small World Graph Model