

本文为西班牙加泰罗尼亚政治大学(作者:Javier de la Rica Palma)的学士论文,共41页。


The current project arises from themotivation of studying the tools of neural networks, along with the applicationof the knowledge acquired during the courses in the degree in a work thatbrings together the training of neural networks using threedimensional pointclouds. In the work, a system has been created, which from a previous database,computes a larger dataset making use of the information obtained from each ofthe point clouds key points. The objective of the project is to findcorrespondences between points from two three-dimensional point clouds usingneural networks training. On the one hand, as mentioned, the database ofthree-dimensional point clouds of the same scene has been generated fromdifferent points of view with ground truth, which later is used to comparepatches of all the point clouds, in order to find correspondences between them.On the other hand, a neural network is generated to be trained with thepreviously computed database as input, and observe the behavior of thecomparison of point clouds given the key points mentioned above. All in all,the main objective of the project is the study of the behavior of neuralnetworks in a specific case, for a possible application of augmented reality(AR). Therefore, the present work is a good basis for a possible alternativework, capable of generating an augmented reality application in whichthree-dimensional objects are inserted into two-dimensional images.

  1. 引言
  2. 理论基础
  3. 研究现状
  4. 研究方法
  5. 研究结果
  6. 预算
  7. 结论




