function xwUtil() { this.page_template = "/template/NO_LOGIN_transfer.ashx"; this.before_tip = "正在加载"; this.save_price = function() { var that = this; var swichParam = "save_price"; var obj = arguments[0]; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: that.page_template, data: "swichParam={0}&cpbjrq={1}&cp={2}&gg={3}&jldw={4}&zgj={5}&zdj={6}&pjj={7}&zf={8}&dq={9}&sjly={10}&zt={11}&bjr={12}&price_log_id={13}" .replace("{0}", swichParam).replace("{1}", obj.cpbjrq) .replace("{2}", obj.cp).replace("{3}", obj.gg) .replace("{4}", obj.jldw).replace("{5}", obj.zgj) .replace("{6}", obj.zdj).replace("{7}", obj.pjj) .replace("{8}", obj.zf).replace("{9}", obj.dq) .replace("{10}", obj.dq).replace("{10}", obj.sjly) .replace("{11}", obj.zt).replace("{12}", obj.bjr) .replace("{13}", obj.price_log_id), success: function(msg) { if (msg != "true") { alert(msg); } }, beforeSend: function() { // $(divid).html(that.before_tip); }, error: function(msg) { // var url1 = that.page_template + "?swichParam={0}".replace("{0}", that.xls); // $(divid).html("提取数据错误!" + url1); } }); } this.upload_price = function() { var that = this; var swichParam = "upload_price"; var obj = arguments[0]; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: that.page_template, data: "swichParam={0}&cpbjrq={1}&cp={2}&gg={3}&jldw={4}&zgj={5}&zdj={6}&pjj={7}&zf={8}&dq={9}&sjly={10}&zt={11}&bjr={12}&price_log_id={13}&xh={14}&action={15}" .replace("{0}", swichParam).replace("{1}", obj.cpbjrq) .replace("{2}", obj.cp).replace("{3}", obj.gg) .replace("{4}", obj.jldw).replace("{5}", obj.zgj) .replace("{6}", obj.zdj).replace("{7}", obj.pjj) .replace("{8}", obj.zf).replace("{9}", obj.dq) .replace("{10}", obj.dq).replace("{10}", obj.sjly) .replace("{11}", obj.zt).replace("{12}", obj.bjr) .replace("{13}", obj.price_log_id).replace("{14}", obj.xh) .replace("{15}", obj.action), success: function(msg) { if (msg != "true") { alert(msg); } }, beforeSend: function() { // $(divid).html(that.before_tip); }, error: function(msg) { // var url1 = that.page_template + "?swichParam={0}".replace("{0}", that.xls); // $(divid).html("提取数据错误!" + url1); } }); } //无参数template this.update_no_params_xls = function() { var that = this; var swichParam = arguments[0].swichParam; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: that.page_template, data: "swichParam={0}".replace("{0}", swichParam), success: function(msg) { }, beforeSend: function() { // $(divid).html(that.before_tip); }, error: function(msg) { var url1 = that.page_template + "?swichParam={0}".replace("{0}", that.xls); // $(divid).html("提取数据错误!" + url1); } }); } this.getJson = function() { var that = this; var swichParam = arguments[0].swichParam; var isBianji = (arguments[0].price_log_id != ""); $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: that.page_template, data: "swichParam={0}&price_log_id={1}" .replace("{0}", swichParam) .replace("{1}", arguments[0].price_log_id), success: function(msg) { //$('#tt').datagrid("loadData", msg); //alert(msg); //document.write(msg); //msg = { "Table": [{ "id": "23", "productId": "2", "bjrq": "2010-1-4 0:00:00", "gg": "", "zdjg": "70000", "zgjg": "71000", "pjjg": "", "jldw": "人民币元/吨", "zf": "1", "dq": "大余", "xxly": "中国铁合金在线", "addTime": "2011-7-1 17:31:34", "Szz": "", "zt": "", "ext1": ""}] }; //msg = "'" + msg + "'"; //alert(msg); //msg = eval(msg); for (var i in msg) { for (var p = 0; p < msg[i].length; p++) { var obj = msg[i][p]; $('#tt').datagrid('appendRow', { xh: isBianji ? obj.id : $('#tt').datagrid('getRows').length + 1, //序号 //itemid: 0, //产品报价日期 productid: obj.bjrq, //产品 listprice: obj.ext1, //规格 unitcost: obj.gg, //计量单位 attr1: obj.jldw, //最高价 status: obj.zgjg, //最低价 zdj: obj.zdjg, //平均价 pjj: obj.pjjg, //走势 zf: obj.zf, //地区 dq: obj.dq, //数据来源 sjly: obj.xxly }); //alert(msg[i][p].bjrq); } } }, beforeSend: function() { //$(divid).html(that.before_tip); }, error: function(msg) { //var url1 = that.page_template + "?swichParam={0}".replace("{0}", that.xls); //$(divid).html("提取数据错误!" + url1); } }); } } var xw = new xwUtil();
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}else{ return "upload_update"; } } var products = [ { productid: '1', name: '上涨' }, { productid: '0', name: '下降' } ]; function productFormatter(value) { for (var i = 0; i < products.length; i++) { if (products[i].productid == value) return products[i].name; } return value; } $(function() { var lastIndex; xw.getJson({ "swichParam": "get_prev_datetime_data", "price_log_id": "<%=PriceLogId %>" }); $('#tt').datagrid({ toolbar: [{ text: '新增产品名细', iconCls: 'icon-add', handler: function() { $('#tt').datagrid('endEdit', lastIndex); $('#tt').datagrid('appendRow', { xh: $('#tt').datagrid('getRows').length + 1, //序号 // itemid: 0, //产品报价日期 productid: '<%=DtNow %>', //产品 listprice: '', //规格 unitprice: '', //计量单位 attr1: '', //最高价 status: '', //最低价 zdj: '', //平均价 pjj: '', //走势 zf: '0', //地区 dq: '', //数据来源 sjly: '' }); var lastIndex = $('#tt').datagrid('getRows').length - 1; $('#tt').datagrid('selectRow', lastIndex); $('#tt').datagrid('beginEdit', lastIndex); } }, '-', { text: '删除', iconCls: 'icon-remove', handler: function() { var row = $('#tt').datagrid('getSelected'); 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} }, '-', { text: '上传', //iconCls: 'icon-undo', handler: function() { //更新Price Log // xw.update_no_params_xls({ "swichParam": "update_price_log" }); var data = $('#tt').datagrid('acceptChanges').datagrid('getData'); //更新Price表 for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++) { var cpbjrq = data.rows[i].productid; var cp = data.rows[i].listprice; var gg = data.rows[i].unitcost; var jldw = data.rows[i].attr1; var zgj = data.rows[i].status; var zdj = data.rows[i].zdj; var pjj = data.rows[i].pjj; var zf = data.rows[i].zf; var dq = data.rows[i].dq; var sjly = data.rows[i].sjly; xw.upload_price({ "cpbjrq": cpbjrq, "cp": cp, "gg": gg, "jldw": jldw, "zgj": zgj, "zdj": zdj, "pjj": pjj, "zf": zf, "dq": dq, "sjly": sjly, "zt": 1, "bjr": document.getElementById('<%=DropDownList1.ClientID %>').value, "price_log_id": "<%=vs_PriceLogId %>", "xh": data.rows[i].xh, "action": getAction() }); } alert('数据上传成功!'); } } /*, '-', { text: 'getChanges', iconCls: 'icon-search', handler: function() { var rows = $('#tt').datagrid('getChanges'); alert('changed rows: ' + rows.length + ' lines'); } }*/ ], onBeforeLoad: function() { $(this).datagrid('rejectChanges'); }, onClickRow: function(rowIndex) { if (lastIndex != rowIndex) { $('#tt').datagrid('endEdit', lastIndex); $('#tt').datagrid('beginEdit', rowIndex); } lastIndex = rowIndex; } }); }); </script> </asp:Content>