Martha Olson joined Atlantic Mills 15 years ago as a Secretary to the Director of Purchasing. After five years she was promoted to Assistant Director, and when her boss retired four years later, she was named Director. On the occassion of her fifteenth anniversary, a special luncheon is being held in her honor and hosted by the president. Immediately following the luncheon, the president wants to congratulate Olson again, this time by means of a personal letter(not a memorandum).
The Letter:
Dear Marty:
I meant what I said at the luncheon yesterday: I really can't remember when Marty Olson was not our director of purchasing. Six years isn't that long, but you have filled your role so competently and all of us have relied on you with such confidence that it is hard to separate the name from the function.
But you have won our esteem for personal as well as professional attributes. You have that wonderful gift of gaining friends and loyal supporters while maintaining the highest standards of purchasing management, and few are blessed with it.
As we continue to grow, the purchasing function will have an increasingly important role in Atlantic Mills. I hope you anticipate the challenge, certainly, there's no doubt that you will rise to it.
Warm personal regards,