JPA支持使用@Query自定义查询,查询的结果需要字节用DTO对象接收,如果使用HQL的查询语句,可以将直接将DTO对象的构造方法传入hql中,直接转为DTO对象;而如果使用native sql查询的方式,只能将返回结果用Object[]对象接收,然后DTO设置对象的构造来接收Object[]里面的参数完成DTO对象的转换。
CREATE TABLE `pos_user` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_name` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, `user_pwd` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `user_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `parent_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `user_status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `distributor_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `creator_identity_type` int(2) DEFAULT NULL, `creator_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `create_date` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=22 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
CREATE TABLE `pos_device` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `imei` varchar(120) NOT NULL, `mac` varchar(120) NOT NULL, `unique_code` varchar(120) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `system_version` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `distributor_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `creator_identity_type` int(2) DEFAULT NULL, `creator_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `create_date` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=31 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
CREATE TABLE `pos_user_device_relation` ( `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `device_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `user_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
SELECT pdr.id, pdr.device_id, pd.imei, pd.mac, pd.unique_code, pd.type, pd.system_version, pdr.user_id, pu.user_name, pu.user_type FROM pos_user_device_relation pdr, pos_user pu, pos_device pd WHERE pdr.device_id = pd.id AND pdr.user_id = pu.id AND pdr.user_id in (select id from pos_user where distributor_id=1) limit 0,10
| id | device_id | imei | mac | unique_code | type | system_version | user_id | user_name | user_type |
private Long posUserDeviceId; private Long deviceId; private String deviceImei; private String deviceMac; private String deviceUniqueCode; private String deviceType; private String deviceSystemVersion; private Long userId; private String username; private PosUserEntityConstants.UserType userType;
@Query( value = "SELECT\n" + "new com.hengbao.ethiopiatelecomrecharge.dao.dto.PosUserDeviceRelationDto(\n" + "pdr.id,\n" + "pdr.deviceId,\n" + "pd.imei,\n" + "pd.mac,\n" + "pd.uniqueCode,\n" + "pd.type,\n" + "pd.systemVersion,\n" + "pdr.userId,\n" + "pu.userName,\n" + "pu.userType\n" + ") \n" + "FROM \n" + "PosUserDeviceRelationEntity pdr, PosUserEntity pu, PosDeviceEntity pd \n" + "WHERE pdr.deviceId = pd.id AND pdr.userId = pu.id AND pdr.userId in (select id from PosUserEntity where distributorId=?1)", countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM \n" + "PosUserDeviceRelationEntity pdr, PosUserEntity pu, PosDeviceEntity pd \n" + "WHERE pdr.deviceId = pd.id AND pdr.userId = pu.id AND pdr.userId in (select id from PosUserEntity where distributorId=?1)" ) PagefindUserAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId(Long distributorId, Pageable pageable);
@Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @ToString public class PosUserDeviceRelationDto implements Serializable { /** * 版本号 */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Long posUserDeviceId; private Long deviceId; private String deviceImei; private String deviceMac; private String deviceUniqueCode; private String deviceType; private String deviceSystemVersion; private Long userId; private String username; private PosUserEntityConstants.UserType userType; }
方法二:使用native query的方式查询并转换为dto
@Query( value = "SELECT\n" + "pdr.id,\n" + "pdr.device_id,\n" + "pd.imei,\n" + "pd.mac,\n" + "pd.unique_code,\n" + "pd.type,\n" + "pd.system_version,\n" + "pdr.user_id,\n" + "pu.user_name,\n" + "pu.user_type\n" + "FROM\n" + "pos_user_device_relation pdr, pos_user pu, pos_device pd\n" + "WHERE pdr.device_id = pd.id AND pdr.user_id = pu.id AND pdr.user_id in (select id from pos_user where distributor_id=?1)", countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM\n" + "pos_user_device_relation pdr, pos_user pu, pos_device pd\n" + "WHERE pdr.device_id = pd.id AND pdr.user_id = pu.id AND pdr.user_id in (select id from pos_user where distributor_id=?1)", nativeQuery = true ) Page
可以看到这样只能用Object[]来接收结果集,而不能直接将返回参数定义为PosUserDeviceRelationDto对象,否则会报no converter的异常。
首先先看一下Object[]每个对象的类型:BigInteger BigInteger String String String String String BigInteger String Integer
public PosUserDeviceRelationDto(BigInteger posUserDeviceId, BigInteger deviceId, String deviceImei, String deviceMac, String deviceUniqueCode, String deviceType, String deviceSystemVersion, BigInteger userId, String username, Integer userType) { this.posUserDeviceId = posUserDeviceId == null ? null : posUserDeviceId.longValue(); this.deviceId = deviceId == null ? null : deviceId.longValue(); this.deviceImei = deviceImei; this.deviceMac = deviceMac; this.deviceUniqueCode = deviceUniqueCode; this.deviceType = deviceType; this.deviceSystemVersion = deviceSystemVersion; this.userId = userId == null ? null : userId.longValue(); this.username = username; // UserTypeConverter是继承自javax.persistence.AttributeConverter的类型转换器 this.userType = new PosUserEntityConstants.UserTypeConverter().convertToEntityAttribute(userType); }
@Query( value = "SELECT\n" + "new com.hengbao.ethiopiatelecomrecharge.dao.dto.PosUserDeviceRelationDto(\n" + "pdr.id,\n" + "pdr.deviceId,\n" + "pd.imei,\n" + "pd.mac,\n" + "pd.uniqueCode,\n" + "pd.type,\n" + "pd.systemVersion,\n" + "pdr.userId,\n" + "pu.userName,\n" + "pu.userType\n" + ") \n" + "FROM \n" + "PosUserDeviceRelationEntity pdr, PosUserEntity pu, PosDeviceEntity pd \n" + "WHERE pdr.deviceId = pd.id AND pdr.userId = pu.id AND pdr.userId in (select id from PosUserEntity where distributorId=?1)", countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM \n" + "PosUserDeviceRelationEntity pdr, PosUserEntity pu, PosDeviceEntity pd \n" + "WHERE pdr.deviceId = pd.id AND pdr.userId = pu.id AND pdr.userId in (select id from PosUserEntity where distributorId=?1)" ) PagefindUserAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId(Long distributorId, Pageable pageable); @Query( value = "SELECT\n" + "pdr.id,\n" + "pdr.device_id,\n" + "pd.imei,\n" + "pd.mac,\n" + "pd.unique_code,\n" + "pd.type,\n" + "pd.system_version,\n" + "pdr.user_id,\n" + "pu.user_name,\n" + "pu.user_type\n" + "FROM\n" + "pos_user_device_relation pdr, pos_user pu, pos_device pd\n" + "WHERE pdr.device_id = pd.id AND pdr.user_id = pu.id AND pdr.user_id in (select id from pos_user where distributor_id=?1)", countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM\n" + "pos_user_device_relation pdr, pos_user pu, pos_device pd\n" + "WHERE pdr.device_id = pd.id AND pdr.user_id = pu.id AND pdr.user_id in (select id from pos_user where distributor_id=?1)", nativeQuery = true ) Page
@Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @ToString public class PosUserDeviceRelationDto implements Serializable { /** * 版本号 */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private Long posUserDeviceId; private Long deviceId; private String deviceImei; private String deviceMac; private String deviceUniqueCode; private String deviceType; private String deviceSystemVersion; private Long userId; private String username; private PosUserEntityConstants.UserType userType; public PosUserDeviceRelationDto(BigInteger posUserDeviceId, BigInteger deviceId, String deviceImei, String deviceMac, String deviceUniqueCode, String deviceType, String deviceSystemVersion, BigInteger userId, String username, Integer userType) { this.posUserDeviceId = posUserDeviceId == null ? null : posUserDeviceId.longValue(); this.deviceId = deviceId == null ? null : deviceId.longValue(); this.deviceImei = deviceImei; this.deviceMac = deviceMac; this.deviceUniqueCode = deviceUniqueCode; this.deviceType = deviceType; this.deviceSystemVersion = deviceSystemVersion; this.userId = userId == null ? null : userId.longValue(); this.username = username; // UserTypeConverter是继承自javax.persistence.AttributeConverter的类型转换器 this.userType = new PosUserEntityConstants.UserTypeConverter().convertToEntityAttribute(userType); } }
@Test public void testFindUserAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId() throws Exception { System.out.println("-----------------hql query-----------------"); PageuserAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId = posUserDeviceRelationRepository.findUserAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId(1L, PageRequest.of(0, 10)); System.out.println("count=" + userAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId.getTotalElements()); if(userAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId.getContent() != null) { for (PosUserDeviceRelationDto dto : userAndDeviceInfoByDistributorId.getContent()) { System.out.println(dto); } } System.out.println("-----------------native sql query-----------------"); Page