
曾经有碰到过一个表中几十上百个字段,各个部门均需要修改记录,因数据库架构早定型,修改的话工作量会比较大,所以针对这种情况特意写了个方法,根据当前datatable 数据修改的记录以及数据库表的数据结构,动态生成SQL语句。


public static DataTable GetDataTableInfo(string ConnectionString, string tablename)
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
        sql.AppendLine("select c.colid,ColumnName=c.name,type=t.name,c.status,");
        sql.AppendLine("    Length=(case when left(t.name,5)='ntext'  then 1073741823  when left(t.name,5)='text'  then 214483647 ");
        sql.AppendLine("        else (case when left(t.name,1)='n'  then  c.length/2 else c.length end) end),");
        sql.AppendLine("    c.isnullable,c.xprec,c.xscale,colstat=case when c.colid =k.colid then 1 else null end");
        sql.AppendLine("from syscolumns c ");
        sql.AppendLine("left join systypes t on c.xtype=t.xtype and t.name <>'sysname' ");
        sql.AppendLine("left join sysobjects o on c.id = o.parent_obj and o.xtype='PK'");
        sql.AppendLine("        inner join sysindexes i on o.parent_obj = i.id and o.name = i.name ");
        sql.AppendLine("        inner join sysindexkeys k on o.parent_obj = k.id and k.indid=i.indid");
        sql.AppendLine("where c.id = object_id('" + tablename + "') ");
        sql.AppendLine("order by c.colid");
        DataTable tabResult = GetDataTable(ConnectionString, sql.ToString(), tablename);
        tabResult.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { tabResult.Columns["ColumnName"] };
        return tabResult;





            foreach (DataRow _row in tab.Rows)
                if (_row.RowState == DataRowState.Added)
                    sql = SQLHelper.GetAddSQLScript(dtStruct, tab, _row);
                    object obj = SQLHelper.ExecuteScalar(strConnection, sql);
                    _row[strPrimkey] = obj;
                else if (_row.RowState == DataRowState.Modified)
                    sql = SQLHelper.GetModifySQLScript(dtStruct, tab, _row);
                    SQLHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(strConnection, sql);

