FTEC5530 Tick data

FTEC5530 Assignment II. Trading Cost Analysis
Tick data (trade and quote) is provided in the month of 2020 Dec (trade.csv and
VWAP orders as below: (parent_oder.csv)
Child order execution data is provided (child_order.csv)
Calculate the trading cost analysis as below format (assignment 2.xlsx).
Please note there are only three orders in above example for illustration purpose, the
assignment has five orders. Hint: - the performance number should be all side adjusted

  • If order start time is before market open, then arrival price should use open price
    instead of mid of quote
  • Sometime market tick data has small delay, for example, you may see last price end
    around 15:00:03, you should normalize all trades after 14:57 as close price, timestamp as 15:00: for example an order end time is 15:00, then all those trades
    slightly after 15:00:00 shall be also included for iVWAP or volume calculation
    Provide both of your code script (python/R/MATLAB/KDB or other languages) and result
    (filled in the assignment 2.xlsx spreadsheet with 2 digital accuracy).
