Touch EVent and Object

 1 UITouch  //位于window的view 里面.

 2    //最后一次UITouch 的修改时间

 3   @property(nonatomic,readonly) NSTimeInterval timestamp;

 4   //手指的状态.如,开始移动,正在移动,移动结束,取消移动.

 5   @property(nonatomic,readonly) UITouchPhase   phase;

 6   //手指按的次数.

 7   @property(nonatomic,readonly) NSUInteger     tapCount;

 8   //一个窗口

 9   @property(nonatomic,readonly,retain) UIWindow *window;

10   //窗口的视图下

11   @property(nonatomic,readonly,retain) UIView   *view;

12   //当前位置.

13   - (CGPoint)locationInView:(UIView *)view; 

14   //移动的起点

15   - (CGPoint)previousLocationInView:(UIView *)view;

16   //返回所有window 和view 上 UITouch的集合.

17   - (NSSet *)allTouches;

18   //返回某个window上的UITouch集合.

19   - (NSSet *)touchesForWindow:(UIWindow *)window;

20   //返回某个View 上的UITouch的集合.

21    - (NSSet *)touchesForView:(UIView *)view;

22 UIResponder//响应手指的移动.

23   //开始移动.

24   - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

25   //移动了.

26   - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

27   //移动结束.(手指离开触摸屏)

28   - (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

29   //取消移动

30   - (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

31 MultipleTouches 

32   //UIView中的property

33   //是否允许多手指的移动对象.缺省默认为不允许.

34   BOOL multipleTouchEnabled;

35   /*If YES, the receiver blocks other views in the same window from receiving touch events; otherwise, it does not. The default value is   NO.//如果YES,那接收者阻止其他视图接收窗口的触摸事件,否则就是否。默认值是NO。

36 */

37   BOOL exclusiveTouch;

38 UIControlEvents

39   UIControlEventTouchDown

40    UIControlEventTouchDownRepeat 

41   UIControlEventTouchDragInside 

42   UIControlEventTouchDragOutside 

43   UIControlEventTouchDragEnter 

44   UIControlEventTouchDragExit 

45   UIControlEventTouchUpInside 

46   UIControlEventTouchUpOutside 

47   UIControlEventTouchCancel

48 //Associating actions with UIControlEvents

49   - (void)addTarget:(id)target  action:(SEL)action forControlEvents:(UIControlEvents)controlEvents;

50   - (void)removeTarget:(id)target  action:(SEL)action  forControlEvents:(UIControlEvents)controlEvents;

51 //action Signatures

52    - (void)performAction;

53    - (void)performAction:(id)sender;

54    - (void)performAction:(id)sender withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

55 UIControl Touch Tracking

56   - (BOOL)beginTrackingWithTouch:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

57   - (BOOL)continueTrackingWithTouch:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

58   - (void)endTrackingWithTouch:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

59   - (void)cancelTrackingWithEvent:(UIEvent *)event;

60 //Handling TouchEvents

61   - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
