Apple introduced its Exposure Notifications API in the iOS 13.5 iPhone update along with exposure logging and notifications explicitly developed to help with coronavirus contact tracing. Here’s how you can turn on or disable the COVID-19 Exposure Logging feature on your iPhone.
苹果在iOS 13.5 iPhone更新中引入了其Exposure Notifications API ,以及专门为帮助冠状病毒联系人追踪而专门开发的暴露日志和通知。 这是在iPhone上打开或禁用COVID-19曝光记录功能的方法。
Google and Apple have joined forces to create a digital version of a contact tracing framework called Exposure Notifications. If you have a health tracking app installed, your iPhone will send out randomized Bluetooth beacons to devices around you. It will also collect the beacons from phones that you have been around for 10 minutes or more.
谷歌和苹果联手创建了名为曝光通知的联系人跟踪框架的数字版本。 如果您安装了健康跟踪应用程序,您的iPhone将向您周围的设备发送随机的蓝牙信标。 它还会从您使用了10分钟或更长时间的电话中收集信标。
If someone is diagnosed with COVID-19, they can mark themselves as infected in the health tracking app. Every day, your iPhone will download a new anonymous database of those with verified cases and check it against the beacons stored on your device. If you crossed paths in the last 14 days, you’d get a notification saying that you might have been exposed to COVID-19, and the app will guide you through the next steps.
如果某人被诊断出患有COVID-19,他们可以在健康跟踪应用中将自己标记为已感染。 每天,您的iPhone都会下载一个新的匿名数据库,其中包含经过验证的案例,并对照您设备上存储的信标进行检查。 如果您在过去14天内越过了路径,则会收到一条通知,告知您可能已经接触过COVID-19,该应用程序将指导您完成后续步骤。
The Exposure Logging feature is not enabled by default, and to enable it, you need to install a supported health tracking app (from your local public health organization). That said, you can go in and disable the feature (and delete the exposure log) at any time.
默认情况下,“暴露日志记录”功能未启用,要启用此功能,您需要安装受支持的健康跟踪应用程序(来自本地公共卫生组织)。 也就是说,您可以随时禁用该功能(并删除曝光日志)。
Update: These settings have been moved in iOS 13.7. You’ll now find them at Settings > Exposure Notifications. They are no longer under Settings > Privacy.
更新:这些设置已在iOS 13.7中移动。 现在,您可以在“设置”>“曝光通知”中找到它们。 它们不再位于“设置”>“隐私”下。
To get started, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone and then select the “Privacy” option.
Here, tap the “Health” button.
Now, you’ll see the brand new “COVID-19 Exposure Logging” option at the top of the Health page.
现在,您将在“运行状况”页面顶部看到全新的“ COVID-19暴露记录”选项。
Here, you’ll find the details of the health tracking apps that you have installed. If you have a health tracking app installed, you can tap the toggle next to “Explore Logging” to enable the feature.
在这里,您将找到已安装的运行状况跟踪应用程序的详细信息。 如果您安装了健康跟踪应用,则可以点击“浏览日志”旁边的切换开关以启用该功能。
Select the “Exposure Checks” option to see a record of all requests to check your Exposure Log in the last 14 days.
If you want, you can delete your Exposure Log by tapping the “Delete Exposure Log” button.
Want to learn more? Take a look at our contact tracing explainer and the best apps and websites for tracking COVID-19.
想了解更多? 看看我们的联系人跟踪解释器以及用于跟踪COVID-19的最佳应用和网站。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/674272/how-to-turn-off-covid-19-exposure-logging-and-notifications-on-iphone/