
Distributed Web Applications
Assessment Element 2: RESTful API
Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the patterns and practices
    that go into making a suitable layered architecture for a web application.
  2. Design, implement, test and critically appraise a web application.
  3. Extensively develop and apply web application functionality through web
    api (application program interfaces) usage.
  4. Demonstrate a critical understanding of consuming web api services on
    different devices.
    All assignment work is to be completed individually.
    University regulations on academic conduct1
    and exceptional circumstances2 apply. Please
    ensure that you are familiar with these regulations.
    Element Out In Method %
    Demonstration w/b
    Zipped copy submitted to
    Blackboard (immediately following
    the demonstration of your code)
    School of Computing and Digital Technologies
    Submission and Assessment
    Submission is to Blackboard. A zipped copy of your code (not a rar file) should be
    submitted immediately following your demonstration.
    Submission will not be accepted by alternative means (such as email) so you should ensure
    that your submission is made well before the deadline to avoid last minute problems.
    There will be a scheduled demonstration slot for you to show your work. Failure to
    demonstrate at the allocated time of your demonstration will result in zero marks for
    this element of the assessment regardless of whether work has been submitted by the
    The marking criteria is provided at the end of this document. You should ensure that you
    are fully aware of these criteria.
    You have been approached once more by College Road Swimming Club to create an API for
    their new records management application so that it can be integrated with 3rd party
    systems (other swimming clubs and the Amateur Swimming Association (ASA)).
    The following is a reminder of their requirements for the records management application.
    The new system needs to have the following core functionality:
    • Authentication / authorisation of 4 different categories of user roles (guests,
    swimmers, parents and club officials)
    • The registration, storage and management of members details
    • Entry of swimming event results
    • Access to swimming event results
    Swimmers are identified as children who swim for the club. A child can only swim for the
    club with the permission of their parent.
    Parents, including guardians, are an important part of the club and they are encouraged to
    be as active as possible in supporting their children.
    A parent can manage their children’s profiles.
    Club Officials
    Club officials work for College Road Swimming Club. ‘Club official’ is a general term for a
    number of different roles.
    For the purposes of the web application, the club official should be able to create a Meet
    on the system, create an Event on the system, create and edit Parents and Swimmers on
    School of Computing and Digital Technologies
    the system, add registered Swimmers to an Event, and add Event results when the Event
    has completed.
    Swimming meets take place regularly. They have a Venue where they take place, and a
    date upon which they take place.
    A swimming Meet will include a number of Events.
    An event is a race.
    Each event has an age range (Under 14 (junior), and Under 16 (senior)), a gender, a
    distance, and a swimming stroke.
    Authorisation levels
    This is the base level of access available to all user roles whether or not they are logged in.
    It is expected that the web application will be of general interest to the public. Access
    should be available to:
    • search swimming event results based on an age group, swimming stroke and / or a
    particular swimmer’s name
    • filter swimming meets by venue, or date range
    When a swimmer has logged in they will be able to see everything that a Guest can see but
    their experience will be personalised. This means that they should find it:
    • easy to view their own performance
    • easy to view the meets and the events that they are registered on
    When a parent has logged in they will be able to:
    • view and edit ‘family’ group profile data (address, contact phone number, and
    Club Officials
    When a club official has logged in they will be able to:
    • view, edit and archive the personal details of any member – if archived, the
    member’s data should be retained but they will not have a login and should be
    noted as no longer active
    • create and edit family groupings – one parent with one or more dependants
    • create and edit parents and swimmers
    • create and edit a swimming meet and the events that take place during the meet
    (this includes adding swimmers to the event)
    School of Computing and Digital Technologies
    The College Road Swimming Club has made example data available (see the “Example Data
    Set (Excel Spreadsheet)” on the Assessment tab on Blackboard). You can use this as a
    starting point.
    You should be aware of the following information which is going to be required:
    • Member – Name, Gender, Address, Contact Telephone Number, Email, Date of
    • Event –Age Range, Gender, Distance, Stroke, Round, Lanes (with swimmers name),
    Times (or reason for not finishing)
    • Meet – Name, Venue, Date, Pool Length
    It may be necessary for you to make assumptions during your design or implementation.
    Please make sure that you check with your tutor first if you do so.
    Extra Credit
    Extra credit will be given if you are able to show:
    • knowledge and understanding in your use of your chosen development
    • examples of good practice in software development, including a clear separation
    of concerns using a layered approach
    • a clear understanding of how you are using HTTP to deliver your service
    • how your API design is fit for the purpose required of it
    • an understanding of how secure your API is.
    The Demonstration
    You are required to demonstrate your implemented application over the course of 20
    minutes. You will be asked to show:
    • testing of your API using Postman to demonstrate its functionality.
    and any or all of the following:
    • your implemented application showing how you have addressed the criteria given
    above (specified in the section “Marking Criteria” below)
    • an explanation of any code that you produce
    • unit testing for your application.
    School of Computing and Digital Technologies
    Marking Criteria
    Base Mark (30% of the mark for Task 2)
    Criteria Mark
    Club official creates a parent 2
    Club official creates a swimmer 2
    Club official creates a family group 3
    Club official edits a members name 2
    Club official archives a member 3
    Create meet 2
    Create event 2
    Add swimmers to event 2
    Input race time data to event 2
    Parent can view family profile 1
    Parent can edit contact number 2
    Personalised view for swimmers (name and races involved in) 2
    Swimming meet’s listed (all swimming meets) 1
    Search swimmers by age (list of eligible swimmers) 1
    Search swimmers by swim stroke 1
    Search swimmers by name 1
    List events for a swimming meet 1
    Total 30
    Unit Testing (5% of the mark for Task 1)
    The unit testing mark is reliant on the attempt that you’ve made on the base mark criteria
    Criteria Assessor Guidance
    Mark %
    (fixed) Total
    Unit testing No Base Mark criteria met. 0
    Less than 16 in Base Mark criteria
    Testing is limited showing little evidence of progression beyond the
    example tests provided by the framework. 20
    Mark of 16-24 in Base Mark
    Testing is evident but is limited to the normal value test cases with little
    evidence of testing beyond that. 40
    Above 24 in Base Mark
    Testing shows a systematic approach with a good attempt to isolate unit
    tests and testing was not limited to normal value test cases. 60
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Testing shows a systematic approach, tests work in isolation, and, while
    some functionality might not be fully tested, the process of unit testing
    was fully understood. 80
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Testing shows a systematic approach, tests work in isolation, and no
    further tests suggested. 100
    Total 5
    School of Computing and Digital Technologies
    Extra Credit (65% of the mark for Task 2)
    The extra credit mark is reliant on the attempt that you’ve made on the base mark criteria
    Criteria Assessor Guidance
    Mark %
    (fixed) Total
    Use of the
    No Base Mark criteria met. 0
    Less than 12 in Base Mark criteria
    Limited use of the framework with little understanding evident. 20
    Mark of 12-18 in Base Mark
    Framework utilised to create working application but leaving a lot of
    scope for improvements to be made. 40
    Above 18 in Base Mark
    Good understanding of the framework shown with good use made of
    the functionality available but leaving some room for improvement. 60
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Very good understanding of the framework shown, making great use of
    its functionality with limited scope for improvement and little need for
    prompting or clarification of the explanation given. 80
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Excellent understanding and familiarity with the framework and making
    full use of its functionality for the task in hand, with clear explanation
    given. 100
    Separation of
    No Base Mark criteria met. 0
    Less than 12 in Base Mark criteria
    Only evidence of a limited understanding of separation of concerns as a
    concept. 20
    Mark of 12-18 in Base Mark
    Evidence of a conceptual understanding of separation of concerns,
    But limited practical evidence in the code produced with much room for
    improvement. 40
    Above 18 in Base Mark
    Good understanding of separation of concerns demonstrated although
    prompting was required, and
    Separation of concerns evident in the code but some suggestions were
    made for improvement. 60
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Excellent understanding shown of separation of concerns with little
    prompting required, and
    Clear evidence of layers in the code and good separation with only
    limited scope for improvement. 80
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Excellent understanding shown of separation of concerns, and
    Clear evidence of layers in the code with evidence of separation and no
    suggestions for improvement. 100
    Use of HTTP No Base Mark criteria met. 0
    Less than 12 in Base Mark criteria
    Limited use of HTTP Verbs and Headers and/or misunderstanding of
    their purpose. 20
    Mark of 12-18 in Base Mark 40
    School of Computing and Digital Technologies
    Good use of HTTP Verbs and Headers showing an understanding of their
    Above 18 in Base Mark
    Good use of HTTP Verbs and Headers with a good understanding
    demonstrated of their purpose in the wider context of web
    development. 60
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Great use of HTTP Verbs and Headers with limited room for
    improvement and based on a good understanding of the RESTful
    architectural style. 80
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    Excellent use of HTTP Verbs and Headers that adheres to the principles
    of the RESTful architectural style and shows a clear understanding of
    them. 100
    Design of the API No Base Mark criteria met. 0
    Less than 12 in Base Mark criteria
    Limited evidence of understanding of API design shown. 20
    Mark of 12-18 in Base Mark
    API worked well with some consideration of the design evident but with
    much scope for improvement. 40
    Above 18 in Base Mark
    API resources are well-named and the data exchange works effectively,
    A good understanding of API design is demonstrated but required some
    prompting. 60
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    API resources are well-named and the data exchange shows a good
    understanding of API design with limited scope for improvement. 80
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    API resources are well-named and the well-planned data exchange
    shows an excellent understanding of API design with no suggestions for
    further improvement. 100
    Security of the
    No Base Mark criteria met. 0
    Less than 12 in Base Mark criteria
    The API security measures implement were limited with limited
    understanding shown of security threats and their countermeasures. 20
    Mark of 12-18 in Base Mark
    API security measures are evident but the explanation of security
    threats and countermeasures was halting and required prompting. 40
    Above 18 in Base Mark
    API security measures are evident with a good explanation of the
    threats and countermeasures but with some prompting. 60
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    API security measures applied with a good understanding shown of the
    security threats and their countermeasures, little or no prompting
    required and limited scope for improvement. 80
    Base Mark criteria fully met
    AND 100
    School of Computing and Digital Technologies
    API is secured showing an excellent understanding demonstrated of the
    security threats and their countermeasures, clearly explained with no
    prompting required.
    Total 6
