为什么use mysql没有用_为什么 MySQL 不建议使用 NULL 作为列默认值?

通常能听到的答案是使用了NULL值的列将会使索引失效,但是如果实际测试过一下,你就知道IS NULL会使用索引.所以上述说法有漏洞.



Null is a special constraint of columns.

The columns in table will be added null constrain if you do not define the column with “not null” key words explicitly

when creating the table.Many programmers like to define columns by default

because of the conveniences(reducing the judgement code of nullibility) what consequently

cause some uncertainty of query and poor performance of database.

NULL值是一种对列的特殊约束,我们创建一个新列时,如果没有明确的使用关键字not null声明该数据列,Mysql会默认的为我们添加上NULL约束.



Null is null means it is not anything at all,we cannot think of null is equal to ‘’ and they are totally different.

MySQL provides three operators to handle null value:“IS NULL”,“IS NOT NULL”,"<=>" and a function ifnull().

IS NULL: It returns true,if the column value is null.

IS NOT NULL: It returns true,if the columns value is not null.

<=>: It’s a compare operator similar with “=” but not the same.It returns true even for the two null values.

(eg. null <=> null is legal)

IFNULL(): Specify two input parameters,if the first is null value then returns the second one.

It’s similar with Oracle’s NVL() function.




<=>太空船操作符,这个操作符很像=,select NULL<=>NULL可以返回true,但是select NULL=NULL返回false.



Null never returns true when comparing with any other values except null with “<=>”.


([email protected])[zlm]>create tabletest_null(

->idintnot null,



Query OK,0rows affected(0.02sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>insert into test_nullvalues(1,'zlm');

Query OK,1row affected(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>insert into test_nullvalues(2,null);

Query OK,1row affected(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>select*from test_null;







2rows in set(0.00sec)

// -------------------------------------->这个很有代表性

([email protected])[zlm]>select*from test_null where name=null;

Empty set(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>select*from test_null where name is null;






1row in set(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>select*from test_null where name is not null;






1row in set(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>select*from test_null where null=null;

Empty set(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>select*from test_null where null<>null;

Empty set(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>select*from test_null where null<=>null;







2rows in set(0.00sec)

//null<=>null always return true,it's equal to "where 1=1".

Null means “a missing and unknown value”.Let’s see details below.


([email protected])[zlm]>SELECT0IS NULL,0IS NOT NULL,''IS NULL,''IS NOT NULL;






1row in set(0.00sec)

//It's not equal to zero number or vacant string.

//In MySQL,0 means fasle,1 means true.

([email protected])[zlm]>SELECT1=NULL,1<>NULL,1NULL;






1row in set(0.00sec)

//It cannot be compared with number.

//In MySQL,null means false,too.

It truns null as a result if any expression contains null value.


([email protected])[zlm]>selectifnull(null,'First is null'),ifnull(null+10,'First is null'),ifnull(concat('abc',null),'First is null');


|ifnull(null,'First is null')|ifnull(null+10,'First is null')|ifnull(concat('abc',null),'First is null')|


|First is null|First is null|First is null|


1row in set(0.00sec)

//null value needs to be disposed with ifnull() function,what usually causes sql statement more complex.

//As we all know,MySQL does not support funcion index.Therefore,indexes on the column may not be used.That's really worse.

It’s diffrent when using count(*) & count(null column).

使用count(*)或者count(null column)结果不同,count(null column)<=count(*).

([email protected])[zlm]>selectcount(*),count(name)from test_null;






1row in set(0.00sec)

//count(*) returns all rows ignore the null while count(name) returns the non-null rows in column "name".

// This will also leads to uncertainty if someone is unaware of the details above.


When using distinct,group by,order by,all null values are considered as the same value.

虽然select NULL=NULL的结果为false,但是在我们使用distinct,group by,order by时,NULL又被认为是相同值.

([email protected])[zlm]>insert into test_nullvalues(3,null);

Query OK,1row affected(0.00sec)

([email protected])[zlm]>select distinct name from test_null;







2rows in set(0.00sec)

//Two rows of null value returned one and the result became two.

([email protected])[zlm]>select name from test_null group by name;







2rows in set(0.00sec)

//Two rows of null value were put into the same group.

//By default,group by will also sort the result(null row showed first).

([email protected])[zlm]>select id,name from test_null order by name;








3rows in set(0.00sec)

//Three rows were sorted(two null rows showed first).

MySQL supports to use index on column which contains null value(what’s different from oracle).



([email protected])[sysbench]>show tables;















10rows in set(0.00sec)

([email protected])[sysbench]>show create table sbtest1\G



Create Table:CREATE TABLE `sbtest1`(


`k`int(11)NOT NULL DEFAULT'0',

`c`char(120)NOT NULL DEFAULT'',

`pad`char(60)NOT NULL DEFAULT'',


KEY `k_1`(`k`)


1row in set(0.00sec)

([email protected])[sysbench]>alter table sbtest1 modify kintnull,modify cchar(120)null,modify padchar(60)null;

Query OK,0rows affected(4.14sec)


([email protected])[sysbench]>insert into sbtest1values(100001,null,null,null);

Query OK,1row affected(0.00sec)

([email protected])[sysbench]>explain select id,k from sbtest1 where id=100001;






1row in set,1warning(0.00sec)

([email protected])[sysbench]>explain select id,k from sbtest1 where k is null;




|1|SIMPLE|sbtest1|NULL|ref|k_1|k_1|5|const|1|100.00|Using where;Using index|


1row in set,1warning(0.00sec)

//In the first query,the newly added row is retrieved(检索) by primary key.

//In the second query,the newly added row is retrieved by secondary key "k_1"

// It has been proved that indexes can be used on the columns which contain null value.

通过explain 可以看到 mysql支持含有NULL值的列上使用索引

//column "k" is int datatype which occupies 4 bytes,but the value of "key_len" turn out to be 5.

// what's happed?Because null value needs 1 byte to store the null flag in the rows.


mysql>select*from test_1;













8rows in set(0.00sec)

mysql>explain select*from test_1 where code is NULL;




|1|SIMPLE|test_1|NULL|ref|index_code|index_code|161|const|1|100.00|Using index condition|


1row in set,1warning(0.00sec)

mysql>explain select*from test_1 where code is not NULL;




|1|SIMPLE|test_1|NULL|range|index_code|index_code|161|NULL|7|100.00|Using index condition|


1row in set,1warning(0.00sec)

mysql>explain select*from test_1 where code='dd';




|1|SIMPLE|test_1|NULL|ref|index_code|index_code|161|const|1|100.00|Using index condition|


1row in set,1warning(0.00sec)

mysql>explain select*from test_1 where code like"dd%";




|1|SIMPLE|test_1|NULL|range|index_code|index_code|161|NULL|1|100.00|Using index condition|


1row in set,1warning(0.00sec)

Summary 总结

null value always leads to many uncertainties when disposing sql statement.It may cause bad performance accidentally.



null value will not be estimated in aggregate function() which may cause inaccurate results.


null value will influence the behavior of the operations such as “distinct”,“group by”,“order by” which causes wrong sort.


null value needs ifnull() function to do judgement which makes the program code more complex.


null value needs a extra 1 byte to store the null information in the rows.


As these above drawbacks,it’s not recommended to define columns with default null.

We recommand to define “not null” on all columns and use zero number & vacant string to substitute relevant data type of null.

根据以上缺点,我们并不推荐在列中设置NULL作为列的默认值,你可以使用NOT NULL消除默认设置,使用0或者''空字符串来代替NULL.
