


基于opencv的AI虚拟画板_第1张图片 0.jpg 基于opencv的AI虚拟画板_第2张图片 1.jpg 基于opencv的AI虚拟画板_第3张图片 2.jpg 基于opencv的AI虚拟画板_第4张图片 3.jpg 基于opencv的AI虚拟画板_第5张图片 4.jpg 基于opencv的AI虚拟画板_第6张图片 5.jpg 基于opencv的AI虚拟画板_第7张图片 6.jpg







import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import math

class HandDetector:
    Finds Hands using the mediapipe library. Exports the landmarks
    in pixel format. Adds extra functionalities like finding how
    many fingers are up or the distance between two fingers. Also
    provides bounding box info of the hand found.
    def __init__(self, mode=False, maxHands=2, detectionCon=0.5, minTrackCon=0.5):
        :param mode: In static mode, detection is done on each image: slower
        :param maxHands: Maximum number of hands to detect
        :param detectionCon: Minimum Detection Confidence Threshold
        :param minTrackCon: Minimum Tracking Confidence Threshold
        self.mode = mode
        self.maxHands = maxHands
        self.detectionCon = detectionCon
        self.minTrackCon = minTrackCon

        self.mpHands = mp.solutions.hands
        self.hands = self.mpHands.Hands(static_image_mode=self.mode, max_num_hands=self.maxHands,
                                        min_detection_confidence=self.detectionCon, min_tracking_confidence = self.minTrackCon)
        self.mpDraw = mp.solutions.drawing_utils

        self.tipIds = [4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
        self.fingers = []
        self.lmList = []

    def findHands(self, img, draw=True, flipType=True, r=2, t=2, drawRect=True):
        Finds hands in a BGR image.
        :param img: Image to find the hands in.
        :param draw: Flag to draw the output on the image.
        :return: Image with or without drawings
        imgRGB = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        self.results = self.hands.process(imgRGB)
        allHands = []
        h, w, _ = img.shape
        if self.results.multi_hand_landmarks:
            for handType, handLms in zip(self.results.multi_handedness, self.results.multi_hand_landmarks):
                ## lmList
                mylmList = []
                xList = []
                yList = []
                for index, lm in enumerate(handLms.landmark):
                    px, py = int(lm.x * w), int(lm.y * h)
                    mylmList.append([index, px, py])

                ## bbox
                xmin, xmax = min(xList), max(xList)
                ymin, ymax = min(yList), max(yList)
                boxW, boxH = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin
                bbox = xmin, ymin, boxW, boxH
                cx, cy = bbox[0] + (bbox[2] // 2), bbox[1] + (bbox[3] // 2)

                myHand["lmList"] = mylmList
                myHand["bbox"] = bbox
                myHand["center"] = (cx, cy)

                # handType
                if flipType:
                    if handType.classification[0].label =="Right":
                        myHand["type"] = "Left"
                        myHand["type"] = "Right"
                    myHand["type"] = handType.classification[0].label

                ## draw
                if draw:
                    if drawRect:
                        cv2.rectangle(img, (bbox[0] - 20, bbox[1] - 20),
                                      (bbox[0] + bbox[2] + 20, bbox[1] + bbox[3] + 20),
                                      (255, 0, 255), 2)
                        cv2.putText(img, myHand["type"]
                                    , (bbox[0] - 30, bbox[1] - 30)
                                    , cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN
                                    , 2, (255, 0, 255), 2)
                    self.mpDraw.draw_landmarks(img, handLms
                                               , self.mpHands.HAND_CONNECTIONS
                                               , self.mpDraw.DrawingSpec(color=(0, 0, 255)
                                                                         , thickness=t
                                                                         , circle_radius=r)
                                               , self.mpDraw.DrawingSpec(color=(0, 255, 0)
                                                                         , thickness=2))

        if draw:
            return allHands, img
            return allHands

    def fingersUp(self, myHand):
        Finds how many fingers are open and returns in a list.
        Considers left and right hands separately
        :return: List of which fingers are up
        myHandType =myHand["type"]
        myLmList = myHand["lmList"]
        if self.results.multi_hand_landmarks:
            fingers = []
            # Thumb
            if myHandType == "Right":
                if myLmList[self.tipIds[0]-1][1] > myLmList[self.tipIds[0]][1]:
                if myLmList[self.tipIds[0]][1] > myLmList[self.tipIds[0]-1][1]:

            # 4 Fingers
            for id in range(1, 5):
                if myLmList[self.tipIds[id]][2] < myLmList[self.tipIds[id] - 2][2]:
        return fingers

    def findDistance(self, p1, p2, myHand, img=None, draw=True, r=15, t=3):
        Find the distance between two landmarks based on their
        index numbers.
        :param p1: Point1,int:0-20
        :param p2: Point2,int:0-20
        :param img: Image to draw on.
        :param draw: Flag to draw the output on the image.
        :return: Distance between the points
                 Image with output drawn
                 Line information
        if len(myHand) == 1:
            myHandType = myHand[0]["type"]
            myLmList = myHand[0]["lmList"]
            x1, y1 = myLmList[p1][1:]
            x2, y2 = myLmList[p2][1:]
        elif len(myHand) == 2:
            myHandType1 = myHand[0]["type"]
            myLmList1 = myHand[0]["lmList"]
            myHandType2 = myHand[1]["type"]
            myLmList2 = myHand[1]["lmList"]
            x1, y1 = myLmList1[p1][1:]
            x2, y2 = myLmList2[p2][1:]

        cx, cy = (x1 + x2) // 2, (y1 + y2) // 2
        # math.hypot()函数,返回所有参数的平方和的平方根
        length = math.hypot(x2-x1, y2-y1)
        lineInfo = (x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy)

        if img is not None:
            if draw:
                cv2.line(img, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 255, 0), thickness=t)
                cv2.circle(img, (x1, y1), r, (255, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
                cv2.circle(img, (x2, y2), r, (255, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
                cv2.circle(img, (cx, cy), r, (255, 0, 255), cv2.FILLED)
            return length, lineInfo, img
            return length, info

def main():
    wCamera = 1280
    hCamera = 720
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    cap.set(3, wCamera)
    cap.set(4, hCamera)

    detector = HandDetector(detectionCon=0.8)
    while True:
        # Get image frame (BGR存储格式)
        success, img = cap.read()
        img = cv2.flip(img, flipCode=1)
        # Find the hand and its landmarks
        # the type of hands are dictionary, likes[{"lmList","bbox","center","type"},...]
        hands, img = detector.findHands(img, flipType=False)  # with draw
        # hands = detector.findHands(img, draw=False)  # without draw

        if hands:
            # Hand 1
            hand1 = hands[0]
            lmList1 = hand1["lmList"]       # List of 21 Landmark points
            bbox1 = hand1["bbox"]           # Bounding box info x,y,w,h
            centerPoint1 = hand1['center']  # center of the hand cx,cy
            handType1 = hand1["type"]       # Handtype Left or Right

            fingers1 = detector.fingersUp(hand1)
            print("fingers1:", fingers1)

            if len(hands) == 2:
                # Hand 2
                hand2 = hands[1]
                lmList2 = hand2["lmList"]  # List of 21 Landmark points
                bbox2 = hand2["bbox"]  # Bounding box info x,y,w,h
                centerPoint2 = hand2['center']  # center of the hand cx,cy
                handType2 = hand2["type"]  # Hand Type "Left" or "Right"

                fingers2 = detector.fingersUp(hand2)
                print("fingers2:", fingers2)

                # Find Distance between two Landmarks. Could be same hand or different hands
                _, _, img = detector.findDistance(8, 12, [hand1], img, draw=True)
                _, _, img = detector.findDistance(8, 8, [hand1, hand2]
                                                  , img, draw=True, r=15, t=3)   # with draw
                # length, lineinfo, img = detector.findDistance(8, 8, [hand1, hand2])  # no draw

        cv2.imshow("Image", img)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):

if __name__ == "__main__":



import os
import cv2
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import HandTrackingModule as HTM

wCamera, hCamera = 1280, 720
wImg, hImg = 1280, 150
beginXRect, beginYRect = 0, 160
endXRect, endYRect = 67, 700

WHITE_COLOR = (255, 255, 255)
RED_COLOR = (0, 0, 255)
YELLOW_COLOR = (0, 255, 255)
BLACK_COLOR = (0, 0, 0)
PURPLE_COLOR = (255, 0, 255)
BLUE_COLOR = (255, 0, 0)

brushThickness = 5
minBrushThickness = 0
maxBrushThickness = 15
eraserThickness = 10
wCanvas, hCanvas = 1280, 720
imgNum = 0
global index, specFunc, drawColor

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cap.set(3, wCamera)
cap.set(4, hCamera)

# create canvas
canvas = np.zeros((hCanvas, wCanvas, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
canvas = 255 - canvas
xp, yp = 0, 0  # 画笔的起点

# check is or not click
class checkClick():
    def __init__(self, img, lineInfo, overlayList):
        self.img = img
        self.lineInfo = lineInfo
        self.cx, self.cy = self.lineInfo[-2], self.lineInfo[-1]
        self.overlayList = overlayList

    def clickBrush(self):
        index = 0
        board = self.overlayList[0]
        drawColor = WHITE_COLOR
        if 300 < self.cx < 400:  # red
            board = self.overlayList[1]
            drawColor = RED_COLOR
        elif 450 < self.cx < 550:  # yellow
            board = self.overlayList[2]
            drawColor = YELLOW_COLOR
        elif 590 < self.cx < 700:  # black
            board = self.overlayList[3]
            drawColor = BLACK_COLOR
        elif 750 < self.cx < 850:  # blue
            board = self.overlayList[4]
            drawColor = BLUE_COLOR
        elif 880 < self.cx < 1000:  # pink
            board = self.overlayList[5]
            drawColor = PURPLE_COLOR
        elif 1080 < self.cx < 1250:  # eraser likes the color of white
            board = self.overlayList[6]
            drawColor = WHITE_COLOR

        return index, board, drawColor

    def clickFunc(self):
        global specFunc, board
        index = 1
        board = self.overlayList[0]
        if 200 < self.cy < 300:        # circle
            specFunc = "circle"
        if 300 < self.cy < 400:         # rectangle
            specFunc = "rectangle"
        if 400 < self.cy < 500:         # triangle
            specFunc = "triangle"
        if 500 < self.cy < 700:
            specFunc = "controlBrushThickness"

        return index, board, specFunc

# 判断是否要画特殊图形,index=0:任意画;先选取颜色即令index=0,然后选形状即令index=1,从而绘制特殊形状
pointList = []
class drawSpecialGraph():
    def __init__(self, img, canvas, center, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=brushThickness):
        self.img = img
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.center = center
        self.color = color
        self.thickness= thickness

        self.center_x = self.center[0]
        self.center_y = self.center[1]

    def circle(self, thumb):
        thumb_x = thumb[0]
        thumb_y = thumb[1]
        radius = int(math.hypot(self.center_x - thumb_x, self.center_y - thumb_y))
        cv2.circle(self.img, (self.center_x, self.center_y), radius, self.color, self.thickness)
        cv2.circle(self.canvas, (self.center_x, self.center_y), radius, self.color, self.thickness)

    # def triangle(self, thumb):
    #     thumb_x = thumb[0]
    #     thumb_y = thumb[1]
    #     insideLength = int(math.hypot(self.center_x - thumb_x, self.center[1] - thumb_y))
    #     point1 = (self.center_x, self.center_y - insideLength)
    #     point2 = (self.center_x - 0.86 * insideLength, self.center_y + 0.5 * insideLength)
    #     point3 = (self.center_x + 0.86 * insideLength, self.center_y + 0.5 * insideLength)
    #     pointList = [point1, point2, point3]
    #     for i in range(3):
    #         cv2.line(self.img, (pointList[i][0], pointList[i][1])
    #                  , (pointList[i + 1][0], pointList[i + 1][1]), self.color, self.thickness)
    #         cv2.line(self.canvas, (pointList[i][0], pointList[i][1])
    #                  , (pointList[i + 1][0], pointList[i + 1][1]), self.color, self.thickness)
    # def rectangle(self, thumb):
    #     thumb_x = thumb[0]
    #     thumb_y = thumb[1]
    #     insideLength = math.hypot(self.center_x - thumb_x, self.center[1] - thumb_y)
    #     point1 = (self.center_x - 0.86 * insideLength, self.center_y - 0.5 * insideLength)
    #     point2 = (self.center_x - 0.86 * insideLength, self.center_y + 0.5 * insideLength)
    #     point3 = (self.center_x + 0.86 * insideLength, self.center_y + 0.5 * insideLength)
    #     point4 = (self.center_x + 0.86 * insideLength, self.center_y - 0.5 * insideLength)
    #     pointList = [point1, point2, point3, point4]
    #     for i in range(4):
    #         cv2.line(self.img, (pointList[i][0], pointList[i][1])
    #                  , (pointList[i + 1][0], pointList[i + 1][1]), self.color, self.thickness)
    #         cv2.line(self.canvas, (pointList[i][0], pointList[i][1])
    #                  , (pointList[i + 1][0], pointList[i + 1][1]), self.color, self.thickness)

class specFunction():
    def __init__(self, img, canvas, xp, yp):
        self.img = img
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.xp, self.yp = xp, yp

    def drawSpecShape(self, xp, yp, specFunc):
        drawGraph = drawSpecialGraph(self.img, self.canvas, [self.xp, self.yp])
        if specFunc == "circle":
            drawGraph.circle([thumb_x, thumb_y])
        if specFunc == "triangle":
            drawGraph.triangle([thumb_x, thumb_y])
        if specFunc == "rectangle":
            drawGraph.rectangle([thumb_x, thumb_y])

folderPath = "G:/2virtual_env python-learning-items/mediapip_cvzone/AI Virtual Painter/img"
savePath = "G:/2virtual_env python-learning-items/mediapip_cvzone/AI Virtual Painter/drawImg"
myList = os.listdir(folderPath)
# print(myList)
overlayList = []
for imgPath in myList:
    img = cv2.imread(f"{folderPath}/{imgPath}")
# print(len(overlayList))
board = overlayList[0]

detector = HTM.HandDetector(maxHands=1, detectionCon=0.8)
while True:
    ## 1.Get image frame (BGR存储格式)
    success, img = cap.read()
    img = cv2.flip(img, 1)

    ## 2.Find hand landmarks
    hands, img = detector.findHands(img, flipType=False, draw=True, drawRect=False)  # with draw

    ## 3.Check which fingers are up
    if hands:
        hand1 = hands[0]
        lmList1 = hand1["lmList"]  # List of 21 Landmark points
        bbox1 = hand1["bbox"]  # Bounding box info x,y,w,h
        centerPoint1 = hand1['center']  # center of the hand cx,cy
        handType1 = hand1["type"]  # Handtype Left or Right

        fingers1 = detector.fingersUp(hand1)
        # print("fingers1:", fingers1)

        ## 4.selection mode -- two finger are up
        if fingers1 == [0, 1, 1, 0, 0]:
            length, lineInfo, img = detector.findDistance(8, 12, [hand1], img, draw=True)
            cx, cy = lineInfo[4], lineInfo[5]         # the middle point between index and middle
            # check for the click
            if length < 60:
                cv2.circle(img, (cx, cy), 15, (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED)
                click = checkClick(img, lineInfo, overlayList)
                if cy < 127:
                    index, board, drawColor = click.clickBrush()
                if cx < 67:
                    index, board, specFunc = click.clickFunc()

        ## 5.drawing mode -- index finger is up
        if fingers1 == [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]:
            thumb_x, thumb_y = lmList1[8][1], lmList1[8][2]
            cv2.circle(img, (thumb_x, thumb_y), 15, drawColor, cv2.FILLED)
            # 5.1 click the brush region
            if index == 0:
                if xp == 0 and yp == 0:
                    xp, yp = thumb_x, thumb_y
                if drawColor == (255, 255, 255):
                    cv2.line(img, (xp, yp), (thumb_x, thumb_y), drawColor, eraserThickness)
                    cv2.line(canvas, (xp, yp), (thumb_x, thumb_y), drawColor, eraserThickness)
                    cv2.line(img, (xp, yp), (thumb_x, thumb_y), drawColor, brushThickness)
                    cv2.line(canvas, (xp, yp), (thumb_x, thumb_y), drawColor, brushThickness)
                xp, yp = thumb_x, thumb_y  # update the position of brush

            # 5.2 click the specFunc region
            if index == 1:
                if xp == 0 and yp == 0:
                    xp, yp = thumb_x, thumb_y  # define the center of special shape
                SFunc = specFunction(img, canvas, xp, yp)
                if specFunc == "controlBrushThickness":
                    brushThickness += 1
                    if brushThickness >= maxBrushThickness:
                        brushThickness = minBrushThickness
                    if brushThickness <= minBrushThickness:
                        brushThickness = maxBrushThickness
                    SFunc.drawSpecShape(xp, yp, specFunc)
                xp, yp = thumb_x, thumb_y  # update the position of brush

    ##6 show the canvas and img
    img[0:hImg, 0:wImg] = board[0:hImg, 0:wImg]
    img[beginYRect - 10:endYRect - 10, beginXRect:endXRect] = board[beginYRect:endYRect, beginXRect:endXRect]
    img = cv2.addWeighted(img, 0.8, canvas, 0.2, 0)
    cv2.imshow("PaintBoard", img)
    cv2.putText(canvas, "canvas", (wCanvas // 3, 80), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 7, (255, 255, 0), 7)
    cv2.imshow("Canvas", canvas)
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("s"):        # 按s键保存canvas
        imgPath = str(imgNum) + ".jpg"
        cv2.imwrite(f"{savePath}/{imgPath}", canvas)
    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):





