sigmod2021 |
Imminence Monitoring of Critical Events: A Representation Learning Approach. |
neurips2020 |
Ultrahyperbolic Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Unsupervised Representation Learning by Invariance Propagation. |
neurips2020 |
Self-Supervised Relational Reasoning for Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Distance Encoding: Design Provably More Powerful Neural Networks for Graph Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Self-supervised Co-Training for Video Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Large-Scale Adversarial Training for Vision-and-Language Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Cycle-Contrast for Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Rotation-Invariant Local-to-Global Representation Learning for 3D Point Cloud. |
neurips2020 |
Trade-offs and Guarantees of Adversarial Representation Learning for Information Obfuscation. |
neurips2020 |
LoCo: Local Contrastive Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Does Unsupervised Architecture Representation Learning Help Neural Architecture Search? |
neurips2020 |
Quantifying Learnability and Describability of Visual Concepts Emerging in Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Exploiting MMD and Sinkhorn Divergences for Fair and Transferable Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning from Hierarchical Grouping. |
neurips2020 |
Functional Regularization for Representation Learning: A Unified Theoretical Perspective. |
neurips2020 |
Representation Learning for Integrating Multi-domain Outcomes to Optimize Individualized Treatment. |
neurips2020 |
Elastic-InfoGAN: Unsupervised Disentangled Representation Learning in Class-Imbalanced Data. |
neurips2020 |
Handling Missing Data with Graph Representation Learning. |
neurips2020 |
FLAMBE: Structural Complexity and Representation Learning of Low Rank MDPs. |
neurips2020 |
COOT: Cooperative Hierarchical Transformer for Video-Text Representation Learning. |
kdd2021 |
Subset Node Representation Learning over Large Dynamic Graphs. |
kdd2021 |
Representation Learning on Knowledge Graphs for Node Importance Estimation. |
kdd2021 |
DisenQNet: Disentangled Representation Learning for Educational Questions. |
kdd2021 |
Privacy-Preserving Representation Learning on Graphs: A Mutual Information Perspective. |
kdd2021 |
Geometric Graph Representation Learning on Protein Structure Prediction. |
kdd2021 |
Extremely Compact Non-local Representation Learning. |
kdd2021 |
A Transformer-based Framework for Multivariate Time Series Representation Learning. |
kdd2021 |
Knowledge-Guided Efficient Representation Learning for Biomedical Domain. |
kdd2021 |
Representation Learning for Predicting Customer Orders. |
kdd2021 |
MugRep: A Multi-Task Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning Framework for Real Estate Appraisal. |
kdd2021 |
Graph Representation Learning: Foundations, Methods, Applications and Systems. |
kdd2020 |
Hierarchical Attention Propagation for Healthcare Representation Learning. |
kdd2020 |
Data Compression as a Comprehensive Framework for Graph Drawing and Representation Learning. |
kdd2020 |
Understanding Negative Sampling in Graph Representation Learning. |
kdd2020 |
RECIPTOR: An Effective Pretrained Model for Recipe Representation Learning. |
kdd2020 |
M2GRL: A Multi-task Multi-view Graph Representation Learning Framework for Web-scale Recommender Systems. |
kdd2020 |
Personalized Image Retrieval with Sparse Graph Representation Learning. |
kdd2020 |
Multi-modal Network Representation Learning. |
ICDE2021 |
UniNet: Scalable Network Representation Learning with Metropolis-Hastings Sampling. |
ICDE2021 |
Knowledge-Aware Group Representation Learning for Group Recommendation. |
ICDE2021 |
T3S: Effective Representation Learning for Trajectory Similarity Computation. |
ICDE2020 |
TransN: Heterogeneous Network Representation Learning by Translating Node Embeddings. |
ICDE2020 |
Temporal Network Representation Learning via Historical Neighborhoods Aggregation. |
ACMMM2021 |
Modeling the Uncertainty for Self-supervised 3D Skeleton Action Representation Learning. |
ACMMM2021 |
Dense Semantic Contrast for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning. |
ACMMM2021 |
Adaptive Normalized Representation Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-Spoofing. |
ACMMM2021 |
Skeleton-Contrastive 3D Action Representation Learning. |
ACMMM2021 |
DSANet: Dynamic Segment Aggregation Network for Video-Level Representation Learning. |
ACMMM2021 |
Self-supervised Consensus Representation Learning for Attributed Graph. |
ACMMM2021 |
Is Visual Context Really Helpful for Knowledge Graph? A Representation Learning Perspective. |
ACMMM2021 |
Disentangled Representation Learning and Enhancement Network for Single Image De-Raining. |
ACMMM2021 |
Video Representation Learning with Graph Contrastive Augmentation. |
ACMMM2021 |
Reproducibility Companion Paper: Self-supervised Video Representation Learning Using Inter-intra Contrastive Framework. |
ACMMM2021 |
Cross-View Representation Learning for Multi-View Logo Classification with Information Bottleneck. |
ACMMM2021 |
Multi-modal Representation Learning for Video Advertisement Content Structuring. |
ACMMM2021 |
VQMG: Hierarchical Vector Quantised and Multi-hops Graph Reasoning for Explicit Representation Learning. |
ACMMM2020 |
Cognitive Representation Learning of Self-Media Online Article Quality. |
ACMMM2020 |
Self-supervised Video Representation Learning Using Inter-intra Contrastive Framework. |
ACMMM2020 |
Look, Listen, and Attend: Co-Attention Network for Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Representation Learning. |
ACMMM2020 |
Multi-modal Multi-relational Feature Aggregation Network for Medical Knowledge Representation Learning. |
Unsupervised Representation Learning with Attention and Sequence to Sequence Autoencoders to Predict Sleepiness From Speech. |
AAAI2021 |
GRASP: Generic Framework for Health Status Representation Learning Based on Incorporating Knowledge from Similar Patients. |
AAAI2021 |
RSPNet: Relative Speed Perception for Unsupervised Video Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
Generalizable Representation Learning for Mixture Domain Face Anti-Spoofing. |
AAAI2021 |
Dynamic Graph Representation Learning for Video Dialog via Multi-Modal Shuffled Transformers. |
AAAI2021 |
Consensus Graph Representation Learning for Better Grounded Image Captioning. |
AAAI2021 |
Reinforced Imitative Graph Representation Learning for Mobile User Profiling: An Adversarial Training Perspective. |
AAAI2021 |
Self-Supervised Prototype Representation Learning for Event-Based Corporate Profiling. |
AAAI2021 |
Context Matters: Graph-based Self-supervised Representation Learning for Medical Images. |
AAAI2021 |
Uncertainty-Aware Multi-View Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
Disentangled Representation Learning in Heterogeneous Information Network for Large-scale Android Malware Detection in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. |
AAAI2021 |
IB-GAN: Disentangled Representation Learning with Information Bottleneck Generative Adversarial Networks. |
AAAI2021 |
Multi-View Representation Learning with Manifold Smoothness. |
AAAI2021 |
Train a One-Million-Way Instance Classifier for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
HiABP: Hierarchical Initialized ABP for Unsupervised Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
Multi-View Information-Bottleneck Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
Enhancing Unsupervised Video Representation Learning by Decoupling the Scene and the Motion. |
AAAI2021 |
SeCo: Exploring Sequence Supervision for Unsupervised Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
Distilling Localization for Self-Supervised Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
Self-supervised Pre-training and Contrastive Representation Learning for Multiple-choice Video QA. |
AAAI2021 |
MERL: Multimodal Event Representation Learning in Heterogeneous Embedding Spaces. |
AAAI2021 |
Circles are like Ellipses, or Ellipses are like Circles? Measuring the Degree of Asymmetry of Static and Contextual Word Embeddings and the Implications to Representation Learning. |
AAAI2021 |
Robotic Manipulation with Reinforcement Learning, State Representation Learning, and Imitation Learning (Student Abstract). |
AAAI2020 |
Modality to Modality Translation: An Adversarial Representation Learning and Graph Fusion Network for Multimodal Fusion. |
AAAI2020 |
Author Name Disambiguation on Heterogeneous Information Network with Adversarial Representation Learning. |
AAAI2020 |
Doctor2Vec: Dynamic Doctor Representation Learning for Clinical Trial Recruitment. |
AAAI2020 |
AdaCare: Explainable Clinical Health Status Representation Learning via Scale-Adaptive Feature Extraction and Recalibration. |
AAAI2020 |
Rule-Guided Compositional Representation Learning on Knowledge Graphs. |
AAAI2020 |
Representation Learning with Multiple Lipschitz-Constrained Alignments on Partially-Labeled Cross-Domain Data. |
AAAI2020 |
Graph Representation Learning via Ladder Gamma Variational Autoencoders. |
AAAI2020 |
Hierarchically Clustered Representation Learning. |
AAAI2020 |
Shared Generative Latent Representation Learning for Multi-View Clustering. |
AAAI2020 |
Masking Orchestration: Multi-Task Pretraining for Multi-Role Dialogue Representation Learning. |
AAAI2020 |
Semantics-Aligned Representation Learning for Person Re-Identification. |
AAAI2020 |
Robust Multi-View Representation Learning (Student Abstract). |
WWW2021 |
Dr.Emotion: Disentangled Representation Learning for Emotion Analysis on Social Media to Improve Community Resilience in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. |
WWW2021 |
Meta-HAR: Federated Representation Learning for Human Activity Recognition. |
WWW2021 |
Structure-Augmented Text Representation Learning for Efficient Knowledge Graph Completion. |
WWW2021 |
An Adversarial Transfer Network for Knowledge Representation Learning. |
WWW2021 |
Multi-view Graph Contrastive Representation Learning for Drug-Drug Interaction Prediction. |
WWW2021 |
A Novel Macro-Micro Fusion Network for User Representation Learning on Mobile Apps. |
WWW2021 |
Multi-level Connection Enhanced Representation Learning for Script Event Prediction. |
WWW2021C |
On Representation Learning for Scientific News Articles Using Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs. |
WWW2020 |
Graph Representation Learning via Graphical Mutual Information Maximization. |
WWW2020 |
Few-Sample and Adversarial Representation Learning for Continual Stream Mining. |
WWW2020 |
Adversarial Multimodal Representation Learning for Click-Through Rate Prediction. |
WWW2020 |
A Generic Solver Combining Unsupervised Learning and Representation Learning for Breaking Text-Based Captchas. |
WWW2020 |
Twitter User Location Inference Based on Representation Learning and Label Propagation. |
WWW2020 |
Graph Enhanced Representation Learning for News Recommendation. |
SIGIR2021 |
Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning Based on Evolutional Representation Learning. |
SIGIR2021 |
Legal Judgment Prediction with Multi-Stage Case Representation Learning in the Real Court Setting. |
SIGIR2021 |
Decoupling Representation Learning and Classification for GNN-based Anomaly Detection. |
SIGIR2021 |
Retrieving Complex Tables with Multi-Granular Graph Representation Learning. |
SIGIR2021 |
ECG Data Modeling and Analyzing via Deep Representation Learning and Nonparametric Hidden Markov Models. |
SIGIR2021 |
Enhanced Representation Learning for Examination Papers with Hierarchical Document Structure. |
SIGIR2021 |
Inductive Representation Learning in Temporal Networks via Mining Neighborhood and Community Influences. |
SIGIR2020 |
GCN-Based User Representation Learning for Unifying Robust Recommendation and Fraudster Detection. |
SIGIR2020 |
Encoding History with Context-aware Representation Learning for Personalized Search. |
SIGIR2020 |
Guided Transformer: Leveraging Multiple External Sources for Representation Learning in Conversational Search. |
SIGIR2020 |
Studying Product Competition Using Representation Learning. |
SIGIR2020 |
Group-Aware Long- and Short-Term Graph Representation Learning for Sequential Group Recommendation. |
ICML2021 |
Variational Empowerment as Representation Learning for Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning. |
ICML2021 |
Whitening for Self-Supervised Representation Learning. |
ICML2021 |
Near-Optimal Representation Learning for Linear Bandits and Linear RL. |
ICML2021 |
Scaling Up Visual and Vision-Language Representation Learning With Noisy Text Supervision. |
ICML2021 |
Unsupervised Representation Learning via Neural Activation Coding. |
ICML2021 |
A Representation Learning Perspective on the Importance of Train-Validation Splitting in Meta-Learning. |
ICML2021 |
Causal Curiosity: RL Agents Discovering Self-supervised Experiments for Causal Representation Learning. |
ICML2021 |
Decomposed Mutual Information Estimation for Contrastive Representation Learning. |
ICML2021 |
Decoupling Representation Learning from Reinforcement Learning. |
ICML2021 |
Robust Representation Learning via Perceptual Similarity Metrics. |
ICML2021 |
Explainable Automated Graph Representation Learning with Hyperparameter Importance. |
ICML2021 |
UniSpeech: Unified Speech Representation Learning with Labeled and Unlabeled Data. |
ICML2021 |
Self-supervised Graph-level Representation Learning with Local and Global Structure. |
ICML2020 |
Provable Representation Learning for Imitation Learning via Bi-level Optimization. |
ICML2020 |
Representation Learning via Adversarially-Contrastive Optimal Transport. |
ICML2020 |
A Free-Energy Principle for Representation Learning. |
ICML2020 |
Contrastive Multi-View Representation Learning on Graphs. |
ICML2020 |
Convex Representation Learning for Generalized Invariance in Semi-Inner-Product Space. |
ICML2020 |
Adaptive Adversarial Multi-task Representation Learning. |
ICML2020 |
Automatic Shortcut Removal for Self-Supervised Representation Learning. |
ICML2020 |
Semiparametric Nonlinear Bipartite Graph Representation Learning with Provable Guarantees. |
ICML2020 |
Informative Dropout for Robust Representation Learning: A Shape-bias Perspective. |
ICML2020 |
Understanding Contrastive Representation Learning through Alignment and Uniformity on the Hypersphere. |
ICML2020 |
Robust Graph Representation Learning via Neural Sparsification. |
ICML2019 |
Flexibly Fair Representation Learning by Disentanglement. |
ICML2019 |
Invariant-Equivariant Representation Learning for Multi-Class Data. |
ICML2019 |
DeepMDP: Learning Continuous Latent Space Models for Representation Learning. |
ICML2019 |
Multi-Object Representation Learning with Iterative Variational Inference. |
ICML2019 |
Connectivity-Optimized Representation Learning via Persistent Homology. |
ICML2019 |
A Theoretical Analysis of Contrastive Unsupervised Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Primitive Representation Learning for Scene Text Recognition. |
CVPR2021 |
Discrimination-Aware Mechanism for Fine-Grained Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Partially View-Aligned Representation Learning With Noise-Robust Contrastive Loss. |
CVPR2021 |
Spatially Consistent Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Differentiable Multi-Granularity Human Representation Learning for Instance-Aware Human Semantic Parsing. |
CVPR2021 |
Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning by Tracking Patches in Video. |
CVPR2021 |
A Large-Scale Study on Unsupervised Spatiotemporal Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
3D Human Action Representation Learning via Cross-View Consistency Pursuit. |
CVPR2021 |
Cross-Modal Collaborative Representation Learning and a Large-Scale RGBT Benchmark for Crowd Counting. |
CVPR2021 |
Unsupervised Hyperbolic Representation Learning via Message Passing Auto-Encoders. |
CVPR2021 |
SelfDoc: Self-Supervised Document Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Spatiotemporal Contrastive Video Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Multimodal Contrastive Training for Visual Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Robust Representation Learning With Feedback for Single Image Deraining. |
CVPR2021 |
CausalVAE: Disentangled Representation Learning via Neural Structural Causal Models. |
CVPR2021 |
Unsupervised Degradation Representation Learning for Blind Super-Resolution. |
CVPR2021 |
Representation Learning via Global Temporal Alignment and Cycle-Consistency. |
CVPR2021 |
VideoMoCo: Contrastive Video Representation Learning With Temporally Adversarial Examples. |
CVPR2021 |
Jigsaw Clustering for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
SSAN: Separable Self-Attention Network for Video Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Benchmarking Representation Learning for Natural World Image Collections. |
CVPR2021 |
Seeing Out of the Box: End-to-End Pre-Training for Vision-Language Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Spatial Assembly Networks for Image Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning by Context and Motion Decoupling. |
CVPR2021 |
Boosting Video Representation Learning With Multi-Faceted Integration. |
CVPR2021 |
Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Multi-Perspective LSTM for Joint Visual Representation Learning. |
CVPR2021 |
Propagate Yourself: Exploring Pixel-Level Consistency for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Evolving Losses for Unsupervised Video Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Transformation GAN for Unsupervised Image Synthesis and Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Deep Representation Learning on Long-Tailed Data: A Learnable Embedding Augmentation Perspective. |
CVPR2020 |
Global-Local Bidirectional Reasoning for Unsupervised Representation Learning of 3D Point Clouds. |
CVPR2020 |
HigherHRNet: Scale-Aware Representation Learning for Bottom-Up Human Pose Estimation. |
CVPR2020 |
Decoupled Representation Learning for Skeleton-Based Gesture Recognition. |
CVPR2020 |
Towards Backward-Compatible Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Video Playback Rate Perception for Self-Supervised Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Cross-Domain Face Presentation Attack Detection via Multi-Domain Disentangled Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Online Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Large Scale Video Representation Learning via Relational Graph Clustering. |
CVPR2020 |
Towards Universal Representation Learning for Deep Face Recognition. |
CVPR2020 |
Distribution-Induced Bidirectional Generative Adversarial Network for Graph Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Unsupervised Representation Learning for Gaze Estimation. |
CVPR2020 |
Hierarchically Robust Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
12-in-1: Multi-Task Vision and Language Representation Learning. |
CVPR2020 |
Gait Recognition via Semi-supervised Disentangled Representation Learning to Identity and Covariate Features. |
CVPR2020 |
DeFeat-Net: General Monocular Depth via Simultaneous Unsupervised Representation Learning. |
CVPRW2021 |
FReTAL: Generalizing Deepfake Detection Using Knowledge Distillation and Representation Learning. |
CVPRW2021 |
Micro-Expression Recognition Based on Facial Graph Representation Learning and Facial Action Unit Fusion. |
CVPRW2021 |
Radar Camera Fusion via Representation Learning in Autonomous Driving. |
CVPRW2020 |
Semi-supervised 3D Face Representation Learning from Unconstrained Photo Collections. |
CVPRW2020 |
Visual Commonsense Representation Learning via Causal Inference. |
CVPRW2020 |
A Cyclically-Trained Adversarial Network for Invariant Representation Learning. |
CVPRW2020 |
Representation Learning of Histopathology Images using Graph Neural Networks. |
ICCV2021 |
Guided Representation Learning for the Classification of Hematopoietic Cells. |
ICCV2021 |
Self-Supervised Representation Learning using Visual Field Expansion on Digital Pathology. |
ICCV2021 |
MRGAN: Multi-Rooted 3D Shape Representation Learning with Unsupervised Part Disentanglement. |
ICCV2021 |
Sparse Feature Representation Learning for Deep Face Gender Transfer. |
ICCV2019 |
Switchable Whitening for Deep Representation Learning. |
ICCV2019 |
Self-Supervised Representation Learning From Multi-Domain Data. |
ICCV2019 |
ERL-Net: Entangled Representation Learning for Single Image De-Raining. |
ICCV2019 |
Adversarial Representation Learning for Text-to-Image Matching. |
ICCV2019 |
Scaling and Benchmarking Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning. |
ICCV2019 |
Symmetric Graph Convolutional Autoencoder for Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning. |
ICCV2019 |
Neural 3D Morphable Models: Spiral Convolutional Networks for 3D Shape Representation Learning and Generation. |
ICCV2019 |
Transferable Representation Learning in Vision-and-Language Navigation. |
ICCV2019 |
VideoBERT: A Joint Model for Video and Language Representation Learning. |
ICCV2019 |
On the Global Optima of Kernelized Adversarial Representation Learning. |
ICCV2019 |
Self-Supervised Representation Learning via Neighborhood-Relational Encoding. |
ICCV2019 |
Joint Syntax Representation Learning and Visual Cue Translation for Video Captioning. |
ACL2021 |
VoxPopuli: A Large-Scale Multilingual Speech Corpus for Representation Learning, Semi-Supervised Learning and Interpretation. |
ACL2021 |
Align Voting Behavior with Public Statements for Legislator Representation Learning. |
ACL2021 |
Lightweight Cross-Lingual Sentence Representation Learning. |
ACL2021 |
Bootstrapped Unsupervised Sentence Representation Learning. |
ACL2021 |
Semantic Relation-aware Difference Representation Learning for Change Captioning. |
ACL2021 |
Incorporating Global Information in Local Attention for Knowledge Representation Learning. |
ACL2021 |
An Evaluation of Disentangled Representation Learning for Texts. |
ACL2021 |
Language-Mediated, Object-Centric Representation Learning. |
ACL2021 |
Improving Event Causality Identification via Self-Supervised Representation Learning on External Causal Statement. |
ACL2021 |
Knowledge-Empowered Representation Learning for Chinese Medical Reading Comprehension: Task, Model and Resources. |
ACL2021 |
JointGT: Graph-Text Joint Representation Learning for Text Generation from Knowledge Graphs. |
ACL2021 |
Named Entity Recognition through Deep Representation Learning and Weak Supervision. |
ACL2021 |
Disentangled Code Representation Learning for Multiple Programming Languages. |
ACL2020 |
SPECTER: Document-level Representation Learning using Citation-informed Transformers. |
ACL2020 |
Bayesian Hierarchical Words Representation Learning. |
ACL2020 |
A Comprehensive Analysis of Preprocessing for Word Representation Learning in Affective Tasks. |
ACL2020 |
Representation Learning for Information Extraction from Form-like Documents. |
ACL2020 |
Improving Disentangled Text Representation Learning with Information-Theoretic Guidance. |
ACL2020 |
Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning at Scale. |
IJCAI2021 |
Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Constrained Spatiotemporal Jigsaw. |
IJCAI2021 |
Multi-Scale Contrastive Siamese Networks for Self-Supervised Graph Representation Learning. |
IJCAI2021 |
Time-Series Representation Learning via Temporal and Contextual Contrasting. |
IJCAI2021 |
Unsupervised Path Representation Learning with Curriculum Negative Sampling. |
IJCAI2021 |
TAXOGAN: Hierarchical Network Representation Learning via Taxonomy Guided Generative Adversarial Networks (Extended Abstract). |
IJCAI2021-mrc |
Explainable AI: a narrative review at the crossroad of Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Representation and Representation Learning. |
IJCAI2020 |
G2RL: Geometry-Guided Representation Learning for Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation. |
IJCAI2020 |
Joint Representation Learning of Legislator and Legislation for Roll Call Prediction. |
IJCAI2020 |
Communicative Representation Learning on Attributed Molecular Graphs. |
IJCAI2020 |
Unsupervised Representation Learning by Predicting Random Distances. |
IJCAI2020 |
TransRHS: A Representation Learning Method for Knowledge Graphs with Relation Hierarchical Structure. |
IJCAI2020 |
HID: Hierarchical Multiscale Representation Learning for Information Diffusion. |
IJCAI2020 |
Exploiting Mutual Information for Substructure-aware Graph Representation Learning. |
IJCAI2020 |
On the Importance of Word and Sentence Representation Learning in Implicit Discourse Relation Classification. |
IJCAI2020 |
Multi-View Joint Graph Representation Learning for Urban Region Embedding. |
IJCAI2020 |
Emoji-Powered Representation Learning for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification (Extended Abstract). |
IJCAI2020 |
Heterogeneous Network Representation Learning. |
IJCAI2020 |
A Survey on Representation Learning for User Modeling. |
IJCAI2020 |
Social Network Analysis using RLVECN: Representation Learning via Knowledge-Graph Embeddings and Convolutional Neural-Network. |
IJCAI2020 |
Generalized Representation Learning Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning. |
TPAMI2022 |
Pose-Guided Representation Learning for Person Re-Identification. |
TPAMI2021 |
Distributed Variational Representation Learning. |
TPAMI2021 |
Discriminative Video Representation Learning Using Support Vector Classifiers. |
TPAMI2021 |
Semi-Supervised Multi-View Deep Discriminant Representation Learning. |
TPAMI2021 |
Relationship-Embedded Representation Learning for Grounding Referring Expressions. |
TPAMI2021 |
Deep High-Resolution Representation Learning for Visual Recognition. |
TPAMI2021 |
Multi-View Representation Learning With Deep Gaussian Processes. |
IJCV2022 |
Physical Representation Learning and Parameter Identification from Video Using Differentiable Physics. |
IJCV2021 |
View Transfer on Human Skeleton Pose: Automatically Disentangle the View-Variant and View-Invariant Information for Pose Representation Learning. |
IJCV2021 |
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in the Wild via Disentangling Representation Learning. |
IJCV2021 |
Unsupervised Deep Representation Learning for Real-Time Tracking. |
IJCV2021 |
Context-Enhanced Representation Learning for Single Image Deraining. |
IJCV2020 |
Representation Learning on Unit Ball with 3D Roto-translational Equivariance. |
IJCV2020 |
Disentangled Representation Learning of Makeup Portraits in the Wild. |
IJCV2020 |
Tensorized Multi-view Subspace Representation Learning. |
JMLR2022 |
solo-learn: A Library of Self-supervised Methods for Visual Representation Learning. |
JMLR2020 |
Representation Learning for Dynamic Graphs: A Survey. |
TOIS2022 |
Hierarchical Hyperedge Embedding-Based Representation Learning for Group Recommendation. |
TOIS2022 |
Knowledge-Guided Disentangled Representation Learning for Recommender Systems. |
TOIS2022 |
Joint Representation Learning with Relation-Enhanced Topic Models for Intelligent Job Interview Assessment. |
TOIS2021 |
Multi-Response Awareness for Retrieval-Based Conversations: Respond with Diversity via Dynamic Representation Learning. |
TOIS2020 |
Fine-Grained Privacy Detection with Graph-Regularized Hierarchical Attentive Representation Learning. |
TKDE2022 |
Item Concept Network: Towards Concept-Based Item Representation Learning. |
TKDE2021 |
Spatiotemporal Representation Learning for Driving Behavior Analysis: A Joint Perspective of Peer and Temporal Dependencies. |
TKDE2021 |
Shifu2: A Network Representation Learning Based Model for Advisor-Advisee Relationship Mining. |
TKDE2021 |
A Comparative Study for Unsupervised Network Representation Learning. |
TKDE2020 |
Deep Inductive Graph Representation Learning. |
TKDE2020 |
Structural Representation Learning for User Alignment Across Social Networks. |
IEEE2021 |
Toward Causal Representation Learning. |