文本的特征可以使用TF或TF-IDF (可以使用sklearn库提取特征)设计合适的网络结构,选择合适的损失函数利用训练集完成网络训练,并在测试集上计算准确率。
1. 假定网络为单层感知机,且没有激活层,没有偏置,此时,网络输出为y=XW
4.计算网络输出y=XW,以及损失 L M S E = 1 / N ( X W − Y ) T ( X W − Y ) L_{MSE}=1/N(XW−Y)^T (XW−Y) LMSE=1/N(XW−Y)T(XW−Y)
5.求导可得 ∂ L M S E / ∂ W = 1 / N X T ( X W − Y ) ∂L_{MSE}/∂W=1/N X^T(XW−Y) ∂LMSE/∂W=1/NXT(XW−Y)
6.根据 W = W − η ∂ L M S E / ∂ W W=W−η∂L_{MSE}/∂W W=W−η∂LMSE/∂W更新参数W
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
train_set_path = 'train.txt'
test_set_path = 'test.txt'
---------------Basic Concept---------------
1. 单层感知机 (输入层+输出层), 输入层为每个文本的特征值、输出层经过sigmoid函数, 为各类的预测值
2. 输入、输出、权重三者的关系为: Y = XW, 其中,X是(train_size, feature_size)的矩阵, W是(feature_size, class_num)的矩阵
2.1. 需要注意的是, 由于输出经过了sigmoid函数, 因此值被限制在0~1之间, 而我们使用的标签是1~6的数, 所以要将它化成二进制码
3. 损失为L_MSE=1/N(XW−Y)^T(XW−Y) 对权重进行更新, 通过W = W - lr * ∂L_MSE/∂W, 其中∂L_MSE/∂W = 1/N X^T(XW−Y): [(feature_size, train_size) * (train_size, 6)]
3.1. 这里的Y是标签, 因为已经化成二进制值,所以每一个Yi是(1,6)的矩阵,如[0,0,0,1,0,0]表示标签4,
# hyper parameters
learning_rate = 0.6
num_epochs = 4000
num_classes = 6
batch_size = 100
epochs = []
accur_train = []
accur_test = []
# 激活函数
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def dsigmoid(x):
return x * (1 - x)
def data_process(path):
:param path: 数据集路径
:return: 文本、情感标签
words = []
data_set = []
emotion = []
with open(path, 'r') as F:
line = F.readlines()
for i in range(1, len(line)):
emo = (int)(line[i].split()[1]) # 情感标签
temp = line[i].split()[3:]
out = ' '.join(temp)
return words, emotion
def tf_idf_cal(text):
:param text: 待计算文本
:return: 特征名称和特征值矩阵
tf_idf_vec = TfidfVectorizer()
tf_idf_matrix = tf_idf_vec.fit_transform(text)
return tf_idf_vec.get_feature_names(), tf_idf_matrix.toarray()
words_train, emotion_train = data_process(train_set_path)
words_test, emotion_test = data_process(test_set_path)
train_feature_name, train_tf_idf = tf_idf_cal(words_train)
test_feature_name, test_tf_idf = tf_idf_cal(words_test)
# 处理训练集,将测试集特征在训练集中未出现过的特征值赋值为0
aligned_train_set = []
aligned_test_set = test_tf_idf
for k in range(len(train_tf_idf)):
temp = []
for i in range(len(test_feature_name)):
feature = test_feature_name[i]
if feature in train_feature_name:
idx = train_feature_name.index(feature)
---------------Basic Concept---------------
1. 单层感知机 (输入层+输出层), 输入层为每个文本的特征值、输出层经过sigmoid函数, 为各类的预测值
2. 输入、输出、权重三者的关系为: Y = XW, 其中,X是(train_size, feature_size)的矩阵, W是(feature_size, class_num)的矩阵
2.1. 需要注意的是, 由于输出经过了sigmoid函数, 因此值被限制在0~1之间, 而我们使用的标签是1~6的数, 所以要将它化成二进制码
3. 损失为L_MSE=1/N(XW−Y)^T (XW−Y): [(6,train_size) * (train_size, 6)] 对权重进行更新, 通过W = W - lr * ∂L_MSE/∂W, 其中∂L_MSE/∂W = 1/N X^T(XW−Y): [(feature_size, train_size) * (train_size, 6)]
3.1. 这里的Y是标签, 因为已经化成二进制值,所以每一个Yi是(1,6)的矩阵,如[0,0,0,1,0,0]表示标签4,
我们需要对Y进行扩展, 以便计算损失, 即将Y扩展成(train_size, 6)的矩阵,
def MSE(inputs, outputs, labels): # 这里的labels为(train_size, 6)的矩阵
:param inputs: 特征矩阵 (train_size, feature_size)
:param outputs: 网络输出 (train_size, num_class)
:param labels: 标签 (train_size, num_class)
:return: MES loss和它对W的偏导数
n = outputs.shape[0] # train_size
mse_loss = 0 # 所有样本的mse loss之和
loss_mat = (outputs - labels) ** 2 / n # 矩阵(train_size, train_size)
for loss in loss_mat:
mse_loss += loss.sum()
loss_partial_mat = np.dot(inputs.T, (outputs - labels)) / n # 矩阵(feature_size, num_class)
return mse_loss, loss_partial_mat
class Perceptron:
def __init__(self, in_size, out_size):
self.in_size = in_size
self.out_size = out_size
self.weights = np.random.randn(in_size, out_size) # 随机化权重矩阵
def forward(self, X):
out = np.dot(X, self.weights)
out = sigmoid(out) # sigmoid函数,输出值被限制到0和1之间
return out
# 转换成numpy数组
aligned_train_set = np.array(aligned_train_set)
aligned_test_set = np.array(aligned_test_set)
emotion_train = np.array(emotion_train)
emotion_test = np.array(emotion_test)
# 数值为1~6的情感标签转化成二进制
emotion_train_b = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(emotion_train)
emotion_test_b = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(emotion_test)
# 数据集参数
total_step = train_size = len(aligned_train_set)
test_size = len(aligned_test_set)
feature_size = len(aligned_train_set[0])
Train the perceptron and Predict the label each batch
perceptron = Perceptron(feature_size, num_classes)
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
out = perceptron.forward(aligned_train_set)
out_test = perceptron.forward(aligned_test_set)
mse_loss, loss_partial_mat = MSE(aligned_train_set, out, emotion_train_b)
perceptron.weights = perceptron.weights - learning_rate * loss_partial_mat
if epoch % batch_size == 0:
pre_label = []
for i in range(out.shape[0]):
pre_label.append(np.argmax(out[i]) + 1)
accuracy = np.mean(np.equal(pre_label, emotion_train))
print('Train_Set: Epoch [{}/{}], Loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}'.format(epoch + 1, num_epochs, mse_loss,
100 * accuracy))
accur_train.append(100 * accuracy)
pre_label = []
for i in range(out_test.shape[0]):
pre_label.append(np.argmax(out_test[i]) + 1)
accuracy = np.mean(np.equal(pre_label, emotion_test))
print('Test_Set: Epoch [{}/{}], Loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}'.format(epoch + 1, num_epochs, mse_loss,
100 * accuracy))
accur_test.append(100 * accuracy)
plt.ylim((0, 100))
plt.plot(epochs, accur_train, marker='o')
plt.plot(epochs, accur_test, marker='*')
plt.legend(['Train', 'test'])
(1) Epoch 500
(2) Epoch 2000
(3) Epoch 4000