Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction

Author: ZhuoFei, Zhou

Date: 2020/10/5



Novel Coronavirus 2019, on 12 January 2020, WHO officially named it 2019-NCOV. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses known to cause colds and more serious illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Novel Coronavirus is a novel coronavirus strain that has never been found in humans before. More information is available.百度百科


Data from COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins

  • time series covid19 confirmed global.csv.(github link).

  • time series covid19 deaths global.csv.(github link)

  • time serise covid19 recoverd global.csv(github link)

  • cases contry.csv.(github link)

  • cases time.csv. (github link)

download here:

  • “time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv”
  • “time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv”
  • “time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv”
  • “cases_country.csv”
  • “cases_time.csv”

import some julia packages.

using DataFrames
using CSV
using DelimitedFiles
using BenchmarkTools
using Queryverse
using Dates
using Plots

using Flux
using Flux: @epochs
using IterTools: ncycle 
using Parameters: @with_kw


read Global data, and Data-operate

#read data:
dt, Header = readdlm("time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv", ',', header=true)
dt_deaths, Header_deaths = readdlm("time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv", ',', header=true)
dt_recover,Header_recov = readdlm("time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv",',',header=true)

creat a new dataframe to store data

confirmed_num = []
deaths_num = []
recovered_num = []
for i in 5:259
	push!(confirmed_num, sum(dt[:, i]))
	push!(deaths_num, sum(dt_deaths[:, i]))
	push!(recovered_num, sum(dt_recover[:,i]))
dates = Date(2020, 1, 22):Day(1):Date(2020, 10, 2)
Global_num = DataFrame(Date=dates, confirmed_num=confirmed_num, deaths_num=deaths_num, recovered_num=recovered_num)

n, = size(confirmed_num)
new_confirmed = []
new_death = []
new_recovered = []
death_rate = deaths_num ./ confirmed_num
recover_rate = recovered_num ./ confirmed_num
for i in 2:n
	push!(new_confirmed, confirmed_num[i]-confirmed_num[i-1])
	push!(new_death, deaths_num[i] - deaths_num[i-1])
	push!(new_recovered, recovered_num[i]-recovered_num[i-1])
Global_num.death_rate = death_rate
Global_num.recover_rate = recover_rate
Date comfirmed_num deaths_num recovered_num death_rate recover_rate
2020-01-22 555 17 28 0.0306306 0.0504505
2020-01-23 654 18 30 0.0275229 0.0458716
2020-01-24 941 26 36 0.0276302 0.0382572
2020-01-25 1434 42 39 0.0292887 0.0271967
2020-01-26 2118 56 52 0.02644 0.0245515
2020-01-27 2927 82 61 0.028015 0.0208405


Then I plot the number of confirmed cases and deaths cases over time.
As we can see, the number of confirmed cases continues to increase exponentially. But the number of deaths cases seems to increase linearly.

p1 = plot(dates, confirmed_num, 
	legend=:none, ylabel="Numbers", xlabel="Date", 
	title="Global comfirmed numbers", size=(900,600))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第1张图片

p2 = plot(dates, deaths_num, 
    legend=:none, linecolor=:red, ylabel="Numbers", xlabel="Date", 
    title="Global Deaths numbers", 

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第2张图片

p_re = plot(dates, recovered_num, 
    legend=:none, linecolor=:green, ylabel="Numbers", xlabel="Date", 
    title="Global recovered numbers", 
    size=(900, 600))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第3张图片

p3 = plot(dates, [confirmed_num deaths_num recovered_num], 
    label=["Confirmed" "Deaths" "recovered"], legend=:topleft)
l = @layout([a [b;c;d]])
plot(p3, p1, p2, p_re, 
    layout=l,xticks = [Date(2020, 1, 22), Date(2020,10,2)],size=(900,600), 
    ylabel="Numbers", xlabel="Date", titlefontsize=10, xaxis=(font(8)))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第4张图片
Here show the new case

p5 = plot(Date(2020, 1, 23):Day(1):Date(2020, 10, 2),new_confirmed, 
    legend=:topleft, label="new case", 
    xlabel="Date", ylabel="Numbers", title="new cases every day", size=(900, 600))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第5张图片
New death case

p6 = plot(Date(2020,1,23):Day(1):Date(2020,10,2), new_death, shape=:circle,
    linecolor=:red, legend=:topleft, 
    label="new death", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Numbers", title="New death every day", size=(900, 600))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第6张图片
New recovered

p7 = plot(Date(2020,1,23):Day(1):Date(2020,10,2), new_recovered, shape=:circle,
    linecolor=:green, legend=:topleft, 
    label="new recovered", xlabel="Date", ylabel="Numbers", title="New recoverd every day", size=(900, 600))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第7张图片

Max death rate:

Global_num[Global_num.death_rate .== maximum(Global_num.death_rate), :]
Date comfirmed_num deaths_num recovered_num death_rate recover_rate
2020-04-29 3190735 230657 948318 0.0722896 0.29721
plot(Date(2020, 1, 22):Day(1):Date(2020, 10, 2),death_rate,
    linecolor=:red, title="Death rate", xlabel="date", ylabel="Numbers", legend=:none, ylims=(0,0.08), size=(900, 600))
plot!([Date(2020,1,22),Date(2020,4,29),Date(2020,4,29)], [maximum(Global_num.death_rate),maximum(Global_num.death_rate), 0], 
    line=:dot, linecolor=:black, annotations=[(Date(2020,4,29), 0.075, text("max death rate: 0.0723", 10))])

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第8张图片

recover and death

plot(Date(2020, 1, 22):Day(1):Date(2020, 10, 2),[death_rate recover_rate],
    xlabel="date", ylabel="Numbers", legend=:outerright, linecolor=[:red :green], 
    title="death rate and recover rate", label=["death" "recover"], size=(900, 600))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第9张图片
the maximum death rate in 2020-4-29

So, the new confirmed cases continues to rise, the death rate is already falling.


Global Trend
It is useful to understand the global trend of an increase in the number of cases over time. There is always a pattern in any data, but the concern is how strongly data follows a pattern. COVID-19 spreads exponentially.

i think of some ways to estimate the curve:

  • Numerical Analysis
  • linear regression, after transmission
  • Neural Network
    So, we focus on comfirmed case:

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第10张图片
when I use y ′ = y y' = \sqrt{y} y=y to transition. maybe will get a linea function.

x = 0:n-1
y = Global_num.confirmed_num
y₁ = sqrt.(y)
X = [x ones(n)]
β = inv(X'*X)*X'*y₁
ŷ = (X*β).^2
plot(dates,Global_num.confirmed_num, label="real", size=(900, 600))
plot!(dates, ŷ, label="predict")

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第11张图片
using Neural network to fit the curve.

#Leak relu
Lelu(x, α=100) = (x ≥ 0 ? x : x/α)
#preper data
train_data = Flux.Data.DataLoader((Array(x), Float64.(y)), batchsize=1)

#define model,
m = Chain(
    Dense(40, 40, Lelu),
    Dense(40, 40, Lelu),
#define loss function
loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(m(x), y)
ps = Flux.params(m)
Flux.train!(loss, ps, ncycle(train_data, 1000), opt)
flux_y = []
for i in Array(x)
    push!(flux_y, Array(m([i]))[1])
flux_y = Float64.(flux_y);
# ncycle(train_data, Args().repeat)

plot(dates, [flux_y Float64.(y)], label=["predict" "real"], xlabel="date", ylabel="Numbers", size=(900, 600))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第12张图片
show all code:

using Flux, Statistics
using Flux.Data: DataLoader
using Flux: throttle
using Parameters: @with_kw
using DelimitedFiles
using IterTools: ncycle
using Dates
using DataFrames
using CSV
using Plots

@with_kw mutable struct Args
    η::Float64 = 0.001
    batchsize::Int = 1
    epochs::Int = 1000
#read data:
dt, Header = readdlm("time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv", ',', header=true)
dt_deaths, Header_deaths = readdlm("time_series_covid19_deaths_global.csv", ',', header=true)
dt_recover,Header_recov = readdlm("time_series_covid19_recovered_global.csv",',',header=true)

#create a new datafram to store datum
confirmed_num = []
deaths_num = []
recovered_num = []
for i in 5:259
    push!(confirmed_num, sum(dt[:, i]))
    push!(deaths_num, sum(dt_deaths[:, i]))
    push!(recovered_num, sum(dt_recover[:,i]))
dates = Date(2020, 1, 22):Day(1):Date(2020, 10, 2)
Global_num = DataFrame(Date=dates, 

#read train_data
n, = size(confirmed_num)
x = 0:n-1
y = Global_num.confirmed_num
args = Args()
train_data = DataLoader((Array(x), Float64.(y)), batchsize=args.batchsize)

# define leaky relu
Lelu(x, α=100) = (x ≥ 0 ? x : x/α)

#define Model
m = Chain(
    Dense(1, 40, Lelu),
    Dense(40, 40, Lelu),
    Dense(40, 40, Lelu),
    Dense(40, 1, Lelu)

#define loss function
loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(m(x), y)

#define parameters
ps = Flux.params(m)

#define Opt
opt = ADAM(args.η)

#train model
Flux.train!(loss, ps, ncycle(train_data, args.epochs), opt)

flux_y = []
for i in Array(x)
    push!(flux_y, Array(m([i]))[1])
flux_y = Float64.(flux_y)
plot(dates, [flux_y Float64.(y)], 
    label=["predict" "real"], xlabel="date", ylabel="Numbers", size=(900, 600))

write a function to predict the curve:

#write a function
function predict_curve(x, y, η::Float64=0.001, epochs::Int=1000, batchsize::Int=1)
    dates = Date(2020, 1, 22):Day(1):Date(2020, 10, 2)
    train_data = Flux.Data.DataLoader((x, y), batchsize=batchsize)
    Lelu(x, α=100) = (x ≥ 0 ? x : x/α)
    m = Chain(
    Dense(1, 40, Lelu),
    Dense(40, 40, Lelu),
    Dense(40, 40, Lelu),
    Dense(40, 1, Lelu))
    loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(m(x), y)
    ps = Flux.params(m)
    opt = ADAM(η)
    Flux.train!(loss, ps, ncycle(train_data, epochs), opt)
    flux_y = []
    for i in Array(x)
        push!(flux_y, Array(m([i]))[1])
    plot(dates, [Float64.(flux_y) Float64.(y)],label=["predict" "real"], xlabel="date", ylabel="Numbers", size=(900, 600), legend=:topleft)
predict_curve(Array(0:254), Float64.(Global_num.deaths_num))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第13张图片

predict_curve(Array(0:254), Float64.(Global_num.recovered_num))

Covid19, Analysis, Visualization, Prediction_第14张图片
