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Animations + Electronics = Animatronics


As a child, I was always fond of movies that had robots in them. Especially the ones who were dressed like humans. I kept wondering what’d happen if we could use Animatronics to build animated objects and give them powers with Artificial intelligence to think and act like a human or an animal, wouldn’t that be so cool?

小时候,我总是很喜欢里面有机器人的电影。 尤其是那些像人类一样打扮的人。 我一直在想,如果我们可以使用Ananitronics来制作动画对象,并赋予它们人工智能功能,使其像人或动物一样思考和行动,那会不会很酷?

In this article, I am going to give an overview of Animatronics and discuss its collaboration with Artificial Intelligence to make the robots look better and provide a good user experience.


Visionary Effects 视觉效果认识动画

什么是Animatronics? (What is Animatronics?)

Animatronics is a hybrid of animation and electronics. It can be pre-customized (programming) or remotely controlled. The animations may perform developments, or they might be inconceivably adaptable. It is the utilization of link pulled gadgets or actuators to quicken a reproduction of a human or a creature or carry similar attributes, in any case, lifeless thing.

动画电子产品是动画和电子产品的混合体。 它可以预先定制(编程)或远程控制。 动画可能执行开发,或者可能难以想象地适应。 它是利用链接拉动的小工具或执行器来加快人类或生物的繁殖,或者具有类似的属性,无论如何都是无生命的东西。

The concept was first developed for Disney Studios, used in 1954 films.


I know that’s a lot to take in. So in simple words, an Animatronic is an automated manikin that exhibits human or animal-like characteristics. Some of the features include walking on legs, eye movements, and crawling like a snake. Certain actions and features are developed using servo motors (to control the motion, angular position).

我知道要接受很多东西。因此,简而言之,Animatronic是一种自动人体模型,具有人类或动物的特征。 其中一些功能包括走路,眼睛运动和像蛇一样爬行。 使用伺服电机(控制运动,角位置)可以开发某些动作和功能。

Photo by Eric Kurll from Unsplash 图片来自 Unsplash的 Eric Kurll

Animatronic actions incorporate creatures (counting dinosaurs), plants, and even legendary animals. A robot designed to be a convincing imitation of a human is more specifically labeled as an android.

动画动作包含了生物(算上恐龙),植物,甚至是传奇动物。 被设计为具有说服力的模仿人类的机器人被更具体地标记为机器人。

It is a multi-disciplinary field that incorporates life systems, robots, mechatronics, and puppetry bringing about the exact activity. They are covered with body shells and versatile skins made of hard and sensitive plastic materials and finished with subtleties like tones, hair and plumes, and various parts to make the figure progressively sensible and real looking.

这是一个多学科的领域,它结合了生命系统,机器人,机电一体化和木偶,从而带来了确切的活动。 它们覆盖有车身外壳和由坚硬且敏感的塑料材料制成的多用途皮肤,并以诸如色调,头发和羽毛等微妙之处以及各个部分来完成,从而使人物逐渐变得明智和真实。

Development and Designing of Animatronics ( Designed using Canva) 动画电子产品的开发和设计(使用Canva设计)

But many of its applications are restricted to the field of entertainment. When integrated with Artificial Intelligence, the concept can be used in health, education, and military industries.

但是它的许多应用仅限于娱乐领域。 与人工智能集成后,该概念可用于医疗,教育和军事行业。

There is a good amount of work going on in this field but many don’t know much about Animatronics. Let’s walk through a few applications or industries that can make a good partner with Animatronics.

该领域有大量工作要做,但许多人对Animatronics知之甚少。 让我们逐步介绍一些可以与Animatronics建立良好合作伙伴的应用程序或行业。

与AI整合 (Integration With AI)

Animatronics alongside Artificial Intelligence can solve numerous problems. The mix of animatronics with man-made mental ability brings about androids, as is commonly known about robots that impersonate human actions. We have all the equipment we need, picking the appearance from animatronics and the thinking ability just as live creatures, from Artificial Intelligence.

人工智能与人工智能可以解决许多问题。 动画与人为的智力相结合会产生机器人,这是模仿人的行为的机器人所众所周知的。 我们拥有所需的所有设备,从人造电子学中挑选出外观,并从人工智能中挑选出具有生命力的思维能力。

Maximalfocus Maximalfocus from 来自 Unsplash Unsplash

We are acculturating robots. We have a method equipped for giving the appearance and conduct of living creatures to machines. We are humanizing’ robots.

我们正在培养机器人。 我们提供了一种方法来为机器提供生物的外观和行为。 我们正在人性化的机器人。

The Disney association will use animatronics and man-caused thinking to establish one of their characters, in reality: Pascal, one of the characters in the film Tangled.

迪斯尼协会将使用动画和人为思维来建立他们的角色之一,实际上是Pascal,这是电影《 魔发奇缘》中的角色之一。

安基·科兹莫(Anki Cozmo) (Anki Cozmo)

Cozmo is a gifted little individual with his special mind. He’ll push you to play and keep you consistently shocked. He’s an authentic robot like you’ve recently found in films, with a one of a kind character that progresses the more you hang out.

Cozmo是一个有天赋的小人物,有着特殊的头脑。 他会推动您演奏,并让您始终感到震惊。 他是一个真正的机器人,就像您最近在电影中发现的那样,他是一个善良的角色,随着您的聚会时间的延长,这种角色会不断进步。

Anki) Anki )

Cozmo is your partner in a crazy proportion of fun. His abilities include facial recognition, object detection, interaction with the environment and aptitudes develop constantly with the visit application invigorates, to give better ways to deal with learning and play.

在疯狂的乐趣中,Cozmo是您的伴侣。 他的能力包括面部识别,物体检测,与环境的交互以及随着访问应用程序的不断发展而不断发展的才能,从而提供了更好的学习和娱乐方式。

Digital Dream Labs Digital Dream Labs的视频

This famous robot is used in helping kids to start intriguingly learning complex things.


SPOT —波士顿动力 (SPOT — Boston Dynamics)

Boston Dynamics is an American structure and apply the self-governance arrangement association set up in 1992 as a side task from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is an asserted reinforcement of the Japanese mix SoftBank Group.

波士顿动力公司是美国的一家机构,采用麻省理工学院于1992年成立的自治安排协会。 据称是日本混合软银集团的加强。

It is a world head in versatile robots, taking care of without a doubt the hardest mechanical self-rule difficulties. Boston Dynamics has a remarkable and rapidly creating particular gathering of planners and specialists who reliably get advanced demonstrative derivation together with serious structuring.

它是多功能机器人的领导者,毫无疑问地解决了最棘手的机械自治难题。 波士顿动力(Boston Dynamics)具有出色且Swift创建的计划人员和专家的特别聚会,他们可靠地获得了先进的演示推导以及认真的结构设计。

Boston Dynamics 波士顿动力

SPOT, the mobile robot designed for sensing, inspection, and remote operation. Boston Dynamics has declared the introduction of deals for Spot, the nimble robot that climbs steps and crosses harsh territory easily. The launch denotes the first occasion when that organization can buy a Boston Dynamics robot and represents Boston Dynamics’ first online deals offering.

SPOT, 设计用于感测,检查和远程操作的移动机器人。 波士顿动力已经宣布为Spot引入交易,Spot是一种敏捷的机器人,可以轻松爬上台阶并穿越崎harsh的区域。 此次发布标志着该组织首次购买波士顿动力公司的机器人,并代表了波士顿动力公司的首批在线交易产品。

Imagine how cool it could be with proper appearance, just like a real animal.


劳斯莱斯(Rolls Royce)-Bug&Snake ROBOT (Rolls Royce — Bugs & Snake ROBOT)

Have you ever imagined what would happen if you had powers or abilities of some animals?


We do have superheroes who have and use the abilities of some animals or insects like Spiderman & Antman.


cottonbro in Cottonbro在 Pexels Pexels中的照片

Imagine the combined abilities of a system which consists of a small bug or roach like element which can go into places (where a human cannot) with the help of a snake-like a bot to use its crawling nature. It might sound like I’m talking about a movie with snake and roach as our heroes. But the same system was proposed by Rolls — Royce to fix plane engines.

想象一下由一个小虫子或类似蟑螂的元素组成的系统的综合能力,这些元素可以在像蛇一样的机器人的帮助下进入某些地方(人类无法进入的地方)来利用其爬行性质。 听起来好像我在说一部以蛇和蟑螂为英雄的电影。 但是劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)提出了相同的系统来修复飞机发动机。

In an association with Harvard University and the University of Nottingham, Rolls-Royce is endeavoring to develop 10mm littler than expected, communitarian robots called SWARM that will have the choice to provide for the human director a live video feed of an engine inside by methods for little cameras.


Rolls-Royce 劳斯莱斯影片

For SWARM to get to the engines, these little bots will get a ride with FLARE — two or three endoscopic, snake-like robots that can slither inside the specialties and corners of a tremendous piece of device and store SWARM at the examination point. The association similarly has plans for FLARE to do inside fix fixes.

对于SWARM来说,这些小机器人可以乘坐FLARE进行骑行-两个或三个内窥镜,蛇状机器人可以在巨大设备的特殊部位和角落内滑行,并将SWARM存储在检查点。 该协会同样有计划让FLARE进行内部修复。

The usage of the abilities of live creatures started a long back, in film industries through Animatronics.


鹰航无人机 (Garuda Drone)

Garuda Drone ( Source — ROBIRD) 鹰航无人机(来源— ROBIRD )

A popular Indian military action film, Uri: The Surgical Strike, was released on January 11th, 2019. In the film, the military uses it for spying purposes. It is a productive, electric-controlled, unmanned aeronautical insight gathering framework for use in Intelligence, Surveillance, Target tracking & acquisition.

印度最受欢迎的军事动作片《 乌里:外科手术 》( Uri:The Surgical Strike )于2019年1月11日发行。影片中,军方将其用于间谍目的。 它是一种高效的,电控的,无人驾驶的航空情报收集框架,可用于情报,监视,目标跟踪和获取。

Animatronics — “Things that act alive but aren’t.”


Thanks to Saadia Hassan for proofreading and suggestions.

感谢Saadia Hassan的校对和建议。

结论 (Conclusion)

We have seen some of the innovations which resemble the cause for what animatronics are developed for. When collaborated with Artificial Intelligence, this may solve numerous problems and make the world much modern and confusing to live in. The day when we start having real conversations with animals doesn’t seem very far.

我们已经看到了一些类似于动画电子学发展原因的创新。 当与人工智能合作时,这可能会解决许多问题,并使世界变得更加现代和令人困惑。生活开始与动物进行真实对话的日子似乎并不遥远。

I’ll be happy to hear suggestions if you have any. I will come back with another intriguing topic very soon. Till then, Stay Home, Stay Safe, and keep exploring!

如果您有任何建议,我将很高兴听到。 我很快会再提出另一个有趣的话题。 到那时,待在家里,保持安全并继续探索!

If you would like to get in touch, connect with me on LinkedIn.

如果您想取得联系,请通过 LinkedIn 与我联系


