#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MaxSize 20 typedef struct { int elem[MaxSize]; int length; }SqList; void initList(SqList* &L) { L = (SqList *)malloc(sizeof(SqList)); L->length = 0; } void Destory(SqList* &L) { free(L); } int ListEmpty(SqList *L) { return (L->length==0); } int ListLength(SqList *L) { return L->length; } void DispList(SqList *L) { int i=0; if(ListEmpty(L)) return; for(;i<L->length;i++) { printf("%d ",L->elem[i]); } printf("\n"); } int GetElem(SqList *L, int i, int &e) { if(i<1 && i>L->length) return 0; e = L->elem[i-1]; return 1; } int LocateElem(SqList *L, int e) //是为了寻找第一个值域与e相等的元素的次序,所以要加1 { int i = 0; while(i<L->length && L->elem[i]!= e) i++; if(i>= L->length) return 0; else return i+1; } int inserList(SqList* &L,int i, int e) { int j; if(i<1 && i>L->length +1) return 0; i--; //将顺序表位序转换为elem下标 for (j=L->length;j>i;j--) { L->elem[j] = L->elem[j-1]; } L->elem[i] = e; L->length++; return 1; }
#include <stdio.h> #include "LinearList.h" void Union(SqList *LA, SqList *LB, SqList *&LC) { int lena,lenb; int e; initList(LC); for(int i=1;i<=ListLength(LA);i++) { GetElem(LA,i,e); //printf("e = %d\n",e); inserList(LC,i,e); } lena = ListLength(LA); lenb = ListLength(LB); printf("lena = %d lenb = %d\n",lena,lenb); for(int j=1;j<=lenb;j++) { GetElem(LB,j,e); // printf("e = %d\n",e); // printf("LocateElem = %d\n",LocateElem(LA,e)); if(!LocateElem(LA,e)) inserList(LC,++lena,e); } } int main(void) { SqList *LA,*LB,*LC; initList(LA); initList(LB); printf("please input the length of LA : \n"); scanf("%d",&LA->length); printf("please input the LA set : \n"); for(int i=0;i<LA->length;i++) scanf("%d",&LA->elem[i]); printf("please input the length of LB : \n"); scanf("%d",&LB->length); printf("please input the LB set : \n"); for(int j=0;j<LB->length;j++) scanf("%d",&LB->elem[j]); Union(LA,LB,LC); printf("LC length = %d\n",ListLength(LC)); DispList(LC); return 0; }