提交应用到App Store遇到Missing Screenshot问题的解决方法

今天在提交应用的时候遇到了一个新问题:二进制文件已经Archive、Validate、Distribute,Itunes Connect上却显示Missing Screenshot。经查看,在Itunes Connect上3.5-Inch Retina Display Screenshots中也上传了应用截图,后来,经查看iTunes Connect Developer Guide以及开发者邮件,得知问题所在。


iTunes Connect Developer Guide中有这么一段话:


If your binary indicates that your app will run on the 4-inch Retina display, you are required to upload at least one of these screenshots.

Up to four additional optional screenshots can be uploaded. All subsequent screenshots will appear in numbered order on the App Store, in the same order in which they were uploaded in iTunes Connect. Only Newsstand apps can reorder their screenshots after they have been uploaded.

For best results, do not include the iPhone status bar in your screenshots, and follow these requirements:

640 x 1096 pixels for portrait (without status bar) minimum

640 x 1136 pixels for portrait (full screen) maximum

1136 x 600 pixels for landscape (without status bar) minimum

1136 x 640 pixels for landscape (full screen) minimum

72 ppi, RGB, flattened, no transparency

High-quality JPEG, TIFF or PNG image file format. ZIP-compressed TIFF files are not acceptable.




If you deliver a new app binary that takes advantage of the new screen size for iPhone 5 or iPod touch (5th generation) without screenshots in the new dimensions, the status of your app will change to Missing Screenshot. Your app will not be reviewed until you upload screenshots with the correct dimensions. You will also need to upload screenshots for any added localizations you have set up on iTunes Connect.


那么,iTunes Connect是如何判断是否需要上传iPhone 5的应用截图的呢?


The only thing that indicates whether or not your app supports the 4-inch screen is whether you have a "[email protected]" file or not. If you haven't added that, your app won't natively support the 4-inch screen (which is fine!) and you don't need to change any other settings or provide other screenshots. 


如果你的应用不兼容iPhone 5的话,那么可以果断删除[email protected]这个图片,然后重新上传即可。

如果你的应用兼容iPhone 5的话,那么[email protected]这个图片就不能删了,有了这个图片就必须提供至少一张iPhone 5的应用截图了,否则就会出现Missing Screenshot的错误,所以在4-Inch Retina Display Screenshots中上传一下iPhone 5的应用截图即可。
